Contacting Cable One Customer Service
Cable One is a cable, telephone and Internet company serving more than 700,000 customers in 19 states. Customers can utilize the official website to learn more about local television listings, access residential customer service, access business customer service or sign up for new service. Customer service information is available for the main headquarters, billing department and 24-hour customer care phone line.
Click here to leave a comment about your customer service experience.Contact Info:
Phone Contact Numbers
If you wish to contact Cable One customer service, you can do so 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are also local offices for Cable One customers. You can find a local office by choosing your location from the Contact Us page on the company website.
- 24 Hour Customer Service: 1-877-MYCABLE (1-877-692-2253)
Mailing Address
If you are currently a Cable One customer, you will likely have a billing statement for the current or previous month. That statement has an address listed, but that is the billing address not the customer service address. You can contact Cable One customer service at the corporate address in Phoenix, AZ.
Cable One
1314 North 34rd St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Official Website
From the main page of the Cable One website, located here:, customers can view available service packages, learn more about the Cable One company and log in to their residential or business accounts. If you need to start service with Cable One, simply Set Your Location at the top of the screen and all available local services will be listed.
If you cannot find a service location near you, Cable One services may not be available in your area. You can contact customer service for more detailed coverage information.
Customer Service Email
If you wish to contact customer service via email, you won’t find the Cable One customer service email address listed on the main website. Instead, customers must choose their local area then visit the customer service contact page for access to the email form. All emails are sent via the same form, no matter where your location is. You can contact Cable One customer service with the email form here:
We have reached out to customer service by email and we are waiting for a response.
Our Experience
Calling Cable One is a tricky situation. When you call the Cable One customer service number, you are greeted with an automated response system. You have the ability to select the options for existing customers and new service customers. If you ware an existing customer, you must enter you account information. In the event you do not have you account information handy, you can enter the telephone number on file.
Cable One allows you to continue even if you do not have either of the mentioned information. What you will be faced with is the available options are limited If you do not have the available information. If the selections are not what you require, the call is instantly disconnected. We attempted to call customer service as if we were setting up a new account in order to speak to a representative. This experience was worse. We waited on hold for more than 10 minutes and a representative never picked up the call.
If you want a faster response, you can email customer service at:
An email inquiry to Cable One resulted in a quick response. We received response from a customer service representative within 15 minutes. The customer service representative answered our question as well as provided us with additional customer service resources. See the responses below:
Public Website Feedback
Thank you for submitting your online inquiry. You can initiate service online or through customer service. Whichever way works best for you. The orders submitted online get handled just as quick as talking to a customer service rep over the phone. If you would like to talk to a representative, you can contact 877-692-2253 (877-My Cable) to see if we service your area and what is available.
Thank you,
Customer Care Data Processor
Cable One
Email From Richard
Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:58 AM
Customer Care
Hello. When you initiate service with Cable One, is it easier to start service on the website or contact a reprentative from customer service. Thank you for your help with my question.
Did you have similar wait times, or did you speak to a Cable One customer care representative? Share your thoughts and experiences with us.
Did you know that there is a Cableone Sucks facebook page because their service is SO bad here in Ardmore, Ok!! My husband and I moved here in May and we signed up for cable and internet through Cableone and have had nothing but problems with it ever since. The service people don’t even show up in the time that they say they will either and we only get the automated crap when we try to call. I am having to write this on my mother’s computer because our cable and internet are both down right now! Go figure.
well its november 2014 and cablecom is down to 436,000 customers. i figure someday i ll wake up and have no cable or internet
they blew off viacom so now we have familynet eternal world network spourt . i have to go to my parents to watcht tv
they put the new replacement channels on a separate tier so you have to pay 12 a month more for a bunch of sport(more than i can watch) and lmn (which is lame. i watched it at my parents house/ on basic cable theres no music channels but their isnt on the new tier either. i dont know why they built all the added capacity theyve lost almost 300000 customers and raised prices on those that remain to pay for sports channels they picked and i dont watch but now how to pay more per month anyway . ive lived in the area for 30 years and seen this system go from company and this stunt they pulled after viacom wouldnt agree to their offer is making it look like they intend to destroy the company
So much for their “reliable service and 24 hour customer support” they need a new commercial!!
My daughter has cable one, and is moving out of town. A town that Cable One does NOT service. They are charging her $360 for cancelling her contract.
I’ve had cable one at four different residences. Each time I set up instant bill pay by providing them with my credit card #. Each time within months they shut down the service and claim that I haven’t made payment. Today while at the airport traveling home I receive a call stating my service has been disconnected and I have a ridiculously large cable bill that I must pay. Now I must wait 3 days before having to call the local
Went to pay a late bill to get cable turned back on and they told me since my son used my phone number to get cable at the same house that I moved in to and he owes a bill and now they won’t let me get cable on until he pays his bill.. I think that is not right if I payed mine I should be able to get cable
I’ve been with cableone since they started & now you want to change things for the “better”. Well, now I can’t even access my email. Thanks a lot.
Shortly after my husband died I went to change the name on my cable bill and was informed it would cost me $60.00 plus $$$$ as if I were creating a new account. We had been Cable-One customers for 15 years at the time so I was shocked. I walked out of their office in tears. Yesterday I called to add service and was greeted by a very rude, offensive young woman named Rosie. I could only tolerate her manner for a couple of minutes and hung up. I called back a few minutes later and got an ANGEL named Linda. She was immensely kind, professional, and proficient. She got my service date set up,change of info taken care of, and treated me like a valued customer. I certainly hope they know the gem they have there.
I ordered Internet and phone service when the installer came out he said he is not allowed to drop my cable on an inside wall (was the first I had herd of anyone not doing that). I feel that they should install my cable where I ask them. I’m very disatisied with the installation.
How much do you charge for long distance subscrlption and its rate to [Paris,Fance],allready Ihave your internet (super fast internet)
We are requesting that you reinstate CNN, Headline News; Turner Classics, etc
If this is not done by November 1, 2013, we are cancelling our service with you.
After removing TCM from your line-up my wife and I are looking into alternative providers and believe we are ready to make the switch as soon as next week. History and Discovery channels have turned into trash tv and now our last favorite channel is gone. I assume negotiations will prove fruitful but that the cost will be passed down to subscribers once again. Soon to be former subscribers. Joe & Susan.
Thanks once again CableOne now I no longer have TNT… Why don’t u actually put up on the screen what is really going on.. It says available shortly.. No that is a LIE… It isn’t available at all… Put that on your screen… At least have the guts to tell your PAYING customers what we r no longer receiving instead og your dip continued deception!!!
After trying to find the right customer service number number for over 10 minutes due to all the number on their website are wrong.. I finally got an automatic computer telling me that on my area the local office was closed. and thankyou for calling. bye. I dont like this horrible customer service. and no having a real human to talk.
Cable One Customer Service Sucks… They will lie and tell you what
they think you want to hear.!!!
I will expect an adjustment on my next billing, your companies inability to provide service – which I currently pay for. I was not able to see the 4th qtr of the Saints game and now the Colts game came back on and we did not see the 2nd and 3rd qtr nor much of the 4th qtr. Not to mention the 3 attempts to email you of my disappointment and your high speed internet would not connect, deleting my comments each time. And, yes I called the 24 hour help line and got a busy signal/sound. I look forward to speaking with someone in regards to my adjustment.
Your service is terrible. Every month something is wrong. I have tv, phone and computer service with you. The past several months one or more of these is out. Today it is the tv..some channels. The service tells me something wrong in the area. Don’t know what or why or even when it might be ok. Didn’t care. Last time it was the phone and computer. I am handicapped and could not call anyone or email anyone. That is totally unacceptable. I need a way to communicate should something happen.
The services are limited where I live but I need to be safe.
What are you going to do about all these inconveniences?
Thanks for info. AF
15 min on hold for customer service and waiting for a human…. most of my channels don’t work now for 3rd day what the hell is wrong with your service? Im ready to go back to dish its cheaper and always works
Cable one sucks were paying for what huh?? Y’all need to be getting Bet Vh1 and Nickelodeon and MTV back cause this bull y’all got us watching is for old people. And My 7yr old is complaining because she can’t watch Nickelodeon and the crap y’all gave us is the same thing that comes on PBS
Today we had your serviceman, Andrew, come out and troubleshoot a problem we were having with our internet. He was on time and on target, correcting the problem. Very cordial, professional, and dedicated to his job!!! A true asset for Cable One!!! Thanks
How do you set up an internet account when there is no way to call Cable One? I had to go on my brothers pc to locate a number. Maybe I should have paid more attention to the tv ad.
Finally I got through to Anthony who was hyper sales and insisting I bundle. I do not want to “bundle”-I only want information on their internet and internet alone. I currently have Fontier but they are pathetic in the download speeds in our small community. Maybe I should just stick with them. Clearly, Cable One does not care about customer support or satisfaction. Ironically, compared to Cable One, Frontier looks slightly less awful.
Today, 4/29, I had to set up a new modem. I had problems and had to contact tech support. A gentleman by the name of Steven Morris helped me. He was on the phone with me for about an hour and I could not have asked for a better person to help me. He was very patient, made the directions clear, and incredibly helpful. This gentleman is certainly a great asset to your company.
Tiffany Frisby
For the last year the quality of service and programing has gone down. We lost many channels last Spring and they were so called replaced with Spanish channels, sports channels and some were just lost. I do not remember my bill being adjusted, my bill has gone up and the programing has gotten worse and continues to get even worse! We lost the comedy channel and others this last Spring. We lost channel 63 for all purposes. When we got cable one we were given a list of channels we would get and a price, we no longer get those channels but pay the price. Tonight I was watching Turner Classic Movies and it went off after a half our or so. What is going on? Do you people care if your customers get what they are paying for? I thought there were laws to protect customers from being charged for a service they didn’t get! Your commercials are a joke! How many customers have you lost and how many more will you loose? You said the people you buy your programming from were making you pay for channels that were lousy and you wanted only decent ones, you didn’t want to pay for channels you wouldn’t watch but that is what you are doing to us your customers. I think it is time for you to practice what you preach! I waited all night to be able to watch something beside these cheap reality crap and you cannot even seem to provide a simple program for more than half an hour. Your stealing from us. I get calls and advertisements to add phone and internet to my service, the way you people fail to provide service for TV alone, that will not happen! I would like my programs back, I would like decent service, I am only asking for what I am Paying for and I’m sure I am not alone after a year of this.
We were extremely pleased with the service provided by Mike (do not remember last name) who set up our HD box. He was pleasant and efficient.
On June 25th I contacted tech support and as usual THEY ARE AWESOME I got Kenneth oper#1712 and was awesome as those guys always are. He was patient went over everything till we had it so helpful those tech guys are the best part of cable one they come thru every time can’t thank Ken and all the guys there enough.
Thanks again please recognize Ken for his great customer service.
Sherri bass
poor website. All I want is a mailing address to pay a bill. The address is returned with payment coupon so now I resorted to the website. No luck or help unless I want to enter their online payment plan. No thanks. A recipe for trouble given the usual help of Cable One. Going on vacation during pay cycle and would like to pay in advance. NOT happening I guess. Another reason to drop cable as if we needed more in this area. Astronomical rates, poor quality of cable and an apparent air of don’t call us. Ya, I know I’m upset and I’ll get over it. Or not.
To tell you the truth,1. I don’t think much of your company. 2. You don’t keep your word to people. 3. You deliberately tell lies about people. 4. If there was another internet company, I would leave you so quick.5. What do you have against pentecostal people. You deliberately lied to several people. I did call Jimmy Swaggart ministries Ministries, and they said that was news to them. Much more that I could say, but I will close this short note for now. LeRoy
I think you guys suck.
I made a payment online, and was charged twice.
I notified CableOne Before the payments cleared my bank, but they would not stop the extra payment.
Now I am being told they cannot refund the money (now plus a $2 overdraft fee) $200.
CableOne support notifies local office to call me (3 days ago,, and still nothing)
Now I am told they cannot refund my budgeted Gas, Food, and medication money I am 60 years old.
But they can credit my next months bill.
Rep at the office strongly insinuated I was lying when I told him I did not enter or authorize the second payment.
Stephen Vessels
Sherman, Texas
This is the worst company I have ever ever dealt with!!!!! I make a payment to close my account after months and months of nothing but problems…I pay the agreed amount and get confirmation number what do I get the next month another bill… incompetence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Absoluteley the worst company ever!!!!!
I recently made a service call on around the 27 or 28 OCT 2014. Which we agreed to set for the Friday 31 OCT 2014 from 8-12, because I need to schedule a day off so they could repair the issue. Friday came service man came and repair something’s and two man he need get some supply from another service man. The cable was still fading in and out. He came back that even and I spoke to him and said he just needs to make some adjustment at the pole. After that I lost all signal Friday. I call the number and report the issue on Friday and was told someone would be there on Saturday. I call Saturday evening report that cable was still out and they said there will be out Sunday. Sunday came and still no signal and I call request someone call me on Monday from local office because I have a complaint on service. I received a call on Monday about my issue from a Cable One representative and I told him my complaint. I told him I was at work and he said he would send someone over after 5 o’clock. When I arrived home and check the cable, found a cable was operational. I happen to walk outside and seen that the cable box was open. I went to touch the door and the whole box fell. I need someone to come mount the cable box back on the exterior wall. I have photo’s that I can send if some email me a good email address. JUST POOR SERVICE…..SMH
I subscribe to cableOne , internet, TV, & phone. Have 2 phone lines. Stayed on my cell phone with Tech support Friday for 2 hours trying to resolve phone problem. Main line not working. Finally requested a technician who showed up at 4:00 and couldn’t fix problem. Said I had to call electrician.I thought I was paying for complete service each month.
Electrician out today and problem is not in phone line.
i think it sucks. i who has ever had cable where u have to turn it on and then turn on your tv.
i keep getting advertisements for dish and direct tv . theyre looking better ever day
i notice cableone is down to 436k customers. it seems to me theyre running the network into the ground on purpose
Well, I can see im not the only one that thinks cableone is the worse company I’ve ever had to deal with. I think cableone one sucks and has the worse customer service I’ve ever seen and had to deal with. I personally don’t think they even ser these comments and frankly don’t think they even care. I will be cancelling my service if this crap doesn’t change. They took off half the channels I liked to watch and then jacked up the price of the cable. God I wish there were another cble company in our area. I would Change service in a heartbeat. Everybody is right cableone….. U SUCK AND ADE THE WORSE COMPANY IV E EVER DEALT WITH. ITS A SHAME NO ONE FROM THIS COMPANY READS THESE. IF THEY DID YOU WOULD THINK THEY WOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE SSRVICE. AND IF THEY DO ITS OBVIOUS THEY DONT CARE. U SUCK CABLEONE.
Your cable service is the sorriest I have ever seen.
The internet is always down an we missed the superbowl do to you service. We have switched to att for are needs from here on out.
Crap for customer service!! After getting the run around I dont know how many times I apid almost $400 to these people and still didn’t get my Internet turned on. After countless calls talking to a different person everytime I got a different answe EVERY time! They not only don’t knownwhat they are doing but they take your money without giving you your service! After being told my Internet will be on within an hour I get to lose a weekend with no internet because the lies.. Now I have to wait till Monday, being extremely frustrated to talk to anyone, which I’m sure I will get a different answer from, and “oh I’m sorry” just like everyone else.. Going on for 2 weeks now and no one can give me an answer and after paying almost $400 to them I have nothing! I am very disgusted with the service I have had with them, not only have we lost channels but now customer service is crap! Cable one seems to be going down hill as far as I’m concerned I’ve never had this much trouble with them.. I’ve been with them for years.. It’s like they do t have the same file to look at or something for me to be told something different every single time, nothing even remotely the same, even different amounts of money I owed were different I’m beginning to think that’s all they want!!!!! Not happy at all with them!!!!!
I paid a bill through paperless billing. There is a record of it from my bank. My present bill says it’s overdue. I’ve tried to call twice and
I paid a bill through paperless billing. There is a record of it from my bank. My present bill says it’s overdue. I’ve tried to call twice and
you say you offer a24 hour customer service line. Yet your automated system gives you no opportunity to talk to a person. Pathetic service
I have highsped enternetservice yet i`m being constantly told .””i need to “”dial up”” !!! NOT HARDlEY; Please fix this problem i`ve been a cstomer for a aaaa loooong time ; not right to treat old customers this a way ……..
Cableone sucks. We pay 175 and cannot even watch nbc – the voice which is my favorite show. Tried online and cannot. Your business is going to fail. I plan to Change very soon
Haven’t been able to access my email for 5 days. Called Cableone to find out what was going on, and they claim the problem is with my computer. Had it cleaned just in case, but the problem is their website. Looks like they are going down in flames and won’t admit it!!!
I would just like to say that in the 2 months that I have had CableOne, the internet has been AWEFUL!! It continually drops connections (wireless or wired) and my VIOP is spotty at best, I can hardly have a conversation. I called service personnel (after I could FINALLY find a number to call, try posting it clearly on your website!!) all they wanted to do it point at the router/modem, point at the console or PC, point at this point at that, when the fact of the matter is your Service is NOT ADAQUATE! It should be illegal for you to advertise “UP TO 50Mbs” when you squeeze everyone down to NOTHING. I definitely have an issue, but rep on the phone could say is “we can send out a tech. but if they find nothing, we’ll need to charge you.” PLEASE, this should be part of the service; all I need is some disinterested tech. having to get out of his bunny slippers to come to house and not try to get to resolution. Then I get charged with no faster internet, NO THANKS!! They did run a speed test– 8.4Mb down–.21 Mb up—-AWESOME!!!! I will be copying this to everyone I can as well as posting it on review sites. Thanks again for the great service!!
What has happened to your good service. I love to watch pay-per-view and I am told that you no longer carry this. Also, I love to watch auto racing but since you switched to fox 1 it’s hard to find the channel it’s suppose to be on. Because of this I am going to check with other cable companies and see if they carry what I like to watch. I don’t mind spending almost $200.00 a month if I can see what I want to see.
I have been with CableOne for over 15 years. Over the last three years or so I have watched their customer care and support fail in a most miserable way.I just changed my TV service to Dish and I am fairly certain that a change in Internet provider is not far behind. I have been on hold for over 25 minutes, then disconnected.Never even spoke to a human. I think they should be making every attempt to contact the “Profit” guy that saves businesses. I can see out of business in their future due to lack of service and customer concern.
Your’updates” are diruptive and costly to me,,, and i never see any improvements anyhow,,, just price increses..
we all should quit complaining and go to dish or directv
i now pay 75 a month for garbage. for that price u can get 200 channels on dish
my buddys tell me directv works beter here so thats what im getting
we all should quit complaining and go to dish or directv
i now pay 75 a month for garbage. for that price u can get 200 channels on dish
my buddys tell me directv works beter here so thats what im getting
one of the execs in phoenix told me that when they dont want to mess with something they just tell the fcc thats all they can do.
they did that to me for at least a year when they first got cable internet. i was paying for 3 and got 1.5 they had the nerve to tell the fcc that was good enough even tho i was paying for 3
I opened an account with cable one May 11th and closed the account two days later because I never a picture on my TV. I had paid $82.35. I received a letter from you saying the account was closed and I had a credit of $67.81. I called to find out why they hadn’t sent my refund and they said they mailed it on June 18th. I have moved but my landlord checked my mail everyday and I even drove back to Sulphur to check the box and so far I have received nothing from you. I called and gave you my new address. Will you please take care of this matter. I has gone on for over a month. Thank you.
cable one never answers the phone. direct ans fast,
I pay over $100 a month for cable TV. My digital box quit. I’m not home all day, what I need is a new Box. I don’t need a serviceman. Why cant you just send me a box. Your phone service was horrible, I was on hold more times than I can remember and I hate automated answering systems that ask for long numbers. I will be looking for another provider.
I have been w/cableone for over four years and untill recently was completely satisfied. The I was told that you no longer carry pay-per-view. That’s just great since my ordering all these channels was so I could watch boxing on pay-per-view. Then today I had trouble reaching certain channels and when I called your office I was told that I didn’t subscribe to theses channels. That’s odd since I’ve had them since I signed up with cable one.Now it’s time for me to find a supplier that can provide me with what I want.
I have been a customer since 2007, never missing or being late on a payment. I paid around $78 month all that time, TV, Internet & phone.
Around June first I received an e-mail that you were changing your billing.
I never received a bill in June and by your own admission there were some customers that did not, so I could not pay a bill that I did not get.
At this same time I had to exchange my modem and you did not give me $100 credit for the one I returned.
Then you turned my service off in July
I called and you said I owed some $300+….for what???
I immediately paid $78 to catch up for June
You turned service back on but charged me $12 to re-connect…Why???
I learned that you had raised my rates (WHY???) so paid $102 in July to bring everything up to date.
I have been to the local office twice and they cannot figure out what you are doing.
I just got a bill for $146, payable on receipt. What the hell gives with you people?
You are forcing me to find another carrier unless you get this mess straightened out now….AND I will not pay all of these unexplained charges, nor will I pay any late charges caused by your screw up.
Since you changed what email looks like great I like the format!! Looks like my microsoft outlook I use at work. But now I am getting over 360 emails that are junk. How do I do a mass all junk get rid of it? I have tried your filters send it to spam and nothing works. Give me a procedure that works. This is the second email I have sent. No reply on the first one. I live in Odessa TX my cable One office is on Dixie.
Since you changed what email looks like great I like the format!! Looks like my microsoft outlook I use at work. But now I am getting over 360 emails that are junk. How do I do a mass all junk get rid of it? I have tried your filters send it to spam and nothing works. Give me a procedure that works. This is the second email I have sent. No reply on the first one. I live in Odessa TX my cable one is on Dixie street.
I would like to know when our HD service will be coming back on ?The ONE MOMENT PLEASE NOTICE HAS BEEN SHOWING ON THE SCREEN FOR ABOUT 5 HOURS AND THIS CHANNEL WILL BE AVAILABLE SHORTLY WITH A REF. CODE :SOaOO . Is there something we need to do with our remote or is it all on Cable one’s part !
have been without home line phone service all day. when will service be restored?
I called the 877 and the 855 number but each automated answer said the local needed to help me. Why? if you are 24/7 why cant they talk to me. I talked to them 3 weeks ago. Also tried to send message on the contact message and it wouldnt go through. Very frustrating
Certain credit cards wont work online. I sent a money order and it was cashed for the wrong amount of $46. So now they will be disconnecting my service if I don’t pay the $96 past due, although it was their bank’s mistake. Even if I show a photo copy to them I will have to pay a re-connect fee if they turn it off plus $15 to file a money order claim. I think I’m done with them. If my bank had messed up I would give them a grace period.
Oh and on top of that lol the local channels haven’t worked but twice in a year and our internet speed is definately not 100mbps.
About 2 to 3 weeks ago a “Denny” called me about the complaint that I had sent in, and he tld me that he would have a tech get in touch with me to arrange a time to come and help me get rid of all the JUNK emails that I’m getting. I’m still waiting. I tried again this morning to call and talk to this “Denny” and again I got some idiot in Iowa or someplace outside the state of Idaho that does not know DENNY and had no idea of what I was talking about. Over the last 4-5 days I have receive another 250 JUNK emails and this has to stop. Either fix the problem, send a tech, or I will find a different provider.
6:30 pm on a Monday, and service is out. I called CableOne, and the rep told me it was “scheduled maintenance,” and he had no idea how long it would last. Really. Scheduled maintenance for an undetermined length of time in the middle of Monday Night Football.
Not only has CableOne service and reliability gotten as bad as Qwest, but they’re perfectly fine with lying to customers. Un-fricken-believable.
got new box today and cannot get it to work ,was on hold with customer support for over 30 minutes gave up what a joke cannot give a number that you can get help ,guess they realey don’t care . hade bad expperence just to add it to my account .I am just a number like every body else they sure don’t care.
Wasn’t able to contact customer service. Experiencing high call volume…bad service so far
Wow Cable One has gone to complete sh*t Thanks for charging me an extra $80 on my f****** Bill and now I have no cable service and they will not answer their phone not very happy will be quitting their service Monday I was a two-year customer now I’m a pissed off customer Thanks Cable One
What customer service? Once upon a time I could telephone and get support. That no longer seems to be the case; at least I cannot find the telephone number on your support web pages. And, if I click the various links for support I’m fairly sure I was being connect to companies other than Cable One. Moreover, one of those companies would have been ostensibly charging me $52 to ask how long I can view messages sent to an old e-mail address.
So you take the day off from work with no pay to wait for a “tech” to show up sometime within a 4 hour window and he does…at the wrong house apparently so you call tech support again after waiting 6 hours and are told that you’ll have to reschedule for another 4 hour window tomorrow and hope that the idiot can read this time…I don’t think so! Cable One isn’t the only cable service provider in town and my next day of waiting will be for one of their competitors to install their cable service.
Absolutely the worst cable service. My telephone and TV service has never worked correctly. Not to mention that the installation was bad. I have made numerous calls and after 12 months the problem has not been resolved. I am fed up with the sorry service and the rude employees at the local office. I will be canceling my service and going with att.
Terrible!! My internet has been completely out all day and I’m told it will be tomorrow before somebody can come fix it
Acct #121669584
I’ve been trying to get service at our marina since January. Supposedly, the lines are old and they were having to be replaced. I’ve left multiple messages asking the Sherman, TX office to give me an update and to-date no call backs. The address is 132 Grandpappy Drive, Boathouse 17, Slip 12 (Grandpappy Marina).
Would you please provide an update or do I need to look at a different service provider?
Thank you, Beth 214-458-1363