Contact FPL Customer Service

Contacting FPL Customer Service Center

FPL, or Florida Power and Light, provides electric service to more than four million Florida residents. It is also one of the largest employers in the state, employing more than 10,000 people. FPL is dedicated to producing clean energy and supporting the environment. Customers seeking information about their account can register for online account access or log in to their online account from the front page of the website.

to leave a comment about your customer service experience.

Contact Info:

Phone Contact Numbers

The Customer Care department of FPL is open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday and 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. There is no one in the Customer Care center on Sunday unless there is an emergency. There are customer care centers offering FPL customer service located throughout Florida.

Mailing Address

There is no address listed for customers who want to send a letter to FPL customer service. We found the address for the corporate office, so customers can choose to contact the corporation in lieu of customer service. Include contact information and your account number, but no personal information like checking account, bank account or credit card information.

FPL Group, Inc Corporate Office
700 Universe Blvd.
Juno Beach, FL 33408

Official Website

The official website for FPL is From the main page you can choose to manage your account, register a new account, learn about FPL and environmental causes or contact customer service. Click the contact us link at the top of the page for detailed contact information for FPL customer service.

Customer Service Email

If you wish to contact FPL about your bill, customer service or for any other reason, you can use the contact form on the official website. The contact form asks you for some personal information like your name, address and email address. You’ll also want to include your FPL account number if the contact in about your account. We weren’t exactly thrilled with the fact that communication could not be made without revealing our address, but we attempted to contact customer service about a dedicated email address for customers who don’t have access to the official website.

Our Experience

The FPL customer service experience is a bit different because there are numbers for several individual cities.  We pressed 0 five times before we were transferred to a customer service representative. We were told that our entire call would be recorded for customer service purposes. Mike answered the call in just less than two minutes. We asked if he could answer a question about our account if we did not live in the Boca/Delray area and he chuckled and said he could. We asked for a customer service email address and we were told that one did not exist.

Tell us your FPL experience.

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425 Comments on “Contact FPL Customer Service
  1. Ca lled to sign up for email promo. Wsas put on hold and the representative never returned to my phone call!!!

  2. I and my neighbors contacted customer service about trees into our lines. a rep came out and said they would take care of it. when people came they said the power had to be shut off. they also told the people behind us the same thing. it has been sparking and burning but they dont do the job because its too dangerous. shoud i contact help me howard to get something done?whats wrong with youre supervisors?

    • We are a church with FPL supply lines running behind our property. The lines are overgrown with branches and a utility pole holding transformers is decaying at its base. January we have reported both and there has been no attempt to resolve either and we are now in the midst of the hurricane season. The pole they claim belong to AT&T. Their reps came and did nothing and FPL does not think it prudent to follow up AT&T although their equipment are at risk and their customers property at risk.
      Some 31/2 years ago we had a fire in the building because of the over trees effect on the line coming to our building and FPL did not accept liability and I am sure they are going to react the same way if a similar event should take place. We need help NOW!!!

  3. Most unprofessional company I believe I’ve ever had to deal with. SO relieved I am with JEA now. I encountered problems with FPL from the moment service began. Never received a confirmation email to set up an account online so I could set up Auto Bill Pay and get fee waived. Called to get the email resent and they said it could not be resent, so in order to get the $300 start up fee waived, had to mail a voided check. After that finally got set up, ended up having issues getting my second bill paid, and had 2 bank overdraft charges when they attempted to withdraw the money. So, they then decided to freeze my Auto Bill Pay. I then attempted to use my touch tone phone to make the payment. That did not work, because the automated system kept picking up on extra numbers that I did not type when I was trying to give them my banking info. Called and finally spoke with a REAL person/representative who told me they could start back up my Auto Bill Pay, but I would still need to manually pay the remaining balance, for Auto Bill Pay would not go into effect until the NEXT meter reading. Of course, I believed her, so the next day I went to an authorized FPL dealer location that accepted payments, and wrote them out a personal check for the amount I owed. One day after I did this, without my knowledge, they withdrew the balance I owed before, which in turn, caused the check I wrote out to them to bounce. I ended up having 2 more bank overdraft charges, $64.00. I spent countless hours over the phone explaining the situation, to the point of tears, trying to get them to realize it was THEIR fault. I had to send my bank statement and the letters from my bank showing the charges so that they then could begin an investigation on the conversation I had with their representative to determine whether she provided me with the false instructions. They did contact me and say that it was their mistake, and I would be refunded the $64.00 charges. It has been over a month, and GUESS WHAT. No refund. No contacting me. You guys need to learn how to do your job. You have caused me so much unnecessary stress and taken up so much of my time. I dont have time for that. I have a 2 year old, work full time as a SERVER, so I’m not a financially stable individual. Thanks for nothing but headaches and a drained bank account.

    • They did the same thing to me ,,,,,,said they sent bills,,,,I never got them,,,so they shut me off,,,,,,then said they needed Eight hundred dollars to turn back on,,,,but that money now is nowhere to found,,,,,,do deposit is found anywhere ,,,how funny. I tried to get my deposit back and they have no clue where that is now…..they have the monopoly,,,,

  4. I want to talk to a person on a telephone. My questions can not be asked or answered with a survey.
    Please contact me, with a real

    • i have to talk to an actual person on the phone to find out where my money is. i have sent the money through the mail and yet my power got shut off. im not sending anymore money unless i find out where my money is. this is unacceptable. i need to physically talk to someone asap.

  5. How do we get electric put back on home that has 2 parents on oxegen and five children.

    Randy and Vada Dickinson
    3732 Easy St
    Port Charlotte, FL 33952 (941) 268-8513
    Family rents this home and gave owner $1,000.00 for electric, but owner of home said the home is being foreclosed and apparently kept money that should have gone to electric bill.

    Please see if there is anything that could be done for this family.

  6. why charge us a fee to pay our bill on line? this is the peek of insanity. How many other ways are consumers going to hold the messy end of the stick.? Where you ever hear that if a person decide to make a payment online it should cost more than postage? Will consumers ever win? your guess is as good as mine.

  7. Who the HELL doesn’t take VISA? What if I don’t have “pinless” card? I can’t pay through anything but actual bank accounts online. What if I don’t have checks? WHO EVEN HAS CHECKS ANYMORE! I wish I lived somewhere else. This company is ridiculous. Pinless credit cards, WTF. So I’m screwed if I have an emergency or have to change something short notice. God.

  8. I am not to happy with your company.. you have no email contact what so ever… “I have sent you two letters in regards to sending your company money in error. my bill had been paid and I would like an explanation of your tardiness for the past two years of no refund?.. please advise.. Michele

  9. I tried for 30 mins. to weasel my was through your “AUTOMATED PHONE SYSTEM” and I must say it totally sucks! Disconnected twice, could not get a rep to pick up; after 30 mins of not being able to talk with someone I gave up. Should you have the professional desire to truly act as a “Customer Service Department” you may call me at 941-737-8451. Be interesting to see if I get a call…..

  10. FPL has provided electric service to my Boynton Beach home for the past 40 years. Recently I’ve had occasion to call to report a power outage and would like to send a letter of thanks for the prompt service they provided. Would appreciate an address and the name of a person to whom this letter should be addressed.

  11. Vegetation in back yard died after a FPL subcontractor worked on line behind the house in Oct.. The dead bushes, one tree and earth boxes were in a cone pattern from a pole that had vines growing on it. We contacted FPL and Rob came out to look. He then asked the tree service company to look into the issue. They came over a month later and siad they could see no evidence of a chemical spill; they werent’ allowed to use but one oil based chemical and that they usually cut vines. Since they arrived to check on the problem over 3 months after the problem began and there were days and days of rain and wind in the meantime, it made it easy to say it wasn’t their mistake. They refused to answer if they found cut vines. Rob no longer will return a call and since there is no way to contact customer service (how convenient) ….
    I really wasn’t expecting FPL to do much except maybe remove the dead palm, but mainly wanted them to know about their subcontracter and little respect there is for their customer. Guess they don’t care either.

  12. i need to contact you in regards to your company, which is by all standards, absolutely horrible when it comes to paying your bill, im trying to give you money, but having a hard time i doing so. , and i will not quit until i get someone with high authority to answer me. this is the email i wrote, but no answer, this company is horrible, absolutely horrible ! OHH MY GOD !

    • Yes !! I run across that fairly often now !! We are trying to give companies $$ and they make it as hard as Hell to do it !! ??
      and then want to charge us from $5.00 to $15.00 for having an employee assisted payment ? !!


  14. This company SUCKS ! They are the only company that in MY AREA of Florida, they know this and treat people with disrespect knowing that we are trapped and have no other choice but put up with their horrible attitude. I was told that they are not allowed to give out corporate address out to anyone!!!!! What the ….. Is that even legal ??? I wish they would go out of business bunch of low life’s.

  15. You are the worst utility company in the USA.
    i require & demand a detailed explanation, via email & snail mail as to why there was a power outage in my area 6/2. it made me late for work & I must provide this explanation to my employer.
    you people are a poor excuse for a buisness. you call fema during an emergency instead of attempting to take care of it yourself.
    shame on yuo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. My customer service experience has been about the same as all of you. I have been a customer for around 29 years so far. While the 07-08 crash was in its full swing, these bozo’s demanded a deposit of $350.00!! I had always paid my bill, never had my service interrupted. Well.. after reading these emails that are listed above, I guess I should expect absolutely nada. According to their rules, after 1 year of service (with no interruptions), we should be receiving our deposits back. Or at least a credit. Well no credits or refunds have been issued here so far!! As big as this company is and how much money they get, you would think they wouldn’t try to steal or squeeze the life out of their long term customers. Or any of their customers!!

  17. Where is FPL’s kindness as a corporation? When a conglomerate becomes this large
    Perhaps there is none. I have been a Florida native for 67 years, and my family
    goes back to the 1800’s in So fla. My family was in business for many years.
    I am on social security and have a part time job so I do not bring much home.
    Fpl has my deposit and a year ago they requested for direct pymt from
    my cking acct and if I did not do that then I had to pay another deposit of
    $120. Well in my thought process I call that financial or
    emotional hostage. Now that they have direct withdrawal from my cking acct
    they double dipped into my acct for Dec when I specifically asked
    them to take the next pymt out 1/13. It even indicated on the voice
    message that the $115 wouldnt be taken out till 1/13. So now my cking is overdrawn and I am on a
    fixed income. Nice thing to occur ard the holidays. A powerful and wealthy company
    against an outspoken woman who stands up for her rights.

  18. Got a new meter on my new construction 4 month ago. I have placed numerous phone calls to FPL to get the new account established. I got power from the day of installation of the meter, but still have no account number nor received any bills! What kind of company is this – they supply power for no charge? Last time I spoke to customer service was in Dec.2013. Am I entitled to receive power for free? I assume , yes!

  19. he tratado de reportar a alguien que creo que esta robando energia en su casa,hace tiempo atras observe que quitaba el medidor de su casa y metia unos cables al parecer estaba trabajando en el panel de afuera de su casa,la direccion es 9122 citrus isle lane lake worth fl 33467

  20. looking to move to florida.have to have credit check done before they will turn on power..unable to get a person..recording due to high call volume.can’t talk to a real person.there the only thing holding me up.before i can move down there.i need power before i go down there.need to no if they need a deposit before turning on the power. Dean

  21. I am a singel persdon living in a one bedroom appt. For the past 4 months my bill has avarged at 90.00 to 118.00. Even on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
    Today I got a bill of 160.00.I could see a family of four in a three bedroom house with a bill this high but me alone in my one bedroom appt.
    Doesn’t this sound stuppid to anyone else but me.I know they have us by the short haires, and we eather pay or sit in the dark.
    I am a retired disabled VietNan vet on a fixed income and when they do something like this it means I’ll have to cut back on things like food,
    What in Gods name can I do about it.
    Signed: “NOT A HAPPY CAMPER”

  22. Spoke to 3 different customer service reps and got 3 different answers, it all started with a service rep that I asked to transfer my service from 1011 Exeter A, Boca Raton, Fl to 4051 Exeter C Boca Raton,fl she did not handle this task, but wrote a new account, which started the avalanch of threats to shut off my power, through e-mail and usps saying I owed $81.50, I went to the bank and I can account for every payment back to 08/05/2013 and even further if needed. I was told I had multiple accounts which I do not. I was told if I didn’t pay $81.50 by Feb 28th 2014 they would remotely shut off my power. I paid it and know something will screw up again, I paid the $81.50 under deep protest until something is proved to me, I would say FPL took it from me

  23. Customer Service Email
    If you wish to contact FPL about your bill, customer service or for any other reason, you can use the contact form on the official website. The contact form asks you for some personal information like your name, address and email address. You’ll also want to include your FPL account number if the contact in about your account. We weren’t exactly thrilled with the fact that communication could not be made without revealing our address, but we attempted to contact customer service about a dedicated email address for customers who don’t have access to the official website.

    The link tells you “to call” so why have a link

  24. I Just read your FPL Internet Web Site Item “The Best Settings for Snowbirds— Increased control with programmable thermostats.” Unfortunately, this modern energy-saving wisdom is meaningless except for a handful of FPL customers in an test program. When can the rest of us FPL customers get one?

  25. This is by far the worst service center I have ever delt with period. I am very glad I no longer use FPL and have Duke Energy.

    I just received a new phone and number, and the old owner of said number is apparently past due and I keep getting phone calls. I have tried 2 different phone numbers, all the options, and could never get in touch with a service representative. In the voice mail it even says to call this number if it is the wrong person they are calling, but I can’t get through to anybody.

    This is certifiable B/S that the company makes it this hard to clear up a 1 minute issue. If they don’t contact me by me E-Mail address to resolve this I am going to lodge a harassment complaint because I can not talk to a rep to have my number taken off the other persons account. 03/20/14

  26. I signed up for e-mail billing. Got the e-mail bill, but no snail mail address to send payment to. I’ll send it to the general mailing address in Miami which I finally found on the FPL general website.
    Seems to me they don’t list the mailing address because 1: They never thought of that; or 2: They want to force everyone to pay on-line (because it’s easier for THEM); or 3: They don’t care if they get paid or not. Spend money where it counts and forget the “feel good” TV adds please.

  27. You send me an email threatening to put charges on my bill if I do not have a smart meter (still not proven safe) installed and you make it impossible for me to contact anyone to have it done.
    No phone contacts are available, even if your power line is laying in your pool. Your web site does not allow for this choice to be made.
    I am going on record now saying don’t ad any charges to my bill on or after 3-23-14 because I did not make a selection.
    What a poorly run company.

  28. FPL is a bully. If you don’t comply with the smart meter program, which I believe is dangerous, contributes to job downsizing, and loss of security due to monitoring by satellite, they force you by offering a “choice,” do what they want and take the new smart meter, or charge outrageous fees to keep the old meter. $95 fee and $13 each month. What a rip-off!

    If I could I would choose another service company. But like the planet, if something becomes intolerable on it, there’s no place else to go. Thoroughly disgusted.

  29. p.s. They also avoid giving you an opportunity to email them. Wherever the word ‘contact’ is, it takes you right back to the same page where they answer pre-set questions or an 800# to call. No chance to document your frustrations. How clever they are!!

  30. Received a mail/note today re cutting trees by FPL in near future. 1300 homes here in RiverWalk (off Okeechobee), all power underground; much the same from here to SR7. No telling how much money was spent mailing these notifications to homes in Palm Beach County situated in a similar situation – glad I’m not an FPL stockholder…..

  31. The lights on Siminole manor entrance are burned out people who work at business on Lantana rd. are let out late at night they have to walk in total darkness. The two pole lights by the Barber shop at the entrance to Seinole manor are burned out…….my grandaughter has to walk home sometimes late at night, alone, very dangerous. can this two lights be fix soon?

  32. As you are well aware, my family and I suffered a frightening day Wednesday, 06/11/14. A live power line fell into my backyard and into my pool. Nobody was outside when it happened but we witnessed from the inside, the snapping, crackling, popping and sizzling, as it laid in my pool. The FPL investigators commented that it was a hot and live wire. And they remarked it could have been due to several bamboo trees grown by my neighbor or the storm and the trees caused the power line to snap.

    What assurances are you giving me that this kind of incident will never happen again, and never threaten to cause loss of life at my home? You have not given me any kind of assurance or offered any measures of prevention in the future.

    We were given a tag on our front door several months ago, telling us that we had to trim our trees because of growth into power lines. Though, we have no trees that grow that high, and our surrounding neighbors do. I called FPL and told them, they mistakenly tagged the wrong house, and they need to have that resolved with our neighbors. To my estimation, that may have never happened and the trees continued to grow, and cause this frightening episode yesterday.

    Not only the scare of potentially losing lives, but the power line in pool fried my pool pump and all the electricity carrying power to it. I had an electrician over this morning to investigate. He provided a report that the pump, the time clock, the transformer, the motor, the panel, the light bulb in my pool are all shot and broken. My pool is kept in terrific shape and it’s still blue right now, but will be losing its look as time goes on.

    I called FPL this morning to file a claim, and request an electrician and repair man out to my home immediately. I just hung up with your account supervisors, being told that we are denied a claim because of vegetation. The same vegetation that you mismanaged and neglected out of a customer to remove and remedy. This vegetation and shoddy maintenance of FPL property caused the life threatening incident and the damages to my property. You must resolve immediately, you must repair, and rebuild immediately and offer a plan of action and assurances that nothing like this will ever happen again. My life, my wife’s and my newborn’s lives remain at stake.

    This is on record.

    Brandon Morrell

  33. 6-26-2014 I tried 3 times today to speak with a service representative. I waited on hold for a rep and each time when they picked up the phone they could not hear my voice. I checked my phones and they are working properly. Either your reps can not hear me or they are pretending not to hear me.

    I would like to get my fpl account corrected, buy your inadequate system is making it very difficult.

  34. I am very angry at FPL. I usually pay through the credit Union, however, being in and out of the hospital put me behind. Your customer service personal really are the lousiest people I have ever had to deal with. I received disconnection notice. I tried for an extension and wasn’t granted one. I tried to pay on line but was flipped like a beached whale first one page then another. Since I can’t afford the $15 fee to go western union, I have had to rely on snail mail. The payment should reach Miami within the next couple of days. Shut off the power, but don’t charge me extra to turn it back on. You should be ashamed of yourselves for not listening when I called and not having a good email, so people could follow it.

  35. I had a question about a check issue, which I called your customer service today, briefly spoke to an accounts supervisor, she was rude and ignorant, she hang up the phone while I was speaking with her. my issues are still not resolved. Thanks a lot FPL!

  36. We first contacted FP&L on July 7, 2014 to get temporary power to my property to begin construction. After 3 weeks of communication Mr. Jawara who just got back from vacation, told me that I needed a transformer and it will take an additional 6 week to get it installed. I ask if there were any other provider and Mr. Jawara assured me that there were no other game in town and there was nothing to do but wait or find some other source of power. I am new to the area and have found most things move just as slow as this.

  37. We have a very tall pine tree at our residence in St. Augustine, Fl. The tree is located on an easement we agreed to grant FPL due to proximity of their equipment. Its trunk has split off into two very tall trees. The bark on the one closest to the powerline is peeling off the tree and by all appearances it is dying or dead. It threatens a power line within approximately 1-2′ of it. We called FPL to report this and ask for someone to come take a look. We were told that unless the tree is in contact with or touching the power line, they are unable to do anything. Obviously, once this tree splits and breaks, it will not only knock down the power line, but take out the power and anything that is near it, if not killing someone nearby. Where is the common sense here? FPL needs to step up and protect its customers and citizens. Very disappointing.

  38. They say if your behind to let them know and ask for an extension which I did 2x. I had been in and out of the hospital and were making payments and I told them that I would pay them $223 on the 3rd if not sooner and 90 on the 12th. They couldn’t give me time since My check was at the end of the month and moved to the 3rd. Well, I paid on 8/27 $300+. They turned off the power on those days that were 90+ for 5 days because they wouldn’t give me the extension. I am billing this company for the food I lost during this time due to the failure of this company to wait 5 days more. I am an angry citizen with this company that lives on disability and they refused to work with me.

  39. I just received a letter from FPL about the ON CALL Program. I wrote to FPL earlier and stated I do not want to be in your ON CALL Program any longer. I do not wish to receive any contact from Personnel in this Department headed by Mike Andreolas. This man is the worst. I want this ON CALL equipment out of my house EMEDITLY !!!! THIS IS MY SECOND REQUEST.
    Darel E. Anderson

  40. I have been waiting over a week for SOMEONE to come and cut the growth on the sagging wires and fix the leaning pole!! even wrote to my City Clerk complaining, still NOTHING!!

  41. I have made various request to have extremely tall Pine Trees trimmed down in the Hollywood area, so as not to pose a hazard to our surrounding neighbor’s property and personal safety. We have had our request denied multiple times, stating Fla. Statues. Pursuant to a FPL tree trimming department representative, stating that the branches are not touching the lines, therefore not a hazard, yet the tree is less then 5 feet from the lines and a transformer. It is regrettable, and we disagree and will continue to pursue FPL in the hopes of resolving the issue and preventing a possible disaster should the trees fall during a storm.

    We have researched the cost of having each tree cropped and the cost is in excess of $500 per tree, which we do not have, since my husband has been ill and unemployed for a longtime. I’ve explained our hardship to FPL representatives various times by phone, in person, and in writing, to date we have not had any assistance, many rejections, but no assistance. We are responsible homeowners and do not want anyone hurt by the trees. FPL has crews in the area constantly, we see them working on common areas, so it would not cause undue hardship for the Company to attend to our concerns for our safety and that of our neighbors, but still we have not had any cooperation or assistance.

    We will continue to address this matter with FPL, in hopes they will do the right thing for their customers. Should the trees fall, we will not be held responsible, since we have given ample notice to FPL of our hardship and inability to resolve the hazards conditions.

  42. What customer service? The available phone number has been busy for the past three days, and I mean every minute of the day. There is no email address so absolutely no way to contact anyone. They can add all the charges on your bill that they want and there is nothing you can do about it. So now we have Nazis at the electric company.

  43. Thereis atree that is touching the fpl cables and also over my patio tree ,I need an expert opinion what to do ,please let me know when\ you can visit me,thanks digna soltura.

  44. FPL is a very unprofessional business. They transferred someone else’s old balance to my existing account because I temporarily lived in the same house with them. How should I be held responsible for someone else’s debt. I’m pretty sure that this is illegal and I have already contacted my lawyer to handle this situation.

    • omg they just tried that on me too! They said that when I started my service, my deposit was 438.00 so I paid it. My first month bill was only 36.00 give or take. Now all of a sudden my budget bill got cancelled because of a past due balance from a previous account. I moved here from ARKANSAS! I know that crap ain’t right. I called and talked to a manager’s manager and she “fixed” it. Just got a letter today to pay another 438.00 deposit! What gives?!

  45. I CAN’T EXPRESS THE AMOUNT OF HATRED I HAVE FOR THIS COMPANY. I am current on my bill, it’s not due until 12/16 and today is 12/12. I have had nothing but problems out of these people from the get go. I just received a letter to pay another $438.00 deposit due by January 8th. WTF is going on with these people?! I Paid the deposit back in April of this year to start service in the amount of 438.00 and now they want another one? I wish there were another company to get power through in my area, this is getting ridiculous!! If I had a phone to call them, oh believe me they would get a NASTY phone call right now! Anyone else keep getting random mail from them wanting more deposits??

  46. I CAN’T EXPRESS THE AMOUNT OF HATRED I HAVE FOR THIS COMPANY. I am current on my bill, it’s not due until 12/16 and today is 12/12. I have had nothing but problems out of these people from the get go. I just received a letter to pay another $438.00 deposit due by January 8th. WTF is going on with these people?! I Paid the deposit back in April of this year to start service in the amount of 438.00 and now they want another one? I wish there were another company to get power through in my area, this is getting ridiculous!! If I had a phone to call them, oh believe me they would get a NASTY phone call right now! Anyone else keep getting random mail from them wanting more deposits??

  47. FPL does not have an email address or contact form anymore on their web site.

    Also, please have your comments published with more current dates the top for more recent information. 2012 comments may not apply to 2015

  48. Good morning.

    My name is Jesús Alberto Lozada, I live in Venezuela and I am not your customer. You have been making a mistake with my email address and I will appreciate to correct it.


  49. 19th century practices in the Digital Age

    1. How does one without the ability to SPEAK contact customer support? (no email of any kind for customers to use to obtain support)….

    2. They CHARGE money to use a debit card (see #3) to make either an over-the-phone payment OR an online payment.

    3. They don’t accept Visa. Nope, I am not kidding.

    4. In order for one to actually make aforementioned over-the-phone or online payment one is redirected to western union speed pay. This to me, is unbelievable. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We live in the ‘Digital Age’ and these neanderthals are incapable of accepting Visa debit/credit cards AND they don’t even have their own digital billing.


  50. Don’t reply with bogus claim about being able to use an email form, as thisform simply isn’t attainable through the website. It automatically boots user back to the mobile site NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES ONE SELECTS ‘FULL SITE’. Mobile site does NOT allow user to do anything but select a phone number. I assure you, I write code for a living and your mobile site is a disaster, to say the least.

  51. Good evening, I’m Cirius Ernst, a customer of the company FPL .
    Just , I am writing to draw your attention on the bill for the month of January, which is $ 168.28 . In addition , as you always say that it is the air conditioning that causes the price increase but know that I stopped AC since December 23, 2014 .
    Moreover, everyone knows that the month of August is the hottest month this means that it is the month of rising prices.
    NB . The temperature during the year 2014 has been lowered in September but the price increase has been felt too. What an illusion !
    It would be good to come to consult the metter to see if it works well.
    In the end , I strongly believe that you will give a fair result at my request , my dear manager is concerned.

  52. Good evening, I ‘m Cirius Ernst , a customer of the company FPL .
    Just , I am writing to draw your attention on the bill for the month of January, which is $ 168.28 . In addition , as you always said that it is the air conditioning that causes the price increase but know that I stopped AC since December 23, 2014 .
    Moreover, everyone knows that the month of August is the hottest month this means that it is the month of rising prices.
    NB . The temperature during the year 2014 has been lowered in September but the price increase has been felt too. What an illusion !
    It would be good to come to consult the metter to see if it works well.
    In the end , I strongly believe that you will give a fair result at my request , my dear manager is concerned.

  53. Why the Hell can’t you email this company? I mean this is the 21st Century after all! I don’t like talking on the phone and would much rather just type out a question, send it, and wait for a reply. This stupid company doesn’t even let you email them? In the year 2015? Absurd!

  54. FPL makes it extremely difficult to report a power outage especially if you use wi-fi because it dies also with no power. Requiring 6 digits of SSN is very disrespectful of customers’ privacy & is very dangerous because any hacker can “finish” your SSN in seconds! FPL lied saying the cause of my outage was animals. The repairman did not say that & my lights had blinked several times per day for several days before the total outage. The “smart” meters are very “dumb” because they do not report outages! By calling an emergency electrician, I learned a very expensive lesson that FPL maliciously refuses to tell us which is if the meter screen is blank, the power is out! Real simple! FPL customer non-service representatives did not know that! Don’t bother calling the “non-public service commission! Guess who owns them!

  55. If anyone has had a problem with FPL transferring someone else’s bill to there account and trying to force them to pay it, Mr.Wilcox,tell him I sent you. This is for the only issue described above. It must be an amount from an account that is not yours.Please do not call with other bill issues.

  56. The insert in my bill states FPL uses “mostly clean energy”. The use of solar is 0.1%. How does that translate to mostly clean? One tenth of one percent?

    Don’t you dare try to tell the public Nukes or UNnatural Gas is in any way clean. They both are destroying the environment, the source of health and wealth.

    We have, sadly, the St Lucie Nuclear Waste Dump in our backyard. Geez, look at the million year Rad Waste still flowing into the Pacific from Fukushima. God help us.

  57. I had outages for the past 4 years, they start in May trough September, FPL is one of the few companies that do not provide and email address to report outages (even comcast has one) FPL does not want to acknowledge the outages and by providing and email address a record of the outages is created. FPL is a 15 billion monopoly there is no alternative. If we had an alternative we would not have outages. I am positive that there’s no outages similar to mine at the CEO residence.

  58. I have been going round and round thru the voice system and cannot get to speak to a human or to access the information I need.

  59. Anybody, including FPL employees, knows the FPL Support E-mail.

    After hours of waiting on the phone, I can not get answer.
    They need to see the E-mail attachment
    with my power usage history pictures to answer.

  60. Yes I a send me the form shut off notice for me before may the fourth only going to.. Calling to get on a payment plan deals going to be a little bit late please give me my money back

  61. buenos dias

    estoy intentando hablar con agente para dar de baja el servicio pero antes quisiera me aclarara algunas dudas por favor donde puedo llamar porque los teléfonos que llamo son automáticos y no consigo hablar con un agente

  62. For months now I have been trying to sign up for auto pay? Every time it tells me to try again later. Could someone please address this issue. Also, I called yesterday and after around 15 minutes I finally got to talk to a Person to arrange a one day extension on my bill. I received an email this morning telling me to pay my bill Immediately? I suppose after looking at the countless other messages these questions wont be answered?

  63. For months now I have been trying to sign up for auto pay? Every time it tells me to try again later. Could someone please address this issue. Also, I called yesterday and after around 15 minutes I finally got to talk to a Person to arrange a one day extension on my bill. I received an email this morning telling me to pay my bill Immediately? I suppose after looking at the countless other messages these questions wont be answered?

  64. I’ve been paying someone else’s bill for 3 years! That’s not right! I do not want to be contacted by a supervisor. I want be contacted by a corporate office person! They need to know how misleading their company is.

  65. You should have an accessible email address. That being said, your commericals talk about ‘smart grid’, smart technology’. Why Why truly is it? Something at each point of usage so that if there is an outage FPL knows within seconds or at least minutes? Please acknowledge. Thank you.

  66. Just move down from SPRINGFIELD Mo, I’m in disability. Was living with my sister, until I find a place. Now I’m suppose to move in in July 1st but FPL charging me. $693.00 which i do not have it’s more than my income. So when she took the order she said maybe I should try to get help from the agency. So I did, now the agency want pay unless they give me a printout of the bill, and FPL said they can’t. Which leaves me in z bad situation because I don’t have it. And also it’s just redicilous, they told me they charge according to the area, so sad because the poorer area has people like me. But it best to charger red to the less unfortunate. And less to those that can afford it, what is this world turning into.

  67. FPL used to be a good company. If there was a problem you could speak with customer service in the COUNTY WHERE YOU RESIDE.Now you get to speak with someone elsewhere that has no idea what you are talking about and doesn’t care. I told her I needed to speak with FPL regarding the power line. She said I could keep dialing the FPL tele number and maybe someone local would answer. Next thing I hear is a large FPL truck outside. the gentleman from FPL told me the repair men are being sent all over the place for no reason because the call goes to a call center. Probably we will be getting a rate hike since this company is wasting so much energy running their workers all over the place unnessarily instead of just picking up the phone.

  68. Good morning, Few months ago FPL invited me to join the
    “on line“ payment instead of mailing the bill and I would get a restaurant coupon of 50.00$ value to join the program in the weeks to come. I’ve accepted your offer but I never got the coupon and I’m wondering why? I would appreciate an answer and the promised coupon. Thank! and have a great day.

    Jean-Guy Lagace

  69. Absolutely the worst you can find. I have several accounts and needed information on two of them. Instead of connecting me to a live person I was shuffled into an advertisement for T-Mobile. When will the old days come back

  70. If I can’t access you to stop billing and threatening for not paying two bills for one house, how can I stop the threats that aren’t mine?

  71. HORRENDOUS! Called the appropriate “Customer Service” #. Supplied ALL the requested data(automated), finally spoke with a rep. that I could not understand. This rep. referred me to yet another “CS” 800#. I called and was advised that this was the wrong #. Was given another 800#. This rep. advised that we would called back. So far, nada. So far “Customer Service” has been a colossal waste of time.

  72. I had a horrible experience with Fpl today. After 8 complaints and no success I had a downed power line with major issues. I contacted the fire department who was great but it took Fpl over 5 hours to come for a live wire in my yard. All they told me was stay in the house. After several more calls they finally came out and trimmed bushes and fixed the wire. Kudos to the workers out in the rain trying to fix the power but was left with piles and piles of debris that I had to clean up. And None of the branches trees and stumps were from any of my trees. So thanks Fpl for all the clean up. So glad I pay secerL hundreds of dollars per month on time to clean up all their debris.

  73. I’m thinking that if any of the above complaints, & the one I was thinking of adding, are going to get ANY recognition, that climbing the chain of command is in order. There used to be an area on the customer service page, that if your question wasn’t answered in the “usual Q & A’s” then they’d supply an area for you to ask your own question, or comment. I know because I’ve actually used it before, and FPL actually responded in an accommodating fashion. Now I’m in a situation where I am in need of sending them a message regarding my account, but it appears that area of concern has been done away with. So my next step would be to contact Jim Robo, President & CEO of Nextra Energy, Inc. Of course I’m sure I just skipped over a few links in the chain, but if enough people contact him, I’d be willing to bet that other avenues, for questions and concerns by consumers, would be created, or perhaps they might be able to re-establish the previous method, mentioned above, that worked so well before!

  74. ref: “upcoming on call test” 8/24 – 28th 2015 I would like to the results ??
    1. the house a/c has not worked since late last summer… our “Maytog” refrigerator has stopped working before thanksgiving…some one to help us as to how to get a company we can trust to fix these things,,,the refrigerator man ask for $65.dollars to use his hair dryer to defrost the refrigerator it worked for one week.. the a/c man charged $50. to recharge it (they don’t make the fluid any more) an said we have to buy an new one…AT 83 and 79 we just don’t have that money… how did we do on the on call test…..mdieppa

  75. I would like to speak to a real person about my account andcant find a phone number todo that I keep getting a recording but it doesnt give me an option to ask for a rep whats up with that are there no humans working there anymore.I was a phone rep for 28 yrs with FPL and I always answered the phone.pleas elet me know what number to call for a human being.

  76. I have tried to contact FPL at the customer service numbers given on my billing page and on line. Each time I reach the number I receive a recorded message and go through all of the steps required to speak to a representative and then I get disconnected. This has happened 8 times. I WANT TO SPEAK TO A SERVICE REP IN THE BILLING DEPARTMENT. Please reply.

  77. Trying to contact you by phone is a joke, many numbers but too many numbers, but never one on one. Ok, now to the matter at hand, after realizing I did not have enough funds in checking, I will transfer the monies from savings. I was given an extension until Thursday. What i want to do is simply transfer funds today, I do not need the extension. I do not mean to be rude, I mean to be exact. Thank you for service and if you will, I have window ac, how can I reduce the bill.

  78. Your FPL Energy Dashboard is a godsend. My husband and I travel a lot and I go on line daily to make sure our AC is running, especially in the Summer.

    The other day I noticed no usage for three consecutive days. That means AC is down because that is the only thing running.

    Service man came and I was correct. Unit returned to service and we saved MUCH GRIEF from mold when we returned.


  79. WOW! after reading all the comments above, I fear I will never make the proper contact!! Thats a bunch of BS to have to go through for a representative, to correct a billing problem. FPL need help to resolve communications problems.

  80. FPL Account number: 9875896335

    I have owned the residence since 1986. I have always paid my bill. The electric has never been off for more than a few hours before I have paid my bill, if it has ever been turned off.
    We have all been warned/told as consumers never to touch FPL Equipment, period, for our own safety.
    A while ago, I was diagnosed terminally ill. It is a very rare autoimmune disease that attacks the arteries from the inside out. I am disabled. I am on oxygen. I have had to be out of the state for what treatment I can receive. I have not been able to be home on a steady basis for a long time.
    Sometime after the house was built, FPL installed additional equipment outside our home. I was never informed about it, therefor would never touch it. Between the disability and the oxygen, I would not be able to get to or reach any equipment installed outside our home.
    FPL has been aware of my illness and used to give a reminder call and text about my bill being due, if necessary, or if I had not yet paid it. In early August, there was no call, no text, etc. A neighbor alerted me to the power being off. It had been off for a few hours. I paid the bill immediately.
    Over a week later, the neighbor informed me that the power was still not on. I called FPL and was told they would send someone out to turn it on. The FPL agent disconnected the call. I called back to see when they would be out to turn it back on. The FPL agent told me they were not going to send someone out as the power WAS on! I attempted to get my neighbor on a 3-way call with them to confirm that the power was still off, and had been for over a week! They told me I need to pull a switch, a post construction, FPL installed switch, which I had no knowledge of, was not informed of, nor given instructions on how to use it, let alone permission to use it. Again, between the disability and the oxygen, I would not be able to physically get to any equipment installed outside our home either.
    Due to strict dietary necessities, I have both a refrigerator and two freezers, all of which have been completely ruined because of this. This is a huge loss and I need help replacing the food and appliances.

  81. I cannot get anyone on the phone. I am currently having to pretend I have to open an account in order to get assistance with an ERROR on my bill. YOUR ERROR on MY bill. How does this make ANY SENSE?

  82. We made a payment on October 20, 2015. This is the receipt for the payment.
    “We have processed your FPL Pay By Phone® payment in the amount of $1,500.00. Your confirmation number is 002931639.”

    We will be making another payment on Monday, October, 26, 2015 of $1500.00, which will cover the remaining past due balance.

  83. Dear Sir/Madam

    Good Afternoon

    Sunday night Oct 18,2015 at 10 PM till 06:10 AM(Oct 19) I got Power Outage with explosion with light in my back yard and my Fan did not work anymore(BURNED)
    Once again In Oct 19,2015 at 10 PM till 02:15 AM(Oct 20) I got a power failure with explosion with light and burned my dishwasher.
    Your team arrived here and replaced the transforme in my back yard.
    I let you know that I heard explosions with lights very dangerous these two times and my neighbor made video regarding this matter.

    I ask FPL to replace my DISHWASHER AND MY FAN URGENT

    Thank you

  84. I was required to pay a deposit of 241.00 as they said that the average bill at the apt was 120 per month how ever my bill has not exceed 100.00 and this month is only 75.00 I want some of that deposit applied to my bill

  85. What Customer Service??? There is no Customer Service, just an automated service which makes it impossible to speak to a human being in regards to billing or payments. You need to get your act together and give people an option to clear up your errors on my bills. This happens with Monopolies all the time But it shouldnt have to… @ssh*le$!!!

  86. Trying to get in touch with FPL to let them know that payment has been mailed.
    A bank draft was sent yesterday, but, impossible to talk to someone to let them know as my account is past due and want to avoid disconnection.

    Please reply so that it can be confirmed.

    Thank you

  87. Have made numerous attempts to get a payment to you and now are threatening to cut hydro off even though made a 400 dollar payment oct 23rd Select U.S. Payee Close Overlay ? Edit/Delete Payee Close Overlay ? Last Payment Date Close Overlay ? Last Payment Amount Close Overlay ?
    – 6339844547This is an optional field Actions for : nbsp; Oct 23, 2015 $400.00 USD
    Please allow 5 U.S. business days for delivery and additional time for processing.

    6339844547 above is account number tried paying over phone with credit card but My zip code wont work as we are Canadian and have a us credit card but it is a visa western union doesnt take that Our bank here says you have the 400 payment you say you don’t Now say your cutting the account off over a lousy 50.62 bill even thogh when look at account history payment not an issue is more often a credit balance.Mom Diane will be in Florida by the 27th of November then if somehow still don,t have funds that where already sent which I dont at all understand then she will mail or bring in a check But cannot have power off are things in freezer and fridge which will spoil and with the ac losing power can get mold really this is ridiculus the whole thing My number here in Canada

  88. It has come to my attention that a debt has just been submitted on my credit from your company. I do not live in your service area, I live in Tallahassee. I believe someone was falsely using my information to have an account with you. I believe this is identify theft. I want this issue taken seriously and corrected quickly. If I am not contacted in a reasonable time, I will be forced to take legal action against your company and the individual committing identity theft. I will also go to the media.

  89. I was just on the phone with a FPL representative regarding refund of my security deposit of $440.00. talked to them last month and was told to call back on December 1,2015 to request the refund. I did that and I am now being told to call back on December 21,2015 the day after my meter is read. and then it will take up to ten days to send me a check. I have paid my bills on time for over a year and I want my money back before christmas.
    I don’t feel that I was treated properly. I know that supervisors can make exceptions and this was not even suggested. They were quick to take my money when I turned on the service but now it has to come by pony express for the refund. It is a shame that we are at their mercy for electric service

  90. I am researching the property Veridian Townhomes at 2420 Central Park Drive, Melbourne, Florida 32935 in preparation of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.
    Please confirm that FP&L is the owners of the electrical transformers and if the transformers are PCB or Non-PCB containing. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  91. rude and unhelpful all I wanted was to see if my check had cleared the bank and they refused to help me because I could not quote the account number I shred bills after they r paid of course I don’t have account number but for a company to refuse service to a paying customer is the highth of audacity if I hadent paid my bill do you think they would ask for my account number before they disconnect my power I think not

  92. I find this company to be a tad unprofessional and a hassle . There is no information I can get about my own bill outside of the internet. Customer service is hardly a service because it focuses only on the fact of the company receiving money from the client, nothing more.

  93. three weeks ago I spoke to your agent RE a change of billing address and was promised the necessary form ‘
    I also requested a copy of my most recent bill, since it did not arrive to my address.
    Unfortunately. nothing happened ! If you present your bill next month all sorts of things will happen, sinc I have
    closed my old account. Pleaase respond to this message to avoid probles since I have not buu\\een able to reach you by phone because of long waits.indly reply asap.

  94. About the worst customer service I have encountered. The automated system makes it all but impossible to speak to a human being, which means that when they make a mistake, it is nearly impossible to correct it. This is not customer support. It is merely a collection system. Incredible that such a large organization should have such a stupidly designed system, but that’s what you get when you have a monopoly.

  95. poor system & customer servise. do not use! pay by mail!

    paid for a friend, and the pay system kepted my card info so my friend had access to make payments from my card.

  96. Your service sucks and is rudiculously frustrating.
    My bill is continuously sent to the wrong address, I pay my bill months in advance, yet get my power shut off and get a human to speak to.

  97. I have a balance due of $70.00 due tomorrow12/17/2015. I’m making promise to on 12/30/2015 of full amount due. Please don’t disconnect i have two young kids and will pay in full 12 30 2015

  98. Hello I signed up for ebill vs paper billing. One of the rewards for doing that was a $50 gift card from When will I receive it? My FPL account number is 4358178004.

  99. This price, it is well calculated for this month while we used less energy. Therefore, there is a change in the temperature and my washer no longer used? Oh, there is one institution that provides energy!

  100. Dear FPL officer:
    My name is :Cui J Zheng my FPL account number is:94254-08151 on this monday 12/19/2015 I Was called FPL customer service to close my account because I sold my house on 12/18/2015 I was Request to disconnect service on 12/19/2015 .so I just want to know:if service already stopped yet?please can you let me know?
    Thank you & happy holidays
    Cui J Zheng

  101. Horrible customer service. Took forever to get to an actual person on the phone…who was no help at all and transferred me back to the automated system. In his words “the automated system is in charge of everything” and had me transfered before I could say anything else. Very frustrating!

  102. I called FPL because of my extreme electrical bill and i had the worst experience ever the lady was rude not informative with an actitude of “take or live it” I do not where to go or call for help My bill statements are to much like $700,$800,$900 living in a small house 2 people and i have not received any call or hel. FPL is the worst.


  104. THE WORST customer service I have ever encountered! Impossible to get
    a person on the phone, and then I was charged a fee for an issue that could have easily been resolved had I been able to actually speak to someone. VERY dissatisfied customer.

  105. I have requested but did not receive information of this address
    Please email service dates log of when we put electric on and off during our ownership.

    Patricia Gottlieb

  106. Hello: I live part time in Venice, Fl. As a retired power lineman of 42 yearss from Ohio I would like to commend the crews for their diligent and long hours of restoring power due to the latest of wind shears and tornado’s in and around the Venice area the last two day’s. While getting ready to go out I notice the lights blinked twice which to me of year’s experience something operated the circuit and cleared the fault. My diagnoise’s was correct as going into a restaruant the place was closed due to no power… getting info from the waitress telling me of a business south of us had heavy damage. Instinct’s told me the circuit going south was out so we went north figuring that area would have power. Not knowing your circuit feeds as a retired lineman I’m still shooting trouble. To the crews that work the line’s follow the safety book closely and you will get out alive to enjoy a well deserved retiremnt. Harry Morris, Ohio

  107. Account# 3135516379

    I have been trying to talk to a customer service representative for weeks, it is just impossible! I called so many different nymbers, but they all end up into the automatic system, which is not at all what I needed.
    I sent the following email (PLEASE CHECK FURTHER DOWN), and of course it was ignored (I received an automatic response that FPL only accepts replies to outgoing e-mails or new inquiries completed by using one of our online forms. Plus the usual “This is an automated message, please do not reply to this e-mail”)

    Hopefully you can help me with the below issue:

    email sent on January 8th 2016:
    Hello, I have received an email that you couldn’t get my payment because the bank account has been closed. However the day I did pay online (Jan 1st), I had changed the bank account on my online FPL account, so I don’t understand how the mismatch happened. I have always been punctual in all my payments and I find unfair that now I had to pay an additional $30 because of a late payment which was not caused by me, and was totally unintentional! I tried to call the customer service but was not possible to reach you in any way, so I paid the increased amount because I didn’t want to be charged even more, but still I consider this something totally unfair and I would like to at least have a conversation with someone at the customer service to see how I could get the extra charge back.
    ​Thanks in advance for your feedback!​
    Antonella​ Capizzi​

  108. Your automated system sucks, would be nice to talk to a real person instead of getting jerked around by your system

    • I have been trying to get a live person on the phone ALL day and haven’t been successful this is so aggravating i am so tired of hearing this automated service and you have no way of getting a live person no i don’t want to hear my bill again let speak to some one you paying them let me speak to them Thanks Have a good Day

  109. Yippee!!!!!
    I’m on HOLD; ‘a representative will be with me in 1 minute’ this is one of my favorite things in the whole world to do, don’t lie to me.

    Automatic system sucks though – there should be an option to go straight to HOLD without pressing a whole bunch of buttons.

  110. To my dismay, I should have found out about this electric Co. before I bought property in Putnam County. Thank God I don’t have to move there immediately.
    This is the worst company I have ever had the misfortune to get involved with.
    It’s obvious that lack of growth in welaka is due to this company. I don’t see how anyone ,deal with your company. NO Customer service, no follow up, no knowledge of their products. And if you are fortunate enough to speak with a rep., they know nothing and pass you on to someone else that knows nothing.
    fortunately I can sell the property, (if the buyer doesn’t know about this co.)

  111. IT TAKES AN ACT OF CONGRESS TO REACH A HUMAN TO FIX A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  112. i have tried several times to speak to a live person on your phone line. your customer service is terrible. Better start revising better management polices.

  113. I have used every number I could find to reach FPL to no avail. Most Frustrating not to be able to reach a person. I tried to reach customer service to tell then that I just received a scam call from a young woman who said she was from FPL and I had a delinquent account. I told her that it was not true as I had just paid the bill. She hung up. Her number was listed as “Unknown”

  114. It’s impossible to get proper service on the phone,
    I can’t understand why you don’t make an effort to rectify the situation.

  115. I have an agreement to pay my bill each month by automatically having FPL withdraw it from my bank account. Included was an agreement to show me this bill prior to making the wpayment. It was sent to me eack month by email. I have not received this and want it continued.
    Irvin H. Kean

    Thank you.

  116. I have a bill I want to pay for the sum of 196.40. I moved from Miami to Richmond VA in November. I tried on your website and it wont take neither my account # or my email address. Over the phone it took all my information but would not process my credit card. It seams the only method of payment available to me is a money order but I don’t have the documentation the website deems necessary. The website doesn’t take my account # so I’m not sure how to get this information. If for some reason you can’t get me this information please send my account to a collection agency so I can finally pay my bill.

    Any help would be great, thanks

    P.S. A living operator option would be a great boost to customer satisfaction. I just spent the last hour on the phone in a loop for nothing. Just because you guys got a monopoly on services doesn’t mean you can treat your customers like crap. I am writing this knowing full well that the person reading it initially has nothing to do with the money grubbing policies of the corporation, I’m hoping that this might be seen by someone Higher up who needs a kick in the pants.

    P.P.S. If you want to know how I feel about your company, IT IS GARBAGE!

  117. Unbelievably bad customer service.
    I own two homes both on auto pay for many years. Each serviced by a different checking account but from the same bank (Wells Fargo). Each account has far more deposited than could ever be overdrawn , but the bank admittedly erred and changed one account number to a small third (savings) account as the auto pay for one of my two homes, which was soon overdrawn. I was then fined by you,taken off the right to pay on the internet, had to make a security deposit etc . My bank, after many run arounds, finally got through to a human being at your company, and explained it was their (the bank’s) error, not mine, and also tried to give the corrected account number but was told you will not allow it to be auto paid for 12 months , even though the bank manager told you it was never my fault, just theirs!
    I cannot speak to anyone at FPL because of your phone/system. I plan on writing the Public Service Commission , as well as my State Representative,if I do not hear from you.


  119. your web site shows certain hours for customer service and when I called they give different hours than the web site on the recording. This info should be accurate.

  120. Called FPL to report fluctuating voltage from their power line. Customer Service Representative Supervisor Erica Rivera was very unsympathetic – and had a ” I could less” attitude about the possibility of all of my appliances “frying”. Extremely frustrated and disappointed.

  121. Your automated system is a joke there is no human interface. Wanted to schedule to have power cut for a customer to remove a tree and this is 6 hours into it and I still have not talked to one single person… Thank God I have Duke energy.

  122. This is the 4th time the transformer has blown out in a years time and I feel you should not be billing the people for that month in the section that KEEPS on having these problems. I’ve asked around in my area and no one else has this problem. You need to upgrade the transformer in this section, resetting the transformer does not solve the problem, that’s why when a hurricane hits and we lose power we lose it for 7 to 9 days while everyone else around us has power, you have a poor system for the price we have to pay for electricity and that’s why you should not bill the people for that month the transformer keeps going out and maybe if your losing money you will fix it right instead of putting it off. You have billions of dollars so there is no reason why you can’t fix it right and if I had to rate your company you would get a 0 from me for price service and everything else involving electricity. Can you tell I’m pissed off because your doing quick fixes instead of fixing it right. I PAY MY ELECTRIC ALL THE TIME FIX THE PROBLEM RIGHT WITH THAT TRANSFORMER AND DON’T BILL US IN THE SECTION THAT THE TRANSFORMER KEEPS GOING OUT and this would be fare for the people not just here but anywhere you keep having problems with YOUR TRANSFORMERS. Fare is fare tired of getting pissed on as a customer

  123. Hi I got a letter that said my automatic payment did not go through as you stated my account
    Is frozen. My account is not frozen.
    I called the bank and they said you
    Can go ahead and process the payment
    Thank You

  124. You really duped us about the gift card to allow bank draft for payment. If you look at the restrictions, you have to spend 100.00 to get 50.00 credit. That is not easy for people on fixed incomes. What is wrong with giving 50.00 dollars credit on account. Appreciate your response.

  125. I am a single mother and I am having a hard time right now coming up with my deposit. If there is any way that I can pay it on Friday that would be amazing and I would truly appreciate it! I have been freaking out trying to pick up a couple shifts during the weekend, so I’m a bit desperate right now. I get paid on Friday and would be able to have my whole bill paid in full!
    Thank you,

  126. This is so frustrated this is the 3 times in 2 weeks that the power goes off after a loud explosion .What is the problem ? How are you going to fix it ? Your service is not realiable do whaever you have to do to fix the problem

  127. I have just had a horrible experience with an obnoxious FPL customer service representative. Over two weeks ago, we had power cut to our service address because of hazardous conditions (my electrician called it hazardous–this isn’t just me). FPL came out and simply cut the line, leaving a live wire hanging over the house. A few days later another FPL technician came out and 1) agreed the above was hazardous and 2) said FPL would remove the overhead feed to the building immediately. Two weeks have passed and the live wire is still hanging there. Then today I receive a power bill (3 times the normal amount, mind you) for that property even though there is no power going to it. The man at customer service said it was an “estimate” because they couldn’t read the meter. When I said there was no power to the house and hadn’t been for weeks, he said that he knew that but they were still going by the “estimate.” When I told him that two separate employees had been to the property and saw the meter, he said it didn’t matter. When I asked them to send someone out to read the meter, he declined to do so. He said that I either had to pay the bill or disconnect the service (the latter being the only way they would send someone out to read the meter). He said that I shouldn’t be upset because they would later credit any overpayment to my account! When I explained that we were having electrical work done so I didn’t want to cancel the account and then pay a reconnection feed, he said “Then you have to pay the bill.” This seems more than ridiculous to triple the bill and not send out someone to simply read the meter. But then again, they’ve left a hazardous live wire hanging over my property for over two weeks. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Maybe I should consult an attorney…I have pictures of how they left it and copies of the bill they had the gall to send me.

  128. Prior to 2014 I had “Budget Bill”, the program that FPL has to keep the amount of your bill consistent. Then late in 2013 I was diagnosed with cancer and a financial crisis ensued. My bills in early 2015 were late, and a few were covered by friends and church organizations. FPL cancelled my Budget Bill” as punishment for delinquent bills. Now, it looks like I’m getting back on my feet. Today, on May 28, I tried calling Customer Service to see about getting Budget Bill re-instated, and all I got was the voicemail with the prompts. Sadly, I have to agree with a lot of these complaints from other customers. Budget Bill would be a big help to me. STEVE

  129. I am very disappointed in this gift certificate and the entire process in how it has transpired. For starters, I had received 2 emails in April and May 2016 for the gift card offers for both my FPL accounts and set up both by each of the deadlines but only one account seemed to be set up and after calling the care center to confirm after the second email offer was received, I was informed that I would only be getting one $50 gift card. I was not happy with that but was quite frustrated explaining multiple times to the care center rep what must have happened to cause the glitch so I settled for just one of the gift cards after setting my FPL account up on auto bill pay. Now after receiving the email with the gift card I realize that it is only some type of discount off your minimum purchase and the restaurants listed in my area are ones I do not eat at and should not eat these types of foods due to a health condition. The two $50 restaurant gift cards were the only reason why I set these account up on auto bill pay in the first place. Now with only getting one and it not even being what was expected, it is entirely useless to me and will not be used so this entire experience with FPL care center has been very poor and I feel somewhat deceived.

  130. Your company come to my house and without asking for ANY permission digged huge wholes in my front yard. I had a huge machine parked in my front lawn for 3 days ruining my lawn. If this wasn’t enough, your people broke my sprinkler I can not water my lawn, so it’s dying. If this wasn’t enough your people broke the ATT cable. I don’t have ATT but other neighbors do and of course they digged my lawn to find where FPL broke it. My lawn is a huge MESS. I did not ask for it. WHO IS GOING TO FIX THIS???? Please email me ASAP. –

  131. Have a power interruption issue due to untrimmed palm fronds @ Port Charlotte, FL This has been reported several times without FPL action. This AM saw flickering lights and saw fronds sparking and smoking at the address above. Call to FPL was responded by we are in “Storm Mode” call back next week, no report will be done at this time. Hope the power stays on.

    H E L P !

    M. Reinhard

  132. I have been a customer for about 12 years. I had the surge protector installed shortly after that. It is a rip off. I have lost televisions, 2 satellite receivers, ongoing problems with circuit breaker replacements, well and a/c repairs. I have never gotten reimbursed for the damage. When I called this past year they were quick t tell me I only had two weeks to file my paperwork. I have since installed a surge protector and lightning arrester to my main circuit box and have had better protection. I want to have your surge protector that is on my meter removed and save myself a monthly charge for something that doesn’t work.

  133. FPL’s automated system is really, really bad! Shame on you. I am so glad that I am no longer an FPL customer. >:-(

  134. I have lost all my records and bills I have paid, I don’t know my acct. number??? I need some one to send me my number. Cant reach your company without it.

  135. I can’t make contact with my account my email address has changed . i had been receiving my bill notice and future billing info by I don’t receive anything from Fpl

  136. Some 1 broke up my account facebook and i wont to getted back was kiss_ghery and password gabygaby
    Please resov that problem…thank You!!

  137. Customer Service Email

    If you wish to contact FPL about your bill, customer service or for any other reason, you can use the contact form on the official website.

    If there is a contact form on the official web site, I couldn’t find it. I tried to use the hot link contained on this web site. Not allowed. Does FPL block all attempts to contact them by email on purpose? Why the difficulty in using email as a contact method?

    • For god sakes, FPL provides electricity to a hurricane prone area. Thus, put the damn POWER LINES UNDERGROUND. Cut the crap, stop complaining about what it would cost and get it done area by area. Dont ask for a rate increase to cover repairs, that is the cost of business. And dont ask.for a rate increase due to storm danage because you folks are too cheap, dumb and lazy to have put the lined underground.

      Provide a copy of this to CEO who makes millions…

  138. We r melting have had no AC since 11:30 am in S florida 85 degrees in the house. Customer service will be out by 8:45 pm geez what a relief????????????? Wish theirbilling was so….,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, delayed. Third time this month that there is a power problem, justbecause. No storms or anything just Crappy service!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr Rick Scott Where are you now?????????????

  139. I would like to start new service. I have never had to put a deposit down, and don’t want to start now. However, when trying to start new service online they are asking for a deposit. I would like to get this waived. Please send me a number I can call you at to get this done. Or, you can call me.

  140. Hpset right now…. I payed my bill ahead of time at a verified location. But the lady said the instant machine was down and would have to use machine that cost a dollar more and wouldn’t appear for 3 days.. anyways I did it and turns out lady put a 5 instead of a 6 as one of my account numbers so payment didnt go to my account. Very upset i called and theybsaid it would be taken care ofin 2 days. A week later I check and my account is now final notice and about to be disconnected.. but I trybto call and they only have emergency services but I can’t call during morning because I wwork and now since holidays they are closing earlybut when I did talk to someone theybsaid i need to go back to place I paid.. it’s not pleasing at all to get no carefrom anyone when I say someone they trust to take payments screwed your customer .. they dint care. In verybupset and at a loss for what to do now:/

  141. I have been waiting over 5 weeks for the street light back in front of my house,1842 Big Cypress St.NE. Originally I was told it could take up to 3 weeks!!

  142. I wanted to speak! With a rep but the atomated.service would not provide option to do so………

  143. think your customer service is horrendous. Can never get through to a live person. I have been unemployed and just made a partial payment on my past due balance. Trying to speak to a live person to let them know that I will make another payment early next week so that my service won’t be interrupted. I have never dealt with a company where I couldn’t talk to an actual human being. What kind of customer service is that ????

  144. I cannot believe how this is being handled! No one will get back to me and I’m basically get pushed to the back of the line. FP&L will not acknowledge the email they sent to me on Monday or the fact that it says service will be turned on by the 4th and any one I speak to has a robotic 1-3 day response.
    At this time, I’m sitting in my office with a flash light and no wifi. I am losing contracts, paying workers to sit home, and cannot fulfill any of my current obligations.

  145. Worst service ever. Trying to speak to a representative to ask a question and cannot get a phone number to speak with anyone. All phone numbers put you in an automated phone loop. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! I guess they are not willing to speak with the public.

  146. Why can we not speak to a human person with FPL? This is outrageous. I called simply to transfer the name on the account to the new owner. WE are moving at the end of the month and there was no option to continue service under the new owner’s name. So I had to stop service at the end of the month only to have it turned back on the same day. How rdiculous is that?

  147. Hi there,

    I wanted to know if you’d have a quick moment to review some of my ideas on how we can get to almost certainly generate a ton more visitors than it is now (as well as conversions to sales)

    Why should potential business go to your competitors instead of you? There should never be a reason to settle (Unless you really can’t handle more business).

    How about a quick time where my consultants can show you what I’m talking about?


  148. The Web site is dificult to navigate. it tk clicking several pages to get info about a charge on my bill.

    he automated phone system does work. I aked for other options, it could not understand what I was saying. The navigation neded to speak to a rep is very diffcult, almost impossible.
    I have to pay almost $8.00 a month service charge foor service which Is difficult to connect too. Terroble customer service!

  149. unbelieveable, but true:
    FPL does not provide a Customer Service email address to ist Clients!!!
    Is this customer orientation or ignorance?

  150. I have. been trying to speak to a representative for over an hour! Do you even have anyone in your office? Very disapointed with your service. I have simple question and cant get through to you!

  151. After reading some of these comments, I’m thinking, what’s the use. Anyway, with this hot weather, our system runs practically all the time during the day. Nothing has changed from last month. But when we got our last bill that was $82. more than the previous month, we thought, what the hell is going on. Any info from FPL in non existent or business as usual. How does one deal with people like this. Is there somebody out there that can explain this. Please! P,S. We have 1000 square feet to cool.

  152. cAN never get thru to customer service. Our account for Barbara and Al Mader, 108 Guana Court, Fort Myers needs to be NO LONGER AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWEL FROM WELLS FARGO.


  153. I have been trying all day to get a person regarding my FPL account. The only thing I ever get is the automated service.
    Please give me a phone number so I can talk to someone. I just moved and I received a bill 08/10/17 in the mail and it said past due. How can it be past due, if I just got it in the mail the same day.

    Very frustrated!!

  154. Why is there an astronomical phone bill of over $300; nothing in our home has been changes and we pay on time but our bill l has not ever been this high. The only issue I have had in the past is out of the blue my phone bill was over $1,000+, we were at that time Snow Birds and never in the house more than 4 days in a 4 month period. No way were we using that much of electricity and actually grilling for dinner meals. No matter how many people I spoke with, could explain the huge bill. I thin this past bill was again high to make up for some accounting errors on FPLs account or shifting bills to accounts always paying to cover someone else’s bill. Yes, I intend to call it fraud.

  155. Hi. For several years, you have shared personal information with me regarding one of your customers by the name of Ralph Britton. Please please please will you stop emailing me regarding his account. While it is a nuisance to me, it is a violation of his privacy.

  156. I listened to about 10 minutes worth of choices that finally resulted in starting over. No chance to speak to a person. Very frustrating.

  157. The question the ask to trim is not right, they need to add if the pole is covered with vines and limbs it is so much bunches on the pole and line until you can’t see the top of the pole nor the lines and it’s two pole behind my house but in the. Other people yard, if the. Wind blow had were are going to loose power for sure. I guest it’s my fault should have called last month.

  158. Thank you FPL! Whatever you did last month to stop the outages I was getting apparently hardened my service which I am unbelieveably happy to say is still on after this Irma tragedy. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Be safe as you begin recovery!

  159. We live at 7920 springvale drive in Lake worth. Whenever we have had an outage, it always affects the same 2649 customers and the cause is always the same. The junction box has to be reset, we have asked many times to have this equipment replaced. It will remove the need to constantly fix the same issue.

  160. I am writing to express my gratitude for the superlative efforts of your company during the hazardous conditions left by Hurricane Irma. I live in Plantation, Florida and due to the storm lost power at approximately 3:00 PM. With everything that your company was facing you managed to have my power back on at approximately 12:30 AM. I happen to think that was extraordinary. I just want you to be aware that I am grateful and appreciative. I am a retired US Naval Officer and in my language you rate a “BZ”.

  161. You stupid bastards have been “checking damages” for 36 hours straight! Get off your asses and get power to people’s homes. In case you didn’t realize…it’s southern Florida and summer weather! Do your jobs!

  162. I am disgusted by how FPL made it it’s business to provide the areas that are upscale power after hurricaine Irma than my area. I have a 7 day year old infant. I cannot hest up my baby’s milk at all. I read that if u live by a police station you will have power that is b.s. becuase i live by the north miami beach police station. I am sick of this treatment. We need to have another power company , you guys have lack of compasion for people especially when zi ssod my sister have a special needs son thst lives with us

  163. There is an oak tree in my back yard that is leaning over towards the neighbors house and both of our power lines are caught up in the tree. If the tree falls it will pull both lines down and crush the neighbors house. Thank you

  164. We are out of power from the hurricane and have used all our money on getting ready for the hurricane. I have 500 dollars in deposits, half of which was for my house in Naples where the account has been closed for over 3 years. Can you please use some of my deposit toward my bill? I don’t know when power will be restored and I know I’ve lost all my food in the fridge and freezer. I have 3 kids and there is no way I can pay the paat due amount right now. Like I said half my deposit money was on a account that was closed 3 years ago and has a zero balance, please allow me to use that on my bill.

  165. I understand millions of people are without power following IRMA’s devastation to our State. However I feel Nassau County is not receiving sufficient staff to cover the outages that exist in this area. If their are volunteers from other states please send them our way. We are in need and I know with a total 21,800 (or there about) of a customer base we are not large enough to garner much recognition but we only have you to look to for help in restoring our power.
    Won’t you please help us?

  166. Absolutely the worst. I sent an outage report to which I was told do not report outages as they are widespread. Now you are asking for all outages to again be reported. Every other utility in the state has been constantly updating their customers, in the case of JEA hourly. Not one update from you.

  167. Great job lake worth
    Has electricity now along the coast but all of us near flagler south have nothing and not one of your trucks anywhere.
    Look up rutland rd the last year and you’ll see what’s wrong with it you’ve been here three times to fix it this year. It takes ten minutes. If you’d just fix the pole junction like we’ve been Begging you to do for three years the 89. Of us would be fine

  168. My 11 year old suffers from chronic asthma I know FPL is trying to do all they can but we really need our electric to use his machine.


  170. Hi FPL,

    My family and I want to say thank you for the amazing and efficient job you did during Hurricane Irma. We saw trucks and workers go into action in our community immediately. After three days without power, it is back ?. We never knew how much we appreciated our power and FPL. Thanks to the hard-working men and women who got Florida back on the grid!

  171. there are two persons in our condo that are disabled and need elevator service but power has not been restored at Cortez, FL

  172. Ok I know the crews are working hard but there is power 1 block from my house 1019 top sail lane Sebastian. The power grid is new on barber st so why does it take so long. It seems we are always the first to loose power and the last to get it back, why. Unhappy .

  173. I would like to thank FPL for their quick response during the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. I know all FPL employees and the outside companies that have traveled to Florida have worked diligently to get everyone up and running with power. It is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!
    Jennifer Espelucin

  174. is a lack of respect that in an area that has not been affected by Hurricane Irma today we are without electric current when their trucks are all stopped in the parking lot of the casino doing nothing

  175. As a Cuban-American who was born and raised in Miami, I have experienced quite a few hurricanes (including Andrew). I can’t express how impressed I am with the diligence that Florida Power and Light employees have demonstrated and the technology has hands down blown me away more than Irma has!

  176. This is crazy-FPL’s main headquarter are in Juno beach and they can’t get our power back on in West Palm beach-but people in the hardest hit areas like Tamp have power- I guess we don’t count . Anyone east of Dixie Hwy in west palm beach will have to live like a third world country- the crews were out but the “main Line was down” so that’s an FPL big mistake- ant it stinks that they don’t really care

  177. This is my customer feedback. FPL picks and choose who they restore I live between two major grids and they have power but Harbor Blvd doesn’t. You have got to be kidding me and then you won’t even take calls but thank you for being a valued customer we want your money even if we don’t think you are important to get you restored between the grids. All food spoiled house is unlivable in this heat

  178. Hello Urgent Mater

    I am thankful that my power was restored but however my main cable support anchor broke during the hurricane and the cable is hanging very loose and on my roof. Also my neighbors tree is still leaning on high power cable but we got power can you guys note this so when you get a chance fix .Thanks

  179. We have a power line down at 1731 Angelo St off of Del Rio. Trees on top of it. Please take care of this immediately and restore power. Thank you

  180. FPL website said we had service restored today (NOT TRUE). We put in a new ticket, Now neighborhoods both north and south have power, but our neighborhood does not! WHY NOT?????

  181. So far billing has been ok. I just want my power back on. My husband had heart surgery a couple months ago. But after Irma no power. I heard I have to wait several days more days and sleep with 90 degree heat. I know they are doing the best they can to get everyone power again. Crazy thing block across the street has power and there are no power lines down. Also crazy my bill will be the same this month even though no power; no incentive given out to customers. Oh well…I least I survived Irma..

  182. I need to know another contact options for FPL, which is kinda nowhere to be found. I cannot call them since I am abroad, but have to contact them.
    Why is it always a kind of mission impossible to rech service providers per email or fax ????

  183. I live in Miami Florida one of the largest Hurricane state I am disappointed that FPL has not been more protective to restaining power during a storm. We have been without power for a week, due to large tree pulling down lines. Cut the trees and charge the homeowner, this will eliminate the problem. Please!

  184. Ticket Number 7757 affecting 127 customers..Why are we ALWAYS the last to be restored either due to a storm or other local storms. We are 11 single family homes in a larger neighborhood who ALWAY are the very last to get power back. Eeryome in the immediate vicinity had power back in less than a day to 2 days. The 11 of us are tied to a trailer park for some unknown reason where you turn the power off when they evacuate…do not say you donot because your employess have stated oterwise…the ones in the trucks who turn it back on…always just before you declare victory meeting your deadline. Take 30 mins and send some one to Lake worth road to reset the connection. Why have we all been charged the additional fees to improive the grid since 2005..WILMA and yet we see absolutely no improvement…still a week without power. I want my additional fees since 2005 returned and I want to know where to send my generator fuel bill for fuel usage beyong the 3 days that everyone around us was without power (a liberal time…most had it back in 1 day or never lost power).
    This has been a 12 year fiasco with no improvements yet I have paid all the fees and storm assessments. You promised to correct the situation when you upgraded the local feeds…but you apparently did not… You never provided updates from my original power outage report on SEP 9…nor have we seen any trucks in the vicinity…still no assement from you yet you know when you will throw the switch to get it back….just do it now…take 30 minutes…give us some return on OUR investment and earn your corporate bonuses.

  185. There is no way to report a Transformer fire and the fire department coming to put it out. You can’t even get a emergency call through.

  186. The fire department came out to put a Transformer fire out there is no way to report this Transformer fire what are you guys thinking.

  187. Hi folks just wanna let you know how I feel about your service. I always pay my bills. Apparently you don’t care about the little people of little Havana, you have restore the power at the rich people areas like Coral gables , I saw that my power will be restored around the 17th . Shame on you we have little babies and children around​ here I heard them crying because they can’t stand the heat . So why it’s ​taking you so long to restore the power I see bunch of trucks passing by US 1 by my work , you’re showing us the lack of consideration and sympathy. So how about if I pay my bill when I feel like it are you going to like it. Do you know how I’m keeping cool I take shower every 35minutes, with that my water bill be high. So all I’m asking is to restore my power asap. I might live what you ou consider poor area but I do pay my fpl bill.

  188. WHERE THE HELL IS FPL? We hear that there are 20,000 FPL representatives working to restore power BUT there has not been so much as one FPL truck on A1A in Boca Raton. We are people too. THE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE.

  189. WHERE THE HELL IS FPL? 20,000 FPL representatives working to restore power and not so much as one FPL truck on A1A in Boca Raton. We are people too – THE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE.

  190. Just wanted to give KUDOS!!! to all FPL staff for the rapid response after Irma. In previous times, we waited a few days for power to return. Also it feels like transformers blow and we lose power with heavy winds occasionally. (Theres some kind of loud noise followed by lights out lol).

    So this time we were really worried that we’d be in the dark for some time, especially considering the reach of this hurricane. We were pleasantly surprised that power went out about 4:30 the day of the storm and returned early afternoon the following day!

    Many many thanks! We know that there is tremendous effort by many local and visiting team members to make post storm recovery a smooth event. And we are truly grateful for the time and effort to restore us to normalcy.

  191. The service I’m receiving from FPL and the customer service line are ridiculous I should be able to call and speak with the person not an automated system every try I have a child that is an asthmatic who needs to use her nebulizer but I’ve been out of power and no one can seem to tell me anything but automated system I’m frustrated and I’m aggravated your service is not good at all and I regret having it

  192. I understand how hard FPL is working to restore power to everyone and appreciate their dedication. Like many in Florida, I’ve been without power due to the storm. What I can’t understand is what I saw tonight, when I stopped by my house to close the windows. Everywhere around my home has power, including a soccer park which was opened and fully powered. Can someone explain to me how my block is still without power, when everywhere else near me including a park is fully powered? Makes no sense at all! I case FPL what’s to answer this one, the ticket number is 10154.

  193. I know that FPL has crews working night and day. However, I don’t understand how within a small residential area 1 residential block will have power and the next block over doesn’t. And, having the traffic lights still inop is creating havoc, chaos, major traffic and in some cases accidents. Generators or solar power back up should be running these lights immediately after an outage. Yes FPL may have made many improvements after Hurricane Andrew/Wilma but more improvements need to be made. With the amount of revenue generated in the Summer months to FPL, better processes and “readiness” needs to happen.

  194. Irma knocked out our power in South Venice. Since it is not a rich area of Venice we knew we would be last on their list. They are leaving us without power for another 7 days and our home is 87 inside. Florida power has no email address and you cannot get a real person on the phone. I am so sorry I moved to Florida! 5 days in this heat now and FLP doesn’t give a crap. Polk County got hit a lot worse than Venice and even people way out in the boondocks have power, but us here in South Venice do not! If I could switch to another company, I would do so so fast! The rich always come first with them. That they would leave people for two weeks without power in Venice of all places is unbelievable. If you are with Florida power, you better be one of the rich!

  195. Terrible customer service. CEO tells us not to call. To use internet to report. Would be great if we had internet and the FPL web site actually worked. Shameful that they don’t have any crews anywhere in the area. We have no damage to the line or poles yet no power and no crews. Absolutely shameful how they make media announcements that they have “thousands” here working. Yea where are they ? Elderly across the street. We need power not bs to the media. Please get crews out here today.

  196. I don’t know how to get in touch with FPL by email, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all the lineman (Extra BIG THANKS to the men from Long Island NY) for restoring our power so quickly after hurricane Irma. You are all so appreciated! <3

  197. La falta de seriedad y responsabilidad de la fpl con sus clientes da mucho que desear a una semana de el corte de la electricidad y con tanta propaganda de cientos de camiones y miles de trabajadores no saben cuando van a restablecer es una lastima que no haya opcio -es para uno cambiarse de compañia ,ademas de tendidos ele tricos viejos y en mal estado y falta de profesionalismo y lo peor que todo lo paga el huracan Irma

  198. Customer service Stinks. I don’t believe FPL learned from passed storms fpl continues to blame the customers for their Short Comings in recovering service after a Storm

  199. You really don’t wanna know how I feel about you, surrending neighborhood have power since yesterday I have to throw all my food in the garbage. I can’t sleep due to the heat why it is taking you so long to restore my power . I can’t afford to go to a hotel . Have some pity on people really​ fpl you’re suck.

  200. I have been trying for four day to open power in one of the units in my commercial bldg. (I already have an account that runs the water pump to the same bldg. I keep getting the same recorded message as follows:

    “We are overwhelmed with calls. If you have power outage or a line down, call a special number. And it hangs up!

  201. My husband and I would like to personally thank the FPL team and it’s partners for working so hard to restore the power in FL. We spent 6 days without power due to the damage from Hurricane Irma. We watched your workers and it’s contractors work around the clock and we want to commend all FPL employees for a job well done! We are extremely grateful for your hard work and want it to be recognized! The gentlemen who repaired our neighborhood, Woodbridge in Pembroke Pines, were all the way from Indiana. Thank you to those men especially! God bless you all and we hope that all of them can return to their families soon! Bravo FPL!!! Very satisfied customers here!

  202. I am a resident of Coconut Grove. I’m sure you’re getting a lot of feedback from surrounding neighborhoods, but I have to add my 2 cents. This is absolutely ridiculous. We are ALWAYS the last to get our power back. I’m sure the Gables, Pinecrest, etc. will get their power before we do. For heaven’s sake, you knew the storm was coming a week before it got here. And it was supposed to be worse than it was, so I hate to think what would have happened if we had actually gotten the storm. I am so sick of getting lumped in with the rest of Miami for everything. Brickell, the other nice area of Miami, is important because they are part of the financial district. We are the lowest priority. Frankly, if I had my way, Coconut Grove would have its own sustainable power system completely independent of FPL. WE WANT OUR POWER BACK. What is it going to take to become a priority with your people?

  203. We still have no air or refrigeration. New line was put in. Still no change. They were here 2 hrs then left quickly. Left without solving problem. Still no change. Why aren’t they still here till the problem is solved? We need help! I can’t take much more of this. Still only have power n part of house. Feel totally abandoned

  204. FPL received failing grade after Charlie, Looks like a repeat for Irma. It seems people out east by Olga Rd, Bigelow, Andros, Barcelona are always last getting there power back on, the power station is located down the road on Hwy 80. We were also the first to lose power Sunday at 9:30 am. I have received no email explaining what the hold up is on getting our power restored.

  205. As of day 6 we still have no power because of tree branch falling on power line. Every other home on our street has power.
    We’ve been battling with FPL over a year to do something about dangerous tree growth between power lines. My fiancee has serious health issues and the heat is making it worse. Now they’re telling us that it will be 4 more days before they even get to us????!!! Inexcusable!!

  206. FPL is the worst company in the world, I will forward this over Internet, i hope someday we have another company here in Florida, so we will switch to them. Have a nice day and enjoy your reputation.

  207. We still have no power the problem is fpl equipment underground only I have not seen a fpl truck all trucks around are out of state and are great but can’t fix it want to know when fpl will do so as you cannot reach a live person there are 4 buildings in my condo that do have power . I really need the sir my house is 89 inside . Please get us up and going it’s hard to go to work can’t afford not to but unbearable to fiction in that heat for all these days

  208. Ticket number 7137 has 18 homes without power since you resorted power to the neighborhood on Tuesday. There is a breaker for the two homes affected that you can pull and restore the other 16 homes. This would take five minutes. It is uncalled for to make 16 homes sit without power for five minutes work, then come back to fix the down line.

  209. When du we get our power back
    No information and the homepage is not helping the only what we see ist that you change the day when you want to fix it 7 days without ac washing machine refers
    Is fpl taking over our costs ? We can not even cook a simple soupe

  210. Have yet to see a truck in our area. Day 6 and trees still not cut off wires. Ticket 10130. Transformers down, wires down . when will we get help? I know the guys are working hard and I see many trucks and power restore in surrounding areas but not here.

  211. Thank You!!! You are ALL ANGELS!!! We drove back home from Gainesville beside a caravan of Arkansas electric company trucks and I got so emotional I started to cry!! They made me so proud.
    PS. We NEVER lost out power at home in Bonaventure, Weston.
    Goa Bless you ALL!!

  212. I use a breathing machine to sleep. I had to evacuate
    Hurricane Irma. My power
    Has been out since 9/10/17.
    The restoration date keeps changing. I run a business
    In Ft Lauderdale & would like to return there. I feel I should be added to a special
    Needs medical list to get my
    Power restored soon.

  213. I understand it is a difficult time after the hurricane. There is power 2 miles from our home. I called to understand specifically what the problem is on our road (it would just make me feel better to know if it is parts rather than just being a low priority grid). It seems like this type of information would be easy to communicate with customers rather than blanket statements that apply to Miami when I live in st . Augustine. We lose power on a regular basis at our house even without a storm and we are literally always the last neighborhood to get power back after a storm. Why can’t I learn more about my specific area problem? that seems to be key to making it better.

  214. please let me start by saying your organization was incredible during hurricane
    irmas aftermath ! my major concern is, that the only 55 and older community. on singer island ,was without power for 6 days…the street end of sugar sands blvd, came on within an hour of your crews arrival on the 6th day. the back end had downed live wires and was fully restored by the next afternoon…
    there are over 300 units, and the ones that are occupied year round…have the residents that are aged from 75 to 97. this was becoming a very scary situation as each day went by ! a few residents had to be taken to local hospitals, by neighbors, but fortunately all arrived back home shaken, but ok…. hoping if and when this happens again….the age of the residents, will be taken into consideration….for possible expedited restoration. thank you again for getting us back to our normal lives !!

  215. I’m sure will be dissenters. But it seems to me FPL delivered on promise that it would restore power quicker than was done for Hurricane Wilma about 12 years ago. With Wilma I was without power slightly over a week. With Irma my power was restored in three days.

  216. What I think ?? I can’t make contact by phone or email. I received an email telling me out email billing was cancelled by request. We never made such a request. Trying for hours to straighten this out with no luck! Can anyone help please?
    Thank you

  217. I am so thankful to FPL for all their hard work during this hurricane. I have seen power trucks and the men out working until after 10 pm. I so appreciate all you are doing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Stay strong. You guys are awesome!

  218. Apparently our power was restored after hurricane Irma on Friday 9/15/17, we are 5 houses on one block that do not have power due to a down power line. I have called several times and was lied to by a supervisor that we will be escalated due to power being previously restored. Today is 9/19 and we still do NOT have power. This is totally unacceptable as we do not have running water because it’s ran by power! This is inhuman and is causing me to be physically ill! Who’s going to pay my doctors bill and hospital stay. These conditions are making me ill. I expect a call back for restitution! this is 10 days with NO RUNNING WATER DUE TO NO POWER!
    Mrs. Tosha Battle

  219. I want to Thank all of those who have tirelessly worked to restore power. The cooperation between companies is an example af how we should all be. Thank you for you safety and diligence. being without power is inconvenient. Thanks for leaving your homes and families to care care of us. I’m sorry that there are some that expect things done now. i appreciate and feel blessed that it only took two days. You are great and unappreciated. I wanted to say more, but the characters are limited. Thank you and thanks for being who you are.

  220. Power was out due to Irma, but was restored in three days. However, I am attempting to contact FPL thru email, chat, text or other direct means. Their system thwarts any attempt to document correspondence; it appears they have completely insulated themselves from their customers. I suspect this is by design to avoid the question “what did you know and when did you know it?”

  221. 47 minutes and counting on hold to see about the On Call box not working for our pool pump. Can’t work on the pool pump (inoperative since Irma) without FPL assistance. Been on the OnCall program for over 25 years. Person I first spoke with didn’t even know there was such a program.

  222. i’m 64 years old and the budget play plan I tried to get my payday to coincide with my Social Security disability check anymore told I was already on budget and they wouldn’t do that now they have a service that I haven’t been changed or 2 to 62+ payment system I cannot contact them and talk to a representative however I had no electricity 5days this month and they won’t (last time) adjust budget plan as to stop late payment witch happens every month, i also must change my password each month for unknown reasons… i contacted a fcc fraud line .. got nowhere.. disabled in st. john’s county

  223. Good Morning,
    I appreciate the complexity of the post Irma restoration efforts however it sucks to be in the last 600 of 259,900 without power after the hurricane. To that end and now that the number is this low it would be incredibly helpful to know what the hold up is – communication will help people understand and be a little more patient. The change of date on our account from yesterday to today without explanation is very frustrating. I would appreciate a follow up. Thank you

  224. To whom it may concern:
    I would like to know why my bill be come so high, I passed 10 days without power for the hurricane saison I need you recalculate my bill again please

  225. While I understand demand for service overwhelming due to recent storms, I am not sure where to turn as no one answers my calls

    I have been away for 3 months…from my Boca location….
    only thing electric that is on is pool motor about 5 hrs per day and air
    thermostats set at 78 24/7 on new air units
    nothing else is on and all plugs removed

    why is my bill higher the last three months than ever before

  226. To whom it may concern:

    I am sending this note to you just I would like to know why my bill be came so high ? I passed 10 days without power. Is this the reason the reason, let me know or recalculate again to me that is not possible.

  227. Have been trying to get a hold of a representative for days. I have an extension on my account and as I have no roof and was out of work for a week (not to mention they have a $195.00 deposit on my account) I am trying to get that extended.

    I guess when you’re basically the only game in town you can do whatever you want.

  228. I received a letter telling me I would be receiving my bill by e-mail. I already told them last month I do not want it e-mailed. I want it sent in the mail. Why are they doing this, I did not ask for it.

  229. Your on line and your telephone customer service system / menu is not customer friendly. It’s frustrating and incomplete.

    I have been trying to explain that a bill I received cannot be correct.
    Both systems don’t have that or ‘speak to a representative’ as an option.
    I’ll agree it does make it easy to pay the bill – but that is not why I attempted multiple times to contact FPL.
    To compound my irritation FPL has taken it upon themselves to transfer the erroneous balance from one account to another without my permission and has not received or has ignored my messages

  230. florida power light compagny ; my comment I don’t understand why my light bill is double today than last month it was $ 140 something; right now I am creazy i see now almost $300 .00 may I have your feedback please thank you

  231. very poor service complicated automated system. its impossible to get to a rep.

    keep getting automated messages. could not find email contact info

  232. Because of Hurricane Irma my power was out for a week. Why was there no adjustment on my bill. In fact it was higher then the previous month.
    I cannot get connected to a “live” person. FPL’s customer service it awful!!

  233. I want to thank FPL for getting our state back up and running. You did a impossible job in a short time. thank You….

  234. Have been trying for 2 weeks to get a human on phone with a question about my bill. Every number I have called gets me to that annoying computer voice that cannot answer my question. Besides frustration beyond belief, are there no humans working in the billing dept. or anywhere else at fpl.

  235. The comment is a about my bill need some assistance in waiver of connection fee please i send up for atomative payment in order to waiver it as told, but the bank mess up my payments by taking the money from the wrong accounts so leave me with no choice to get it clarify but,to pay it because didn’t want to get cut off i try calling to explain, but never no answers just the machine and no one to speak to when i needed them, now i have to pay a bill of 312 dollars i cant afford now. The rmachine answer really sucks at times they need more person operation thank machine..

  236. Totally sucks!!! Get recording and it says busy call later, tried to work through menu and get agent–no such luck. Went online to and tried to find chat or email no such luck. It appears that once the CSR gets bust it is to bad and so sad if your are a customer.

  237. My home suffers from power outages all year round and FPL can’t fix it and never really explains why it happens. On top of that I call today in the morning because of course my power is out, but they can’t help till tomorrow midnight. What amazing service….. ha ha Florida needs more power companies because fpl is a joke

  238. I have been trying to report a street light that is not working and dangerously hanging on the South Side of Clint Moore Road, between Lyons and state road 7/441.
    The light has been hanging over the walkway, out side of the entrance to Long Lake Palms Community. It is a danger to anyone walking or landscaper working in the area. The pole number is 673001098 /67301080001
    This has been broken since September 9th, 2017.
    Can someone please repair before it fall and kills someone. Thank you.

  239. I get a letter confirming no service 09/10-09/23/17 due to hurricane, but some how there is high activity on the dates in between. Meanwhile I know for a fact I did not have service during that time. Each time you try and contact them online you are told that you have to call. Meanwhile I have called 10 times – each time waiting a friggin hour and still no editing of my bill and it is exactly the same as last month which was 31 days and this time period was 13 days….yeah, not likely – FPL is already trying to bank off of Hurricane Irma….and regular customer service cant help me because supposedly it is now in the hands of a supervisor? but they cant give their direct info….BOGUS BOGUS BOGUS – and these MOFOs have the monopoly where I live….

  240. impossible to get in touch with customer service. the phone maze impossible!
    When you do get someone, they don’t help. Just keep repeating billing info.

    Budget billing is a scam. my bills get higher and high and poor customer service.

  241. I am highly upset with the service I was provided today. I called regarding a question about my bill and no one could explain it to me. I spoke to a representative who then put me through to the billing supervisor. She still could not explain what I was asking her and would tell me one thing and then contradict herself. She then told me she was putting me on a brief hold to speak with her supervisor but 30 minutes has gone by and no one ever came back. I don’t know if your company takes customer service seriously since you don’t really have a choice about whether you want to choose to use this electric company or not, but I am really unhappy with the way I was treated today and if I could cancel my electricity I would.

  242. Since hurricane Irma, a street light at 4510 ave. Titusville Florida has been dangling precarously from the pole. Part of it has fallen to the ground. the balance is hanging from the wire that furnishes power to it.. It could fall and hit some one on the head or crash thru the windshield of a passing vehicle.. I have listened to thirty minutes of recordings on the telephone and could never get a live body to talk with. Please get on the stick and take care o f this ASAP !!! OK?

  243. Every quarter like clockwork, yet another call from another collection agency. My wife paid this bill $25.30 but inadvertently put an old FPL account # on the check and that account is now $25.30 to the good. I have relayed this to two separate FPL managers over the last 2 years (both saying I would not be bothered about this again) and cannot believe that there is not information of these discussions and documentation previously sent to clear this up on our FPL account. Anyway, if you could send me over to the appropriate manager so that I can once again clear this up I would appreciate it.

  244. terrible service impossible to get rep on the phone. very difficult phone system.

    I can’t help finding why my bill so high,

  245. Hi,

    How are you?

    Im on right now, and felt the need to say something about recovery of outstanding balances from your clients: I see us working together with you to collect your business outstanding balance.

    We have great partners in collection company who are working to facilitate such clients who are facing issues with their Debt. Collection. They are providing great help to collect account receivable and improve cash-flow. Theyve worked with many companies who had issues with their account receivable on your line of work. They can show you how theyve boosted collection to numerous businesses by as much as 120%.

    Would it be OK for our partners to give you a quick ring next week?

    Anaya S.

  246. Fpl’s tree trimming company came out and trimmed our tree. They left it in the front yard, not on the easement like they said. And they damaged the power lines so no they’re hanging down into the yard. I called and I get a guy banging on the door at 1:15am and he tells me they are not responsible for those lines, they are cable lines and I should call Spectrum. I’m not a Spectrum customer so I’m probably gonna call an attorney instead.

  247. Now you are spamming your customers with this? And from an email that can’t be responded to. I have already opted-out, and this is not ‘information,” it’s a solicitation you make to shamelessly drive revenue on for every customer that clicks that link, and more for those who purchase using that link. Moreover, no one needs your revenue generating spam to save that and more. You are despicable and should be ashamed of yourselves.

    On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 4:32 PM, FPL Account Management wrote:

    Black Friday Sale – Exclusive FPL customer discount on ecobee Smart Thermostats

    Save $60 on the new ecobee4 Smart Thermostat with Amazon Alexa and $40 on the ecobee3 lite Smart Thermostat. Plus, get free 2-day shipping.


  249. FPL is clearly the most arrogant company out there, customer service is non existing,forget to call them unless you are very young and have nothing else to do, they dont even have a switchboard, but demand you to waist your time to answer to their silly robot , the wait is totally unacceptable, all emails they send are from “no-reply” so forget to send them an email, they dont keep tract of your payments and turn off your power in a blink, just to overcharge you additional fees to turn it on again. SHAME ON FPL

  250. I, Holly E Walsh, just received the auto pay sign up form in the mail. It DID NOT come with a return envelope and was NOT mailed out until Dec 5th. I will be filling it out and overnighting it back to FPL Today!

  251. I am totally disappointed and angry with FPL and ‘lack there off” proving ‘customer related services’ I have called numerous time and to no avail. they offer this service and yet DOES NOT respond. What the hell? How are we to obtain information that is NOT readily available online.. this is absolutely ridiculous! numerous comments have been similar. Being placed on hold for lengthy periods and NO one comes back to assist . Modify your services to accommodate the customers!

  252. I am totally disappointed and angry with FPL and ‘lack there off” proving ‘customer related services’ I have called numerous time and to no avail. they offer this service and yet DOES NOT respond. What the hell? How are we to obtain information that is NOT readily available online.. this is absolutely ridiculous! numerous comments have been similar. Being placed on hold for lengthy periods and NO one comes back to assist . Modify your services to accommodate the customers!

  253. I have sent in a comment…please look it up and reply to me and the numerous negative comment left.. your response service is deplorable!

  254. Hi,

    I hope you are doing fine. I am checking in to see if you are looking for a professional service to answer your companys calls.

    We provide you expertly-managed personnel to answer calls related to inbound sales, customer service/support, we can schedule appointments and take orders, or even be like your virtual secretary.

    If an outsourced call center service is something youd like, respond back to my email with your approximate monthly call volume and the best time to contact you.

    All The Best,

    Ashlyn H.

  255. This is the second time in 2 months that I have a power disruption. It is completely unacceptable. When I attempted to contact FPL by phone I was sent to the emergency line as was told to just call back later. I would like a call back as soon as possible.

  256. I am totally unable to reach a live human being at FPL on the telephone for a very important matter. I only get an automated voice that gives me limited options & wont let me choose to speak to a human. Please give me a phone # to reach a live human being.

  257. I just moved to Bradenton from California. I always pay my bills after receiving a bill; however I’ve not been able to arrange for FPL to send me a bill and it’s frustrating. I don’t want to pay electronically…just send me a bill not an e-mail. Thank you for understanding.


  259. I was denied a payment extension because I was a couple days late after hurricane Irma ,this is wrong ,customer for over 40 years with no disconnects,I wish I had other options I now hate dealing with FPL ,if I were a minority or illegal I’d be treat better

  260. My account is not even late ,my request for extension was denied for late payments .the late payments were 1 or 2days late in the aftermath of hurricane in which I had extensive damage and I’m waiting for FEMA to finalize my claim ,FPL is the worst when deciding on customer issues ,they leave these decisions to a computer .awful ,just awful

  261. I called FPL at 8am on 1/9/18 to let them know that I noticed quite a bit of frayed wire on the roof of my house where the wire and the weatherhead meet. I’m extremely worried about a possible house fire. The person took notes, I received two calls immediately afterwards from a person by the name of Madonna. First time was to confirm my call and the 2nd time was to confirm that it would be okay for FPL to go on my property. By 3:30 when my husband got home from work he looked to see if anything was on the door or messages. NOTHING. I called and in FPL’s notes it said “The power is working fine and everything looks good.” You have GOT to be kidding! Either no one went to the house to look or the person is completely blind!

  262. Horrible!!
    Trying to speak to a human being for 3 days. Just going around in a circle with the robo-voice. Even when I left my # to be called back (supposedly in 16 minutes) no one ever called.

    I hate FP& L!! I need to speak to a REPRESENTATIVE!!!

  263. Will FPL benefit financially from the new tax bill recently passed by Congress? If so, do you plan to rebate funds to customers in the form of lower rates? I would appreciate a straight forward answer.

  264. MY experience was TERRIBLE!!!!!!! I received an email indicating if I signed up for paperless billing I would receive a $50 gift card. I did sign up but when I tried to give my information in order to receive the gift card it would not take my information—such as my account number. I tried calling to figure out the problem and could not get connected to the correct department to fix this problem.

  265. I enrolled in FPL Email bill and was told I would receive a $50 eGift Card. To date no card – when I all your customer service telephone number they know nothing of it. You are therefore requested to cancel my email billing and return me to my monthly paper billing. I paid my previous bill of $150.59 that was due by 1/31/2018 on line. A/C ending in 5064.

  266. I have called since April of 2017 about a pole leaning towards my house. The pole is a “dead” pole and provides no use. I have called and documented calls over the year.
    There were 2 cables pulling the pole back, along with a metal support. Months ago they severed one cable, and now, it is supported by only one cable and metal support- leaning towards my home!
    I’ve called several times and since last April FPL was to send a “boom truck” to remove the pole. I cannot believe they want this type of liability! I am worried for my family and anyone that comes to my home!!!!

  267. I am not on budget on budget billing. I paid my actual bill. Why am I being charged a deferred payment amount
    Jean Stewart

  268. You installed a temporary jumper from my meter to neighbor. Sloppy job by front door. I tried to find out when it would be removed but failed. Very frustrating.
    Charles Branning

  269. I tried for an hour to speak with a representative.

    The system will not provide me the option.

    FPL should get it’s act together

  270. Indeed to talk to a customer service representative. All I get is a robot talking . I can never to talk to a person. Please have someone call me ASAP.

  271. FPL has horrible customer service. You can only speak to a computer it’s impossible to talk to a human being I have called every single number and Can only talk to this computer. The computer cannot help me figure out why my bill seems to be different than normal. The company will not let me email them or figure out my problem is there a reason for this I’m ready to do away with my power and just go Amish.

  272. If anybody has a number to contact a human please post it this is really ridiculous. They think that the computer is going to answer all of our questions and help us with our billing problems but it doesn’t all the computer does is keep repeating our bill.

  273. Horrible need to speak to human this sucks I can’t speak for myself I lost my voice box to cancer . I had someone speak for me and found out deposit would be 155.00 ..I sent it with a check with routing info and didn’t get a response .tried having friend call . So exasperating. Couldn’t get a human . Terrible service so ordered an allocation to be sent in mail. Stupid .

  274. I tried numerous times to SPEAK to someone at FPL but I couldn’t get a live person to speak to. My phone calls were just a repeated message that speaking to a representative was NOT possible. WHY????? I need to ask questions but all I get is the run around of an automated answering system. HOW can I actually SPEAK TO SOMEONE at FPL????????

  275. I have been trying to talk to a LIVE representative in reference to a possible fraud using my cell phone number. I received a voicemail from FPL about an order I had placed (which I did NOT place) for service to an address I have no idea where it is.
    There is NO option on your phone numbers that I can find (easily) to rectify this fraudulent order

  276. You suck, I wanted to speak to a representative. Payment was made if error to another account that has been closed. Cannot get money transferred.

    • I called today to ask if a deposit was required for new customers and I couldn’t get past the automated phone service. This is very poor representation of any company. It shows they care less about service and more about money. Accept I certainly hope that automated phone service is costing them plenty. I have better thing to do with my time than listen to a machine all day.

  277. it is impossible to contact or speak to a customer service representative. As an 87 year old, 21 year customer that has never made a late payment and usually carries a credit balance I am very disappointed in FPL. I made an error in my checking account thus a $60.00 check was returned to the bank due to Insufficient funds. Although I had a CREDIT balance of $37.95 as of March 30, 2018 I received a letter from FPL charging a returned payment charge of $30.00! Also a threat of requiring payments for monthly bills be made by cash or credit/debit cards for the next 12 months and a possible disconnection of electric service and reconnection fee of $13.00! THIS IS ROTTEN CUSTOMER SERVICE TO SAY THE LEAST. I have never asked for or received a credit for service lost during power outages!

  278. I can not talk to a real person about you making me pay thru western union have lived here for almost 30 yrs and your on phone billing did something wrong and punished me I have always paid by check or with my credit card thru my credit card. Your company does nothing to help their customers and your not helping ppls situations when they come up.I would appreciate a call you have my phone number on file.


  280. What is the $9.00 debit for. voluntary solar program? when did I approve that charge? Must I pay it and if so, why?

  281. I tried many times to speak with a customer service agent about the sudden hike in my bill. There is no option to speak to a person.Shame after all the money you collect from us!

  282. Terrible service. I need to speak with a person regarding my bill. You should give such an option on your recording.

  283. I simply wanted to speak to human being to ask about continuing budget billing at my home address and also moving new service to another address. My daughter is moving into my home and I will be moving to another home eventually where I want to continue service. Why can you not provide at least a few people to actually speak with. We certainly seem to pay enough for this simple service.

  284. Unable to navigate the automated system which appears to be down and there is no way to speak to a live person at FPL. Please send a phone number to reach someone live. Shame on you.

  285. There is no menu option for my enquiry which was related to a back charge to FPL.

    Why is in not possible to speak to a live person and why, is this day and age, is there means of contacting Customer Support by e-mail?

    I tried calling the Corporate Office but again could not reach the correct department and so I have had to write.

  286. Hi there,

    My name is Marley from Biz Phone Buddy, we help companies like yours find top-of-the-line phone systems at a fraction of the cost by bringing you up to 5 competitive quotes from multiple providers.

    Did you know that we often save businesses anywhere from 23%-40% from their business phone system by eliminating unnecessary costs, and highlighting what they need.

    Would you like to receive up to 4-5 Biz Phone Buddy from our network? Just reply here with the number of phone lines you need, and my agents will contact you shortly.

    Best Regards,

    Marley C.

  287. Hi,

    How are you? Im Adriana with Business Phones Provider, our company brings you significantly reduced costs on VOIP/Phone Systems by funneling up to 5 quotes from several leading suppliers.

    Weve been able to utilize our relationships with suppliers to cut VOIP rates by up to 43% for other companies, while often upgrading them to the latest features.

    If a VOIP/Business Phone quote is what youd like, reply back here, and my agents will get in touch with you shortly with the most competitive price quotes.

    All The Best,

    Adriana H.

  288. My name is Adela Nass. I live at 7192 Huntington Lane, Apt. 104 in Delray Beach, Florida. Last week, I received a call on my “answer-machine” that FPL would be closing off power to our building (22) for six hours, beginning at 9:00 A.M. on
    July 5, 2018. I called the number given: (1-800-226-3545) and spoke to David and another person who then told me to call your Engineer, Manuel Sardinis at
    (561) 742-2002 and his “voice-mail” answered. I left a detailed message of the problem involved in closing off electric for six hours in a building filled with Senior Population, some of who are handicapped and need the elevator – and the problem of food spoilage in the refrigerator, plus the problem for air conditioning for medical purposes. I asked to be called back with answers to all of these questions, even if I am not home and requested answers left on my answer machine to ALL QUESTIONS!! I am extremely concerned about this.
    Perhaps if it needs to be done, it can be done at 9:00 P.M. instead of 9:A.M.
    At least people can be in their homes by then – it will be cooler than daytime. Please help me address this problem that has many ramifications. I would also like to know why our building was the one affected by this. I have spoken to others in my community and they know nothing of this plan by FPL. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Adela Nass

  289. Hello.

    I did not contact FPL for my balance. There is obviously something very wrong with the balance as no one lives in this home full time and the last time someone was there was end of May.

    Your supervisor, Gabby (?) was of no help as she only kept repeating herself. Yes, obviously something is wrong but there is nothing plugged in save a refrigerator (Star rated) and the A/C (brand new).

    Kind of a scam that FPL doesn’t immediately notify a customer by phone or email when usage spikes 4x the normal. But of course no one can do anything about it. My bill is paid ontime EVERY MONTH/ FPL should have safeguards in place when something seems amiss with usage. Shame.

  290. I called today to ask if a deposit was required for new customers and I couldn’t get past the automated phone service. This is very poor representation of any company. It shows they care less about service and more about money. Accept I certainly hope that automated phone service is costing them plenty. I have better thing to do with my time than listen to a machine all day.

  291. On June 29,2018 a power line came down in my back yard. I was on vacation at the time. I returned home on July 6 to find a the old power line still hanging in the telephone wires and three piles of tree branches in my yard that were from my neighbors figus hedge. I called customer service and was told the vegetation would be removed by July 7. Nothing has happened since. WE have called five or six times and promised some one would get back to us. Again nothing has been resolved. We need an reason why this issue can’t get resolved.

  292. Good morning. Yesterday I receive a phone call from fpl sayng that there are going to disconet my services. because they di not receive my last payment the phone number they gave me is 18024876577 please check on this I di not gave them any information the person that answer the phone in English was the same person that answer in Spanish.

  293. Hi there,

    Its Mckenzie, Im with Contact1 Inc., wanted to let you know we help companies save on Call Center needs by funneling them proposals from up to 4-5 trusted US-based Call Centers.

    Weve been able to utilize our relationships to help companies cut their answering costs by up to 42%, while ensuring we can match all their specific answering needs.

    Would you like to get started on a quote US-Based Call Centers? Just reply to this email with the amount of calls you receive (monthly), and my team will follow up shortly to confirm your requirements.


    Mckenzie B.

  294. Unable to contact FPL online to report a problem which does not concern billing or service. Called the 1800697 8000 number aand I ea still unable to report the problem that I needed to report.
    I am receiving three/4 calls per day from 1-561-845-3363 saying FPL. The caller says don’t hang up. The the line goes silent. This is odd because FPL never contacts me in this manner. Just wanted to make you aware that someone is using your name(FPL) to get people to answer their phones.
    Courtney Knowles

  295. I am glad you received my late payment but I did send your payment of 64.66 on 6-29-18 thru wells fargo bank but it did not go thru not my fault anyhow I had to pay an extra 18.00 and change since I am a good payee never late befotre even when I lived in las vegas Nevada for a while I would appreciate you waiver the late charge I sent you and all the extra charges to my next statement thanks Neville d baker account number 86698-29429

  296. I would appreciate you waiver the late charge because I did send it thru wells fargo bank on 6-29-18 but it did not go thru would appreciate you refund me some or a part of the late charge I had to pay to keep my account in good shape since I became a customer even when I lived in las vegas Nevada for a while never had a late charge before always pay before required schedule time please check my record thanks for your consideration god bless Neville d baker account number 86698-29429 Neville d baker

  297. Hi there,

    Thought to introduce myself, my name is Jayla with Business VOIP Buddy, we help businesses get VOIP/Business Phone systems at a fraction of the cost by providing them up to 5 quotes from multiple providers.

    Weve leveraged relationships with leading VOIP providers to offer clients services at a 24%-40% cost reduction, while bringing them the features they need most.

    Would you like to get started on quotes for a VOIP system? Just reply to this email with the number of lines you need, and well follow up with you shortly.


    Jayla P.

  298. The Customer Service Email Contact Form link you provide above is worthless. It does not lead to any Contact Form.

    Does FPL have a direct email address for Customer Service?

    Thank you!

  299. Recently fpl van shows up to my home he turn off all the electricity saying he to replace something on meter. Why was he here will he come again. fpl account #1909695114

  300. Awful experience with FPL, NEVER can get through on the phone, the automated system keeps asking same questions over and over, all I want is a representative!!
    All the options they give doesn’t apply to my needs. Wth

  301. What is the email address for customer service? I can’t wait all day on the is very frustrating…

  302. Hi,

    Its Jane with Ring-Ring Me Buddy, we bring companies like yours top-of-the-line Answering Services at competitive rates by funneling you up to 5 proposals from multiple local providers.

    Through our program, weve saved clients up to 24%-40% on their answering costs, while connecting them with professionally managed call center teams who boost productivity.

    Would you like a Call Center quote to see if we can cut costs/raise production? Just reply here and let me know (roughly) how many calls you receive each month, and my team will follow up shortly to confirm your needs.



  303. Just want to ask a question. Why can’t you just talk to me. I have wasted hours trying to ask a 30 second question.

  304. can’t get through automated system to speak to a rep. terrible customer support.
    way over priced, and no help to reduce bill

  305. My power is out once again.
    We have serious constant issues with our power going out st this location. Us and our neighbors
    About 10 of us.
    Can you please send a specialist out to research the issue yet once again. It has to be underground .
    Please look underground. No one has ever looked under ground or climbed the pole.
    I would like a call from an executive level who is going to help address this issue properly please!

  306. good day
    my name is Domenico Esposito home address 3550NW ,83rd Avenue Apt.206 zip code 33122 Doral, we opened an account in November before moving in the rental apartment. We don’t remember the password and we didn’t have a social security number at that time so I can’t get into the account. Also I didn’t receive the bill for August 2018. Can somebody help us ?

  307. if your committed to conservation why dont you offer energy rebates for windows recommended by fpl in their energy audits? Duke and other companies do?

  308. Believe I received call from FPL saying my account would be closed but believe this is a fake please advise number was 1-800-226-3545

  309. In the month of October the invoice arrived excessively high, nevertheless the meter was not sending information to the company the question is How it calculates the cost in a case like this?
    Then came a representative of the company to fix that, and an employee said on the phone that a credit would appear on the bill, but that as it was logical never happened, Can you explain this to me? How can a monopoly like the FPL disregard its clients? and put on the bill what They want, I want an answer? And it is impossible to communicate with the company now they have put a virtual assistant, a doll that good?

  310. We pay way too much for electricity to have these constant brown outs! They interfere with television reception! AND THE POWER COMPANY DOES NOT NEED AN INCREASE. THEY NEED TO UTILIZE ALTERNATE RESOURCES AND BETTER MANAGEMENT!

  311. The power at our house and in our neighborhood east of federal highway on A1A here in Delray’s Seagate area has gone out AT LEAST a dozen times in the last three months, and AT LEAST 20 times in the last year. When it goes out the FPL report online indicates that anywhere from 50-100 houses are affected. I can only imagine, based on the property taxes that we pay on our one house, how much money the state and city derive from all of us CHOOSING to live here. This has become BEYOND frustrating and actually we and several other families in the area are strongly considering moving OUT OF DELRAY BEACH. Perhaps you could figure out how to use the MILLIONS of dollars of taxes we all pay to upgrade the equipment or otherwise FIX this situation??? You all should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves for such pathetic ineptitude! The most impoverished areas of our entire country have more reliable electrical service than our homes in the Seagate area- WAKE UP!!!

  312. To whom it may concern:

    The power at our house and in our neighborhood east of federal highway on A1A here in Delray has gone out AT LEAST a dozen times in the last three months, and AT LEAST 20 times in the last year. When it goes out the FPL report online indicates that anywhere from 50-100 houses are affected. I can only imagine, based on the property taxes that we pay on our one house, how much money the state and city derive from all of us CHOOSING to live here. This has become BEYOND frustrating and actually we and several other families in the area are strongly considering moving OUT OF DELRAY BEACH. Perhaps you could figure out how to use the MILLIONS of dollars of taxes we all pay to upgrade the equipment or otherwise FIX this situation??? You all should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves for such pathetic ineptitude! The most impoverished areas of our entire country have more reliable electrical service than our homes in the Seagate area- WAKE UP!!!

  313. What a ripoff. I want a simple question answered about Budget Billing, and YOU WANT ME TO PAY $5.00 FOR THAT ANSWER????
    This type of abuse by FPL should be well publicized.
    I have asked to speak to a live person, and am told to pay $5.00.

  314. My service is about to be disconnected. The bill went from 997 to 1750 without explanation. I’m retired and have a low fixed income and a disabled son and cannot even pay the past due until another week but the account has been closed and I cannot obtain an extension. In fact there is no way to contact anyone through the web site because they don’t wish to be bothered with anything except giving many ways to pay. I refuse to call because I don’t wish to explain this to 5 different people and be shuffled around endlessly, I cannot pay the past due or any amount on my account until 11/22/18. So cut me off. doesn’t matter. Email isn’t published? Then why is the name? To dissuade people from complaints?

  315. impossible to get through the phone to get a rep. i am trying to find out why bills arw higher and higher. Hiher and higher bills, and little customer service.
    Tired of being ripped off!

  316. No way to connect fpl by phone
    This is insane I am lost with the app and I need to close and transfer an account to an other HELP

  317. I am having a Problem with Power Conversion ? , the power is going from High to Low all day and Night, WHY ? I live in Leisure Lake, for 3 yrs now, But this is the First year that I have had this Problem, You Should have a Power Stabalizer ?

  318. This is not a comment bout a question. How do you pick the spot to place a telephone pole? I am a member of and HOA and am asking as a member complained about one you placed yesterday right smack dab in front of her window. Now all she sees is a telephone pole. I have looked and you have them in pairs, some are a close set of three, some are wood, some are not. So how do you pick where they go and what material is used. Thank you.

  319. I wanted to cancel the “Budget Billing” and it was difficult to find the link/page to start the process, and the I had to click [Discontinue] SIX TIMES on six pages to get it canceled!!

    Now I want to stop the “On Call” and there is NO PAGE or link – they say “call us”. Well, since there was a storm last night, they are only taking emergency outage calls at the moment…

    At this point, I hate FPL Customer Service.

  320. Hello,
    Please add a drop off box in Vero Beach for the clients who prefer to drop off their payments in the drop off box as they did in the past. It’s very convenient and not costly. We paid our bills by dropping them in the drop off box every month and we still like that. Please keep the previous drop off box in the Vero Beach utility building on 20th st.

  321. Hello,
    Since you have so many clients in Vero Beach, please set up a payment drop off box in Vero Beach so that many people can just drop their payments in the box without having to deal with postage and online payment or phone payment. Please
    do so and many clients will love it. Thank you in advance!

  322. We have been waiting for a leased pole light since 9-25-2018, here it is 12-30-2018 and we still don’t have one, all we get is it is being asigned to a P.M., if I knew it would take this long, I would of never requested it, hate to think how long it would take to replace a blub while still paying the monthly bill.


    I established new service and was charged a deposit. FPL states that if you sign up for their “Automatic Bill Pay the deposit will be waived” I received a bill with the deposit amount of 247.00 plus taxes and fees only two days after I moved. The website would not allow me to sign up for the automatic bill pay. Today I tried again to sign up for bill pay and I am able to do so “ONLY AFTER I PAY THE BILL I JUST RECEIVED. This so called deposit is now considered a past due balance. FPL STEALS FROM CUSTOMERS AND THERE IS NO RECOURSE FOR THE CONSUMER. To add insult to injury FPL has no “REAL HUMANS to answer customer questions. ALL AUTOMATED. CROOKS!!!

  324. I keep getting robo calls from FPL – constant calls with no one on the line! My name Pierre Ozendo, number 239 384 9235 in Naples. STOP THE CALLS!!

  325. The power line from the transformer to my house is being forced down by trees on the rite-of-away to the point of pulling the pole over. The cable attached to the pole is breaking and unravelling. What does it take to get you out to remedy this before my power goes out, or worse yet, someone gets electrocuted? You do not respond to calls, obviously, as I have called twice. If pictures are what it takes, tell me where I can send them. I would be happy to show you if that would help to get you out here.

  326. I am receiving calls from a scam saying they are going to turn my electric off today if i don’t pay them on phone of course i am not going to pay them but I thought you should know. the number they call from is 8005157620 Trying to call you is a total waste of time and very disturbing

  327. I feel it outrageous that 1) you outsource to contractors that don’t do their homework when contacting property OWNERS on issues relating to the property. Instead they contact the person with an account number on the property!!! The person on the property, in this case, is a RENTER not and owner and they have no permission to have FPL do ANYTHING on the property they do not own. When I called FPL, after an hour on line with the virtual attendant (totally useless) and menu driven phone system I finally spoke to a live person who could do absolutely NOTHING since my account on the property was closed. Apparently, FPL can only handle issues with names and accounts attached to the property. 2) You should have your own in-house department to research information so you can trust it to be correct.
    My tenant recently received a letter about underground cabling and asking for their permission to come on property. Tenants have not power to grant FPL any access to the property. Has you contractor, and apparently FPL, should have a way to realize the OWNER does not have an active account on the property and have a way to contact the OWNER and not tenants living in the property.
    I filed a complaint with Daniel Employee/Badge number 6737 at least this is the information I was given. Since I filed the complaint on my ‘inactive’ account number on the property, I received a ‘thank you’ emails for contacting FPL and how to get my balance online. Must everything be automated? As stated in the movie “Sully” on the Miracle on the Hudson plane landing . . . you are so into your statuses and computers, you are missing the ‘human factor’. I honestly feel FPL is one of the great companies in our great State of Florida, but you need to have some empathy on such ‘minor’ issues. I am not the only land owner not living on my land. You should not have to outsource. You have enough manpower and resources to have your own department to do the investigating. And BTW the reason I am so upset is due to the fact that one or two years ago someone knocked on my tenant’s door, supposedly at 6am, to be given access to my property of which they drove some heavy equipment onto my lawn. Has they not left the tracks from their heavy equipment on lawn, I would have not even been aware. By sheer luck, no damage was done to the irrigation system on the property. FPL should be aware that RENTERS have no permission to grant them onto a property owner’s property. Thank you for your time.

  328. Why is my ss# connected to someone elses email when i try to register for fpl app is there a way we can fix this. i mean i cant sign in and change nothing nore pay with my roughting and account number

  329. I tried to speak with a CSR. Apparently no humans are imployed at FPL. All I am able to do is respond to a Ai.

  330. I feel when installing meters on homes, fpl should use care not to put them on bedroom walls. Each night my head is 5ft away from mine. Can they be moved to an area that does not spend so much time close to the human body? I would like to feel safer.

  331. You need an email address we can use for contacting you. By not having one you are not providing full satisfactory customer service.

  332. I’ve been calling and reporting a problem for weeks now….I guess you’ll pay attention when the local news reports how our houses burned down!!!!

  333. I finally went to my standby way to find my way through to a customer service agent by hitting “0” about 10 times in a row. Then I waited, spoke with a nice lady and then was disconnected. Really need to have a much better way to run your phone rooms. Why did I call? On the bill there is no explanation as to what the charge for M36 or what exactly is the Water Protection Plan and why are we paying instead of the company. If I remember correctly the company was told they had to protect the water near their plants built on the water as they did in north Brevard County. If that is true, then why did the state allow them to bill us for it. But so far I don’t have the answer since I can’t talk to someone without being disconnected. I was hoping when we got our solar panels we could go off the grid but the state says that can’t happen. Really too bad. Apparently big business wins again.

  334. FPL has WORST Customer Service in Florida OR any UTILITY. I will contact State of Florida about this! They make MILLION$ and cant have a HUMAN take a call??
    Phone numbers abound BUT all are Robo idiots! Speak to Representative reply is “That Option is NOT available” What F^%&King Option IS!!!?? What do Seniors do that dont have computer OR help not on robo list. DISGUSTING!

  335. I have two accounts with FPL and in excellent standing.
    I’m very disappointed and surprised that FPL does not seem interested in customer support.
    I have made multiple attempts to get issues addressed, was last connected to a supervisor Ms Calderon today and as I am explaining the problem she disconnects the call. Can someone please respond to case 9492986, thank you.

  336. FPL made a $30 error on my bill and there is no way to reach them to get the charge reversed. Their phone number deliberately drags the caller through countless menu options, none of which are relevant. The robot is no help. There is no way to reach a human in customer service, there is no published FPL email. The FPL loop is time consuming and fruitless. Very very bad situation for a utility company.

  337. My request is simple why is not a email address available for request info about how to request waiver on late fees since march to now because of the pandemic close Need someone to assist me with my request please there is not to much sorces to get in touch with customer services Thank you please

  338. For Acct. #: 92009-84541. You have misspelled my last name. I am BERNADETTE ARISTIDE and my Email is

    Please correct the misspelled ARISTRIDE to reflect my last name ARISTIDE in order to fix my email address. Thanks

  339. i need to talk to an FPL representitive. I tried to answer my questions online but to no availe. I understand this Covid-19 thing going on but not to be able to talk to someone that i pay $4000.00 a year to is absolutely ridiculous. Please please please have anyone call me to answer the easiest questions 6078573861

  340. Every company that i deal with has somehow figured out how to stay in touch or have something in place for a customer to call in. FPL has not figured that out which is very disappointing. i just want a simple question answered but it seems impossible to talk to customer service.
    A very frustrated customer

  341. I have to agree with the above comments. I have lived in many places in the US and FPL has the worse cusotmer service by far not even close. Management should be ashamed of themselves.

  342. This is one of the worst customer service contacts I have ever dealt with. The number you call to get help is basically the run around. It is just by shear luck that you get a live representative. FPL could and should do better for it’s customers. Very disappointing and frustrating.

  343. FPL. A monopoly in the state of Florida. Cannot let their customers speak with a live agent?

    Why can’t we speak with a live agent? This is unacceptable for the millions of customers they provide power for.

  344. I have been a customer for over 40 years and I just want to thank FPL. I have been through many hurricanes and outages and you are awesome at what you do.
    I really love the fact that your technology is also helping with the price of electric.
    My cable TV has gone up 1000% in 30 years but my electric keeps going down
    So Thanks! FPL for not being so greedy and being organized, on the ball and up to date!


    Michele Kirkland

  345. Yes I see you came & installed one of your digital meters in my place. There was never anything wrong with my automatic one. I have had nothing but half of my power for a good period of time. Your response is flip the breakers & everything I’ll be better. Well my electrician checked it out & a phase has been lost in my meter which is preventing me from getting all my power. He is a certified electrician & you insist that I turn my breakers on & off instead of fixing this. I have only half of my electric coming into my house, this is going on now for to long. You give me a digital meter that is faulty & then you won’t even fix this issue. I have put in multiple outage reports & not once have you even come to examine this meter. Yet my electrician did & it has a lost phase in the new meter. Evidently you came & installed a digital meter when it never needed to be changed, now I have nothing but headaches & you basically could careless. How does an electrician physically test the meter & finds a problem with it & you don’t ever come on my property & tell me just flip your breakers on & off. Well guess what it doesn’t work because I still only have half of my place with electricity. I am telling you the problem needs to be fixed ASAP & flipping my breakers isn’t the answer. Why don’t you just come & test the meter like the electrician & see what the real problem is. Your little diagnostic tests are worthless if they were able to isolate a problem then it would know a phase was lost in the new digital meter you installed. Si why don’t you get over here & fix it so I can have my full electricity in my house. You have been playing around with me regarding this & I want this matter fixed the right way. So your diagnostic readings are basically worthless as far as fixing my issue.

  346. To FPL: I would like to bring something to your attention. I live at 1155 Marseille Drive in Miami Beach. Next to the driveway to that building is a metal tube cemented into the ground next to a telephone pole and rises about 30 feet or so. it has a diameter of about 4 inches. At the top of the tube, black rubber tubes enter into this metal tube and continue to their purpose. My comment is that the metal tube is covered approximately 40-50% with rust. it is a terrible eyesore. It is not helpful to the environment. It is a horror. The street lamps or lampposts in contrast have no rust on them at all. I do not know if this metal tube is characteristic of others or not. Is there anything you can do to remove this eyesore, i.e. replace it, cover it over with some paint-like substance, scrape the rust off, or anything to improve its look?
    As a final remark I would like to say that FPL has shown its dedication to providing electricity to its customers cheaply and be environmentally friendly. I tell you in all earnestness that poles like the one I’ve described literally (but figuratively of course) take a machine gun to that dedication and fill it full of holes. What can be done?
    Thank you.
    Robert M. J. Thomas
    1155 Marseille Drive #31
    Miami Beach, FL 33141
    FPL Acct. #: 8712686529

    Nov. 21st, 2020

  347. WE have had no resolution of our issue at our community. We have had a strap cable laying over a number of our yards for almost 5 months. In the last month we have called 6-8 times. Our issue has been “elevated” and we were promised a call in 24 hours. This NEVER happened. They finally gave me a number for Engineering and he got back and left me a number. I have called the number but have not got an answer.
    We are trying to get this strap buried. We are a senior community and people are tripping on this cable.
    How do we talk to someone to get resolution to this issue
    Duane Hoversten 320-282-1677
    73 Cortez Way Fort Myers Beach
    Other properties
    72 Cortex Way
    71 Cortez Way
    70 Cortez Way

  348. All I can say is I’m extremely upset with this company. I have been recently dealt with a hardship and wasn’t able to make my extension deadline I was 4 days late with coming up with the money. Once o came up with it I paid and they still disconnected my service. I explained to them I had two children at home that are being home schooled and I was dealing with a financial hardship. The supervisor told me it wasn’t her problem. Now I have no electricity and have to wait to get it turned on. The have rude customer service representatives. I just can’t believe they couldn’t honor what I was able to do. They still disconnected my service and made me feel like I didn’t make to effort to meet my requirement. Horrible company!

  349. I have been asked to update my contact info each year and each year I try to input my UK telephone number which is where I live. I do not have a Florida phone. Each time the website changes it to fit the US format which leaves out numbers. I have tried to use “Julia” but apparently she is unable to deal with that type of enquiry. I have also tried to find an email address with no success. Each time I am redirected to Julia and we go through the same procedure.

    Although a free phone number is given for the US. It is not a free phone from the UK and I do not want to spend time and money on listening to muzak whilst on a transatlantic call.

    If you want mine and other peoples info, make it easy for us to give it by providing an email contact.

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