Contacting TV Guide Customer Service Center
TV Guide is the magazine printed weekly that tells television viewers what shows are coming on what channels in the coming week. The magazine also offers a few stories and informative pieces on celebrities, in addition to puzzles and games. The TV Guide can be purchased weekly at most newsstands, but consumers can also order a subscription to the magazine online.
Click here to leave a comment about your customer service experience.Contact Info:
We looked for detailed information for TV Guide customer service, but we fell short when searching just the TV Guide website. Customers looking to cancel a TV guide subscription or contact the billing department are not going to easily find contact information unless they register for account access.
Phone Contact Numbers
There is one TV Guide phone number listed on multiple website. This number is NOT listed openly on the TV Guide website, but we tested the number and it does reach TV Guide customer service.
- TV Guide Phone Number: 1-800-866-1400
Mailing Address
If you want to write to customer service about an issue or contact the billing department by mail about cancelling your subscription, you can use the following address.
TV Guide Customer Service PO Box 37360 Boone, IA 50099
Official Website
The official site for TV Guide is located at Visitors can view currently show listings, find out what’s hot in the celebrity world and even check out what shows are popular and what shows are tanking. There is a listing for movies, sports, news and full TV episodes you can watch FREE online.
Some customers would rather use social media sites like Facebook or Twitter for customer service. TV Guide is listed on both.
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
The Twitter account appears to be much more customer service friendly than the Facebook page with a complete list of Twitter pages for all the TV Guide editors.
Customer Service Email
If you’re having trouble with your TV Guide magazine, you can email customer service at There are also email forms online for:
- TV Guide Network:
- TV Guide Mobile:
- TV Guide Website:
Our Experience
The automated system is easily bypassed if customers want to speak to a live customer service agent. Simply press 0 at the beginning of the call and you are connected to a customer service representative. We wanted to know if we cancel a subscription, would we continuing being charged. The customer care agent explained that although customers cancel a subscription, they may do so outside of the billing cycle. The result is a canceled subscription and one final bill.
The experience was acceptable, nothing great or nothing horrid. What side of the spectrum are you on relating to TV Guide customer service? Do you have a moment to comment below? We would appreciate the feedback.
ordered 52 + weeks on I-phone. received conf #, but no follow-up email telling me when 1st issue would arrive as promised. After 3 weeks with no TV Guide and no email of start date we cancelled. I am 86 years old and expect better customer service. If notification was given that first issue won’t arrive for 5 weeks for order I would have waited.
I received acknowledgement of payment for 48 issues of TV guide on 11/13/2012, but am not receiving the magazine as of 12/31/2012.
This is the 3rd time that I have contacted tv guide and requested a cancellation of the tv guide magizine.The first request was 5 months ago.Once again I request canelation of tv guide. I expect a refund dated back to August 2012.I am completed dis-satified with this publishion and the lack of concern, disregard of its customers!619-691-8748.
Since I started this subscription I have had several weeks where did not receive book or received it at the end of the week. Need to do a better job with this.
I corresponded with you a couple of weeks ago regarding my subscription which runs until Nov. 2013. I am a snowbird who goes between NH and FL every Dec thru May lst and have been very satisfied with the change of address up until this season. I have not received any issues since the Dec 2012 issue because someone in the post office changed our address back to our NH address “according to someone in your customer service area”. Today, Jan. 29th, I did finally receive an issue of TV Guide, I received the Jan. 21-27th issue rerouted through NH and of course today is Jan. 29th. So I had to go and “buy” another issue at $3.99. When I emailed you last time you assured me that I would receive this issue with the FL address emblazoned on it…Well, guess what, it wasn’t…This is my “NEW” address: Please get it right..I have been a loyal customer for several years now, but for how much longer is uncertain..
LOT 509
I saw where you have listed a 10/15/2003: Catfish video episode that came from Commander’s Palace Off the Menu episode. I used to have a copy of this and have misplaced it. I wonder how I can get another copy of it ( Jamie Shannon cooking thin fried catfish). This showed a long time ago on Turner South when we used to get it here in Mississippi but since then I think the archive is longer there. Please help me find out how I can get a new copy of this. I have been seraching for years adn when I searched it again, your webiste came up. Thanks, Dorothy
I receive my tv guide every week no problem but you use to have a page where people would comment on certain article but you musthave stopped this also why are you only showing program from 7PM on as a senior citizens I have to go thru all the station to find out what is on during the day also I used to be able to under tvguide and search for David Conrad if a movie is on or ghost whisperer that has also stopped hope you can let me know via my email about these problem thank you in advance waltraud p warwci
I was kind enough to re-new my subscription as I have been subscriber for many years.
I received payment notice and submitted credit card for the amount requested of $20.81, HOWEVER amount was put through for $83.24 which was for full amount. Unless I receive reply I will not only cancel the amount charged but subscription also.
Await reply.
To whom it may concern. My subscription expires 11/18/13. When that time gets closer, then I will renew. Not before then. Thank you.
I ordered a subscription for my mom on a “WELCOME BACK SAVINGS” plan in May of 2012..the renewal was for 1 yr ONLY! I have NOT given permission to extend any further the subscription..Why do we continue to receive the magazine. She is very dissatisfied, because there are NO listings for daytime TV. I am notifying TV GUIDE MAGAZINE through this email to CANCEL any further issues. Mary Brunas..Please send me a conformation of Cancelation via email…I will then forward you her address & Account #. Thank you very much
I would love to have daytime listings, but I suppose that will never happen. I noticed that the new guide has no TNT listings. What happened?
I hate the double issues of tvguide. The second week listings are usually wrong because programming can certainly change, and usually does, in a period of two weeks. I really liked the old TV Guide with all the daytime listings also. I don’t imagine I’m the only person who feels this way.
I cannot understand why you will not fix a problem I have been having. My sister was receiving a subscription that was gifted to her. I called your company and asked if I could revert the subscription to my adress since my sister has passed away, you said this was alright that I receive the remainder of her subscription. I have not received any new issues and I am missing 1 months worth of copies. I certainly hope you fix this situation.
I hate the new tv guide, it is horrible. the old tv guide was better. easy to find programs, this tv guide shows no daytime programs listed. Also I have not receive any issues from TV Guide since I sent in my renewal but I have received 4 request fot payment. I am cancelling this subscription.
Just rec’d an offer for 52 wks at $15.00. My question is does the guide have the NFL channel,National Geographic,PBS,History, all the paid stations, HBO, Encore, Showtime, etc. listed. NFL is definitely a must. Please respond and perhaps if these ARE listed, you will have a new subscriber.
PLEASE bring “The Glades” back! What a horrible way to end it! It is a FABULOUS show and I don’t think enough people knew about it because it was on A&E channel. Those of us who watched it LOVED it. It breaks my heart that it is being cancelled. Can’t they put it on another popular station? PLEASE PLEASE bring it back somehow. We all love it and all the characters; especially Jim. BRING IT BACK!!!
I looked up in my T.V. Guide when the Emmys would start. It stated the start time was 8:00 P. M. and ending at 11:00 P.M. Imagine my surprise to find out when I turned on the T.V. to CBS that in ten minutes the show would be over! I missed 95 per cent of the show and was not happy about that at all!!!!!! I live in the Sacramento, Ca. area and evidently the show started at 5:00 P.M. Shame on you T.V. Guide for screwing this up..
Does TV Guide list Dish Network???
I just received my jan 13 issue of tv guide. I was very offended by Michael Schneider’s article on Duck dynasty ‘s article. I was furious at his interpretation of the issue he has a lot of nerve with his verbal wording. It just shows his ignorance of the real story and what was really said. If I keep reading such trash in your magazine I will be forced to cancel my subs. You people need to keep a closer eye on your so called self proclaimed writers if you want to keep your subscribers.
I bought 26 issues for $20.00 which will expire 4-15-14, but I keep getting a bill for 20.00 for, please bill me in April. the bill says for 57 issues, I do not want 57 issues right now. Please correct this. Thank you! I crossed out 57 issues when I sent my check in. thanks again.
I did not receive my March 10th issue of tv guide.
M<y understanding is that this is a two week issue.
My number is po 65
Other number istvmo743186751/#1
Can I pay my bill on line
I didn’t receive the new TV guide from April 21 on.
I didn’t receive the new TV guide from April 21, 2014 on.
I didn’t say anything, quit writing things that I don’t say.
All I ask you to send my TV guide starting the week of April 21, 2014 I have not received one for this week.
I received a bill yesterday it says I still owe 12.32 I throught I paid this in full .it says balance due 12.32 then it says minimum payment due 0.00 so what is it I don’t think I owe anything . Beverly
Receive a copy of magazine for the first time in about two months.
Al Gilkey
I have been a subscriber for several years…I want to put in a request for address change of address-I live in Sarasota FL from Nov 1 until June 1–I am getting ready to go back to CT and need to make that change as soon as possible– starting June 1st I will be at : 15 Canborne Way, Madison,CT 06443 — Please advise…My last week here in FL starts May 28th Thank you
Perhaps I will also call
Failed to receive an issue and wanted to report it. The TVG website is very unfriendly. Par for the course in the way American companies treat their costumers.Over-Priced, Inferior Quality, Inaccurate products with no costumer service. No wonder China is Number 1.
i have no comment
I have received only two copies in six weeks, have not been able to get in contact with anyone who will answer me. Now that I have this site something will happen. I have a subscription to Caller-Times, but that does not seem to make any difference. One of my neighbors is getting the magazine every week and she has not subscribed to either r the magazine or Caller-Times.
I just called to cancel my deceased father’s subscription. I got right through to a customer service rep and it was very easy. It took no time at all and she was most helpful. Thank you!
Why did you remove many of the channels from the listings? The August 11-24 issue is more like a catalog and articles about people. It is no longer a guide but a magazine. I always looked forward to each issue. I scanned the listings and circled the shows I wanted to watch but now many of the channels are gone. I will not renew.
Received the newest edition of TV Guide with the new format. I am very dissatisfied with it. Along with over 2 dozen channel listings no longer listed, the printing is so much smaller. Why were so many channel listings dropped?
I opened my TV Guide today to mark my programs for the week. You’ve got to be kidding me, and please tell me that this format is not permanent!! I’d rather read the phone book since I only use it a few times a year than read this Guide that I look at every day. The lines are so close that you need a ruler to follow the line. I recently renewed my Subscription for a few years and if I had known about this format, I’m sure I would have thought twice. I’m sure I’m not the only customer who is unhappy, but willing to voice my concerns.
I hate the new format of the magazine; I have glaucoma and cataracts and the two-page spread was easy to read. will have to really think hard when my subscription is due for renewal 11May15.
not only is the new format hard to read for these tired old glaucoma/cataract eyes but the listings now start at 8 p.m. PST instead of 7 p.m.
not only is the new format hard to read for old glaucoma/catarat eyes but the time for listings has changed from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. how much more difficult could you make it?
I have bought tv guide for many years.I just got my new guide and i’m not happy with it.If I wanted a magazine I would get people..Not sure if i’ll renew tv guide again.Just not happy with you.
I have got tv guide for many year’s.Just got my new one and i’m not happy with it..If I wanted a magazine about people I would get the magazine People.I’m not sure if i’ll renew tv guide again.I have to really think about it..You have runined tv guide.
I do not like the new one page channel listings format in this week’s issue. I can not read them without a magnifying glass, only one HBO program is listed and the format does not provide me with information about the programs as before on the two page format. If you can not revert to the previous two page format, I will cancel my subscription.
I have subscribed to TV Guide for years. Lately I am completely I amdisgusted with the program listings. Half the time many listings for programs are incorrect. The show is not really on. Some other show is in it’s place. When I received the latest guide I noticed a much more condensed version and many of the channels I watch are no longer listed! I am referring to the Biography channel, Destination America and HLN. There are probably more. I also do not like your double issues -two weeks- . If this keeps up I will never renew again and certainly will not give TV Guide gift subscriptions as I have in the past.
New format of TV Guide Magazine is extremely poor. Only one page of listings per day all crammed in on one page in small print. Plus many stations are now deleted, NO NEWS stations listed.
I have long term subscription. Seniors are not huge fans of the internet or fancy phones, we like it on paper!!!! I receive your magazine for exactly this reason–I circle the programs I want to watch or record.
I take offense at your notation on page 37 “BONUS” For complete primetime listings, go to your website!!!!!!!!! I bought you subscription for that!!!!!!
I will not be renewing if you do not change.
JEERS to the new format! maf
New format of TV Guide Magazine is extremely poor. Only one page of listings per day all crammed in on one page in small print. Plus many stations are now deleted, NO NEWS stations listed.
I have long term subscription. Seniors are not huge fans of the internet or fancy phones, we like it on paper!!!! I receive your magazine for exactly this reason–I circle the programs I want to watch or record.
I take offense at your notation on page 37 “BONUS” For complete primetime listings, go to your website!!!!!!!!! I bought you subscription for that!!!!!!
I will not be renewing if you do not change.
JEERS to the new format! maf
Disappointed in your new format and having to go on the internet for a full primetime listing. The paper quality is poor & not all of us have access to the internet at home. There will be no reason for me to renew my subscription next year. What a disappointment after all these years your publication has been enjoyed.
Unhappy Customer
Your new magazine sucks. When it’s time for renewal again, you’ll lose this customer. You left off a lot of important news stations and print is so small for the TV stations that if you don’t wear glasses now you will.
Shame on you!
You are assuming everyone owns a computer.
I tried to bring up the HBO channels by name and number today and they would not come up. There were no listing for these channels on the internet or your magazine.
I am not interested in the fact that you listed all the shows on the internet. I do not carry the internet around with me.
I am paying for a magazine that does not believe news is “worth watching”. Obviously you no longer care to list those channels. You also deleted several other major channels.
The print is too small! You have also added color to the background making it even more difficult to read.
I have contacted neighbors and friends. They have also contacted to your company. They too will not be renewing their subscription.
You must only be interested in selling to a younger group of customers. The rest of us will not renew when our subscription runs out.
E. Greene
I am very unhappy with another new format listing for shows. TV guide has dropped half of the channels that are available to subscribers.
Not everyone is a fantasy,com con or science fiction viewer. Also the articles are very boring and irreverent to the shows listed for viewing.
Subscription is up for renewal in a year and as of right now it isn’t going to happen. LISTEN TO YOUR SUBSCRIBERS!!!!
c johns
it wasn’t bad enough that you took away daytime listings,then double issues,now worst of all you’ve crammed two pages of listings per day all onto one page with print so small we almost need a magnifying glass to read ! deffinetly not friendly to seniors,even with’s obvious why you did it-so you could cram even more articles about the actors! I don’t give a crap about all their stories,if I wanted PEOPLE MAGAZINE I’d go buy it instead.Plus you are getting a lot of the listings wrong.At the very least can you go back to the two page forematt so the listings are easier to read ? GIVE US WHAT WE SUBSCRIBE FOR,SHOW LISTINGS!!!
You have got to be kidding! You are not T.V. Guide anymore, because you obviously want to be People or Entertainment weekly. You have now put all your listings on one page for each day. You certainly are not trying to keep the Baby Booners anymore, because older people REALLY have trouble with the small print. The gossip can be found anywhere and I have already seen a lot of it by the time my guide arrives.
Please consider the people that truly use the guide daily and enlarge that font size on the guide, include more than one premium channel and make it a T.V. Guide once again.
I hated when you went to the new format, but, knowing what’s new and what’s not helps. The newest format is a total disaster. 3/4 of it is review the programs which, being a true couch potato, I couldn’t care less. Then the program daily listing, everything is SO SMALL that it’s difficult to figure out. I prerecord everything except news and weather, and I now have to use a ruler and magnifying glass just to read the darn thing. Design a tv guide around the true tv watchers. Less BS and clearer larger programing.
Again, my wife & I would like to tell you how upset we are with your new daily listing pages….Way too small a print to read with the whole day on one page, what are you thinking?????? We will probably be looking for something else in March !!!!! We hate it !!!!!
My subscription runs until 6/2016, got a card to re-up, will not even consider doing so until someone (in authority) will actually look at the listings and see they are crazy!!! Much, too much smaller station listings and many stations have been omitted completely. When is the brain power (if any) at TV Guide going to realize “if it not broken, don’t fix it”. Also there is far too many articles, far too lengthy and almost totally uninteresting! Please wake up!!!!
See previously written comment.
I hate that TV Guide shortened the daily channels info from two pages to one! Now there are so many channels that I watch daily that are not listed. Plus they waste so much space by listing TNT channel with three times the space as any other channel and today’s listing there’s an add for Elvis DVD or book or something that takes the space that could be used for 7 or 8 channels that are no longer listed. Put your Elvis ad some place else and give us more channel listings! It’s bad enough that listings don’t start until 8:00 PM. People do watch TV in the day time!
I have had a subscription to your magazine for quite awhile now, however, I will not be renewing it, reason being, I do not like your new format, at all! You’ve shortened it to one page per day and cut out 1/2 the channels I watch, so it’s now a guessing game trying to figure what’s on when, that being the case, I may as well just figure them all out for myself, what do I need your magazine for! I find it hard to believe I am the only one who dislikes your cheap excuse for a program directory. It wasn’t broken, why did you feel the need to ” fix” it!
After looking through your recent e-mails, I can see this was a complete waste of time. By the way, your only right about 1/4 of the time about when something is on!
After looking through your recent e-mails, I can see this was a complete waste of time. By the way, your only right about 1/4 of the time about when something is on! Since you removed my original complaint, I ‘ll say it again, will not renew again, you’ve cut half the channels I watch out, if I have to guess on those, I can figure out the rest as well!
Hello I had send card to order your tv guide magazine subscription in 1 I had bought at store I sent my subscription order out last Monday,I was wondering if you will know when I will get my 1st subscription so I do not buy it at the store,also I have seen you have a Special ComicCon Collectors Editions do you have a subscription for that as well? If so can I get that and any back orders of those Comic Con collectors TV guide magazine and in addition to my Tv Guide magazine subscription.thank you please notify me when I will get my 1st edition do I will
have to buy it from the store ,thank you
I think you need to make your magazine a little smaller I did’t need a microscope to read it, im sorry but you need to think about the older people who use your magazine. I do not like the new format that you have put out, when my subrication runs out I will not be renewing it.
Why do you call your magazine T V Guide? You have cut the number of stations listing. Why? I bought your mag. for tv listings not all the stories, you need to rethink what you are doing. I have several more weeks unless you change I will not renew
TV Guide you must be kidding, you have cut many of the listing, cut the size of your print and added more crappy stories about nothing. I have several more weeks left on my Sub. If you don’t change things this will be my last order.
I do not like the new tv guide. You do not show programs that I watch. You could do with a lot less stories on programs and add that extra page of programming. No renewal from me, we’ll use the one in the Sunday paper.
I feel that having only the evening(8:00pm to 11:00pm) is a rip off. I would like to have it all day! I don’t! Why not!
I have one big problem with current tv guide. It only has prime time programming. Its a far cry from the old original tv guide.
I realize, unlike myself and my wife who are both retired, people do work for a living or are supposed to.
I do watch tv some during the day time hours and I would really like day time programming also but that’s not going to happen becasuse the majority rules.
Oh for the good old days when this guide was much better. Of course enlarging the guide so you can sell more ads is the name of the game. Its not about customer service any more.
Companys are interested in money now that good old fashioned customer service is gone. Lets not forget one key thing here. The customer is what made you what you are. Am I right on that?
Leon Hayes
Huntstsville, Al
Many of the shows I love to watch are being ruined/ravaged by very loud, incessant singing which continues when actors are speaking so I can’t hear their words; it is also very distracting. How about going back to the old way of soft music WITHOUT words (see the PBS program on The Roosevelts…great, quiet music, no interference). PLEASE tell the producers of TV shows to cease this awful noise otherwise I shall have to stop watching those programs…case in point…”Scandal” fabulous show, ghastly music.
Don’t like the new way of the TV Guide print is small and a lot of programs missing
AS I said Dont like the way the tv guide is now presented programs missing and print is small
I just wanted to let you know that we’re not happy with tv guide now that it’s been changed. The lettering is so small I have to use a magnifing glass to find out what’s on the tv. I would cancel my subscription but then I would never know what’s on. Please go back to the way it was. As it is I know I’m missing some shows I really would like to see. I’m done complaining. Thank you for listening, Marian P Freyslaben
I just wanted to let you know that we’re not happy with tv guide now that it’s been changed. The lettering is so small I have to use a magnifing glass to find out what’s on the tv. I would cancel my subscription but then I would never know what’s on. Please go back to the way it was. As it is I know I’m missing some shows I really would like to see. I’m done complaining. Thank you for listening, Marian P Freyslaben
I have been a customer of yours for many many years..every so often, like this week, I get a TV Guide with another catalog enclosed of women’s clothing..I do not appreciate this..I just would like information on the shows..really really love a weekend of channel listings..have to resort to the local paper for this information..
The first thing I do is rip out all the adds and dump the blow in’s( the post card size things they blow in at the printers) after that you have the TV listings.
TV Guide supposed to be a guide of tv / cable channel listing. You have cut half of the channels from the guide and put in more articles. If I wanted to pay for articles I’d subscribe to a entertainment magazine. Please put back some of the more popular channels.
Just opened my Nov 10 issue, thank you, thank you for going back to your old print size. That latest print size sucked if I may be honest.
Thank You for going back to your old format on printing your magazine. I can read this again without any trouble, the large print is great. Again Thank You very much for listening to your customers.
I received my last issue of T.V. guide…..I have purchased this magazine for more than 50 years….I do not like the new format…the larger print is an improvement but the fact you have chosen to drop channels in your listings is unacceptable. I do not understand the reason for this. I can only conclude it is political. So sadly I say goodbye to a magazine I have enjoyed for years.
I’ve been using for some months now — ever since zap2it went south. Now it appears you’ve gone south. For the last 3 days I’ve had to reset all my preferences and favorite shows over and over again. Today, even after logging in, I can’t get anything but your style sheet. No listings, no programs, no nothing. Maybe it’s time I got rid of my television. Most of the programming is garbage anyway.
Don’t know if this is right place to bitch about changes to the TVGUIDE.COM website that they continually make and results in the site becoming less and less usable.
The latest which was introduced this week is a major revamp of the Watchlist. It used to be quite straight forward and easy to ready. Now one has to click all over the place to see a list of the airings of a particular show. However, the worst part for me is that I no longer seem to be able to sort the Watchlist in alphabetical order. I can only see it in most recent airings first order which makes it very hard to find what I’m looking for.
If anyone from TVGUIDE.COM reads this, please tell me how to go back to the prior version or at least to sort the watchlist by show title.
Very Annoyed — Dan
I am here to make the same complaint. You have ruined our TV Guide. Please put it back and leave it alone!
Love the new Guide. It now has listings that are meaningful.
However, I wonder why my issues say “Eastern Primetime”? I live is the west – southwestern New Mexico!
I am cancelling my renewal after many years. TV Guide has turned into just another rag magazine. Consider this as my cancellation of renewal. If you ever go back to the old paperback type TV Guide let me know. This just will not work. My renewal is up in April.
I have no idea how this company survies. I have been trying to get an experationdate for my current subscriptions but all I get is renewal notices. No phone number is provided, customercare shows up as non existent. Cuatomer care, what a joke. How can I renew when I do not know when the old subscription exppres. All they care about is getting my check whether it is due or not. In my opinion, this company has the worst customer service I have ever encountered.
TV Guide sends me at least 3 renewal notices per month. I have already renewed as of July 17, 2014. I think that the magazine (it sure is not a “guide” anymore) hopes that I have forgotten about the renewal so I can do it again. Well, that will not happen. This borders on harassment; save your postage and quit sending renewals. Too bad TVG is not like the great Guide from several years ago. This is not a pleasure to look at and I am wondering now why I have even bothered to renew since I barely look at it except for the Jeers and Cheers part. This may be the last hurrah for this subscription.
Hopefully for TV guide itself!
I had been getting the magazine for years now, and I’m NOT happy. A lot of listings are wrong, even though I do get the magazine for my area, I also see now that is almost impossible to get in touch with customer service. I will Not be renewing again!
I mailed you a check #1186 on 3-10-15 let me know if you
don’t receive it.
I suddenly stopped getting TV guides. The last on was dated March 9 through 27th. I have had nothing since then. The current subscription doesn’t expire until March 2017 and I just made the final two payments on a new subscription. Would you please check into the problem without delay. Thank You.
This magazine is a total waste of money and my time. They don’t list any shows for antenna TV stations and you have to wade through a thousand adds for junk that you have no intention of buying. I want to cancel my subscription, but it might be easier to wait until my subscription runs out in 2016. Never again will I make this mistake.
We receive complimentary issues of TV Guide and would like to not receive them. Please confirm you have received this email. Thank you.
Kathy Z
Ventura Dermatology
The TV guide magazine is half full of a “woman within” ad magazine which I find very annoying…I rip it out every week…I will not be subscribing to TV guide in the future because of this.
It was difficult getting the phone number for customer service. I cancelled the subscription on May 3, 2015 because it not have the daytime listings and was told it tales 2-3 weeks to get my refund of $15.00 and 6-8 weeks to get the weekender case. Disappointing.
Where can I go to see what your TV Guide magazine looks like? I need to make sure it covers daytime TV as well as Nighttime TV for an elderly person who does not have a computer. Does your magazine come in large print? Please email me so I know what to do. The comments from people are good and bad, more bad than good, so I need to have a reply to take action on an order that lists your sale of $44.89 for 57 issues, free shipping and no sales tax.
I am very disappointed that I had to spend $4.99 to get the latest issue (May 18-31, 2015) because I never received it. My paid subscription does not expire until October 2016. I hope I don’t have to spend any more money for something that I already paid for.
We have subscribe to your magazine. We have not received the magazine as of yet but still you are asking for us to subscribe for additional issues. We will not consider your invite until we receive our issues on time . Please confirm that you received this email
When I call in to change my address to my summer place the customer service representative is able to do it immediately.
I thought there would be a hassle but there never is. I am completely pleased with TV Guide and the professionalism of their staff.
Thanks, TV Guide
Just SICK to read in todays Guide that “Stalker” is being cancelled. LOVE IT so much more then “How To Get Away With Murder”!!! Do you have an address for CBS so I can write and complain?? Thanks.
I want to cancel my subscription immediately how do I do this?
Please let me know.
Thank you.
I was sadden to see we lost one of my favorite actors, Dick Van Patten. When I was a child Dick Van Patten was one of the stars on my favorite show “I Remember Mama.” He played the son, Nels Hansen. I noticed that this role was not mentioned in TV Guides Tribute to Dick Van Patten. I am sure if you mention this show in your next issue many subscribers will remember his acting skills in this warm, family show that gave Dick Van Patten his first start on the TV screen leading to his amazing career.
It’s Tuesday, July 28, 2015 and I haven’t rec’d my TV Guide for this week. Last edition ended on Sunday, July 26th. I usually get my issue a few days before the expired one. So here it is two days into the new week and no TV Guide. What’s up????? Please reply on where my issue is.
I originally called on July 24, 2015 to renew my TV Guide Magazine subscription for myself and also ordered a gift subscription for a family member. I asked for an email receipt confirming the transaction… Nothing came….I have called at least 3-4 times, still nothing and it now August 1, 2015….. I am known for being a very sweet and calm lady but TV Guide is on my Last Nerve!! This happened last year also and I thought the problem was solved…..If you don’t want my business, just be honest and tell me….Don’t just totally ignore me….Very Poor Management and Less for Customer Service!!
We moved the end of July and got our first TV Guide on time. We have yet to receive the August 31st issue and don’t know why it didn’t come when the first one got here just fine!!!!
Please help get this right!!!!!
your tvguide listings forgot to include SPIKE on freeview
SPIKE freeview channel 31
Luckily, I do not have a subscription, I buy it in the shop, but not any more!
Customer Service poor. Two weeks without a response and no magazine in the mail.
customer service poor. Two weeks without a response to my e-mails and still no magazine. Another e-mail sent today.
In the past 3 weeks, the TV guide has been delivered to my home. I have not subscribed to TV guide and I do not want to be billed for this. Please stop sending the TV guide to my address.
thank you.
I had my TV guide on vacation hold but now 3 weeks later I have had no issues. Please restart my subscription to the magazine since I enjoy to know what recordings to set up so not to miss something important
Thank you
Stella Misiulis
toni yaw lo fdezy tv fesez hctxdzjgxd ovdzd hcszej xbfk hdof bhfk glgkf bgkb gdkfk frzf kivgxsxyclj hdrd jhvf juxe byce n h fsebon fazycnu swzji kyxe ufdedgy nidszexib cssckj dsvy
bgxd hcs i ncxd bhxd hc
It took me awhile to explain my problem but once I got Regina a supervisor on the phone she understood what had happened and was able to fix it. My problem was I had originally order with TVGuide of $19.96 Jan 2014 and had received cards saying price was going up so sent another $20.00 sent 8/14 The $20.00 went to their 3rd party vendor who having no idea about the $19.96 charged me a renewal Of $70.00 9/2015 which should be reversed this week. I SPENT MANY HOURS GOING OVER RECORDS OF CHARGES, TO GATHER ALL INFORMATION. I am now getting Guide til next year April as I should have and then take it from there. I hope this is the end!!!!
how do I pay online
How do I subscribe for one or two years for MYSELF?
I do not want to give away a second FREE subscription TO A FRIEND.
I just want a one person subscription for me.
I re-upped my subscription & paid on 9/3/15. I have yet to receive this week’s TV Guide & no sign of next week’s as of yesterday. Is it TV Guide or USPS issue? Please advise.
I sent a check on sept. 26th and stil havent received a copy of the
How long will it take to get an answer.
Can not find any information on my account. How many more months I have on my subscription, and how do I change my address. Your information said to go to the subscription manager. I did, and guess what! It said to go to the subscription manager. I was in it, but no way to change my address.
Rec’d a phone call last night from two women claiming to be calling from TV Guide. They said my subscription was going up, but if I gave them a credit card number to pay for the next two years, my current rate would be held.
I refused and now I believe this was just a scam to get my credit card number.
If this was not legitimate, you should be warning your customers and reporting to the AG.
My account is up to date but did not receive a tv guide last week. My daughter was also suppose to receive a gift subscription. She did not receive hers either. Whats going on there? My tv guide bill seems to reach my mailbox with no trouble . I had to buy a tv guide at the grocery store. If I or my daughter do not receive a magazine this week ,you can cancel my subscription. Also the “free gift ” flashlight/radio was a joke. Flashlight worked for all of 1 minute . Radio was a little better. It made it for 5 minutes. Its at the dump now. Anyway, lets see if we can get this magazine situation solved. Hope to here from you soon.
Thanks,Daylin Knabb
I recently subscribed to your magazine at a very good price and was supposed to receive a red tote bag. Did I not qualify,because I didn’t receive one .
Almost impossible to contact your customer service at TV Guide.I have not received your magazine now for over three weeks even though I renewed my subscription and gave a change of address from 250 E 54, Apt. 8F, N.Y. 10022 to my new address here in Florida. This is 3309 Devonshire Way,Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418. I would appreciate it if you ail please check to see why I am not receiving my TV Guide. I paid with a check from my Capital One Account. Thank you J.simms
Almost impossible to contact your customer service at TV Guide. I have not received my magazine now for over three weeks even though I RENEWED MY SUBSCRIPTION AND GAVE A CHANGE OF DDRESS FROM 250 E 54 ST.APT.8F.N.Y.10022TO MY NEW ADDRESS HERE IN FLORIDA. THIS IS 3309 Devonshire Way,Florida 33418. I would appreciate if you will please check to see why I am not receiving my TV Guide. I paid with check from my Capital One Account
Please stop sending the TV Guide. I do not think I order this and do not want it.
where does my installment payments go
I have not received my TV guide for the past two weeks, Why?
0745141382hiw long is subscription for already made a payment of $44 last year if this is a new subscription let me know
I ordered TV Guide on 26 September 2015 and sent check number#7112 for
$15.00 – the check was cashed on 30 September 2015 and I have not received
the first copy.
I would like to make my past payment in full, is there a way to pay online.
Thank you
I want to make a payment in full online how can I do
I want to make a payment in full online how can I do that
I just received another bill for TV Guide renewal. What I received was not renewal. It was an invitation for trial subscription. I sent a check for $15, in October. Th S was the amount I was asked for for the trial subscription. I do not want a full subscription.
Mrs. Pieczarka
I have not received my tv guide magazine starting monday.
Neither has my neighbor, is there a problem?
Saundra Cooper
This is the second week I did not get my tv magazine . please look in to this. thank you Vincent Stisi
received an offer for $12.00 for 1 year subscription. Promotional literature had no phone number. Looked up phone number (1-800-866-1400). Got a recording office is closed. Found too many complaints on-line about your lack of service.
What happened to Mike and Molly? Why aren’t the new ones on anymore?
I didn’t receive a guide this week and now I get a replyb that I am not on file or my email……..the number on the label of the gfuide is#tvmo736037516/3#
19dec16…….#BXMCRXT*****CAR-RT LOT
thank you for your time
Have not recevied the subscription H
Have not recevied the subscription It has been, over month
Sent check in the amount of $12.00 for a one year subscription. Check was cashed 2/22/2016, so far no TV Guide. Recent letter asked to extend my subscription which I ignored, especially since I have yet to see the first issue.
P.S. Should have researched TV Guide on the computer before subscribing!
No further comment
I have not been receiving TV Guide for 2 weeks and my bill is up to date. I paid $20:00 on March 20th, Check # 174. I just received a bill for the remaining balance of $20:00, which is not due until April 19th, which I will mail soon. My account # is 0464238377. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Sincerely, Maureen Del Gaudio
I ordered TV guide on line a few weeks ago and said to mail me the bill which I haven’t received yet. I would like the full bill for 1 year. Thank you, Pamela
I will not be renewing my subscription as I have been very disappointed since subscribing again after number of years. You have no listings for daytime TV, nor late late night/early morning; in other words, I am interested in listings for 24 hours.
Why is it so hard to find a contact page? The site wanted me to sign up. NO!
I took the online survey offered on the main page fully expecting to have a comment section. Apparently I was wrong. Your survey is typically skewed to pop culture. Pop culture to me is garbage. Network TV is also garbage. Of the 80+ cable channels I have available, there are 23 channels on my list. Of those I watch 17 regularly. Primarily discovery/history/news type channels. As far as what I stream, TV is not (NOT) on my list. Movies are primarily before 1970. The rest is various topics primarily history or DIY. Why isn’t TV Guide interested in this type opinion? Pop culture is mindless. Apparently that is the audience TV Guide is after. Also, whoever writes the topics for movies, etc., they seem totally ignorant of history. Why can’t they use a narrative that was written in the timeframe of the movie? They consistently skew what they write to sound like left-wing, pop culture liberals with an agenda. Unbiased narrative is what is called for, preferably consistent with the timeframe of the media being described. Agenda driven opinions do not belong on a site that is viewed by the widely varying types of people that utilize TV Guide.
I received an invoice from you today showing a balance due of $26.76. I took advantage of a special in January 2016 and sent you my check #106 in the amount of $15.00. I still have the ad that I received in the mail stating this would make my magazine only 29 cents a week and as I already had a subscription paid up, this brings me up to May 2018 with no additional charges. If this is an attempt to scam some of the senior population, I do not like this tactic. Please double check your records and contact me by email. I am a retired secretary and I do keep good records and write everything down. Donna Schaefer : (
I did not receive my TV Weekly this past Sunday, June 19, 2016. The Houston Chronicle assured me I would get it on Monday. That has not happened,. I contacted the Houston Chronicle as this happened just a week before. Please contact me as I think I need to switch from the Chronicle and have the TV Weekly mailed to me to see if I can get better service.
Also, I noticed rates will go up the first of July. I want to renew at my regular price of $43,68. I am presently paid up until September 18th, 2016. Explain to me if I wait until Sept.what will I be charged??? Reply to the above email address as I cannot get anyone on the phone, only a recording that says call back in an hour or two as we are having a lot of calls, or something like that. Poor service! Mrs. Bell
I received, via mail, that you were offering one year subscription for $15.00. I worked on the computer trying to find a good number that would answer. You can dump your Customer Service Department. (NO HUMANS ANSWERING THE PHONE. The computer kept saying enter your account number, I was going to be a NEW customer and wanted to know how many issues there are per year, not counting the special issues. BECAUSE YOUR LACK OF PUTTING YOUR CONTACT NUMBER ON YOUR OFFER, I WILL NOT UNTIL I GET AN ANSWER
Several times I have not received the guide. I have reported the problem several
times and no results. I have paid through April 2018. Trying to report to your number listed–the lines are always busy with 7 or 10 calls ahead. What is
your problem? I have also reported to our San Diego Union and to our delivery
We recently subscribed to the new Hargray Fiber Optic digital TV service on Hilton Head Island. Many of our friends and neighbors have as well. This service is far superior to any other service available in the area. Unfortunately, does not offer an up-to-date listing of regular and HD channels offered by Hargray to their digital Fiber Optic TV subscribers. So, they will not be using the TV Guide site to find out what’s on TV. You may want to look into this as more than 5000 homes on Hilton Head Island have signed up for the new Hargray Fiber Optic service.
Trying to email TV guide about a problem with their stupid website. It is not loading the grid. One day it was working and the next day it was not. I can’t email them because you have _register and have to be ‘signed in’. I can’t register to sign it to email them because their WEBSITE IS MESSED UP. Hello? Catch-22, anybody?
who knows how many people are unable to use their grid? Who knows how many people can’t even sign up to tell them? THEY DON’T because nobody can contact them to tell them their site is broken! I don’t understand why they are so afraid of people contacting them that they have to make it so difficult. In reality, I am the one doing THEM a favor by letting them know there is a problem with their website.
I am giving up, and looking around for some other place that has listings. As it stands now, their grid is useless. To hell with TV guide.
Tracy was great! Took care of all questions and problems. Best customer service call I’ve had in months! Glad to have a phone number and a real person!
I got this renewal noticeto extend my subscription for another year and I still have not received 1 copy from the first subscription, I’ll renew when I start getting my copies.
I am post this second copy here,
so you can see what TV-Guide saw…
Might as well be social media,
as they never read any of it, lol…
I have found the staff here to be awsome,
and in the case of horrible hierarchies
like Verizon, a LIFESAVER for sure.
Keep up the good work CCSN ! 🙂
I did not receive my tv weekly on 7/7/17
I am 0723982518/2# I am totally angry with the lack of concern shown to me this morning 7-10-17 !!I have been a customer for several years and never missed an issue. However, I did not receive the current issue that starts on7-10-17. Your “RUDE” customer service person could have cared less about sending another copy. “OUR POLICY IS TO EXTEND YOU WITH ONE ADDITIONAL COPY” I am handicapped and depend on this Guide for my TV information. I cannot go out and purchase another copy. I WANTED THE ISSUE THAT I PAID FOR!! Your lack of support will be backed up by The Dallas Morning News TV AD!!
Saw renewal special of 52 issues for $20 on today’s website.
Website would not complete my order even though INFO WAS COMPLETE.
WAS SURPRISED that the form did not ask for subscription #
Tried calling – could not hear options.
Called a different # – Automated Robot would only give me a 26 issue renewal for $13 and change. No matter what I tried, could not get the 52 issue renewal NOR could I get a live human being.
MY OPINION – TV Guide has gone from a first class operation with local channel information to a “GARBAGE LEVEL” operation where it tries to be a “tabloid” type of magazine and it gives very little Channel information.
What used to be an A+ product has now been given a ” F ”
(first time I have given a F grade to a magazine)
I would have given a lower grade if one existed.
Suddenlink in Georgetown Texas has completely changed their tv lineup. Your TV Guide needs to be updated. Thanks
Only a few times over the last couple years have i searched for a movie’s “air” time schedule and every time TV Guide Website has no clue.
EX: last night, this Tv channel advertised “single white female” airing Friday night.’
Tv Guide website stated ” not in next 14 days” Hello, its on tonight Tv Guide.
Also checked daily movie listings. Na Da….
Not visiting their web site again……happens every time…
SO FAR I HAVE SENT YOU ,$36.48 inJuly and again $48.64 in Aug, I
have not received the mag but you cancelled me? Either you renew
my subscription or send me a refund”
Is the TV guide for this week late coming out. It’s Sunday night I hope it comes tomorrow. With new showing coming on, I don’t want to miss and the articles on the shows.
Thank you
The new web site sucks. The old site was much easier to use. I have not found a way to change the number of hours to display.
I much prefer to see 3 hrs of programming vs 1 1/2 hours.
Please go back to the old site or at least make it available.
Not surprisingly when I click on the link for TVguide website it says “error” or not working. When I click on TV guide network it comes up “error” as well. So dont know if I can give website feedback here or not. There are technical issues 1) when want to change time you want to look at the new format is harder to get the time you want–extra fooling around. 2) when you open a show to get details you have to scroll down to read it because it is 3 inches down the page then scroll back up to close it 3) if you try to scroll down too quickly the site will race all the way down to the bottom of the page—-you can scroll down about 3 shows then must pause, then another 3 shows etc. IN ADDITION TO TECHNICAL ISSUE the site has become so “junky” and there are pop ups in your face you can’t get rid of. The guide itself is in a little “island” with ads on top, on bottom, on both sides and in your face. The listings are incorrect with some frequency and often do not give any details. And….dk if TV guide does this or if it is the show but often it lists a show and calls it new when in fact it is a repeat.
I did not receive my tv guide for Oct 3rd I have a 56 mo subscription. It states 26mar18 on my tvguide last issue.
This website stinks. I want to cancel my subscription and you can’t do it from anywhere on line
Kerry Harvey’s story on Todd Hoffman in TV Guide dated 16/12/17 to 22/12/17, has photos of Beets, not Todd…unless he has had some radical changes made to his hair, face and beard:)
I would like to know why I haven’t received my TV Guide this week (Mon Jan8th)?
Please respond…..
I really need to have it so I could see what’s on.
I’m a TV addict so you can understand what I’m going through.
I paid for a year of TV Guide over one and a half months ago and still have NOT received anything.
i ordered tv guide keep getting bills its already paid but not gettinng the guide ?????
paid $20. for a year subscription. getting bills saying i owe $20. wo
uld really like to start getting my guide.
On a recent TV guide your magazine had an article about the new American idol and the successful ones from the past. Adam Lambert was not included. He was the only man from idol mentioned time mag. He the Queen front man traveling the world five years. He was the top earning idol of the last one at Forbes magazine 10,000,000 earned that year. He has a successful career of his own plus he been extremely successful Queen front man. Do your darn home work plenty people angry. He working on his fourth album for WB records. He a world wide star both in his own career and His Queen front man career with sold out arenas world wide. At this point in time he the biggest male from idol. They showed that on the shows commercials. You need to run a decent article incorrection of that. Sure you won’t never buy that magazine again. Many others are angry about this. Someone said offered 5 dollar rate prescription for a year because of this would never buy it again. Adam Lambert only male from idol at this time that’s a world star as big of world star. He brought Queen back to one biggest rock bands out there. He been on plenty tv shows in America as well. Have to write customer S. Because your crappy email does it work.
Your TV listings website no longer keeps my favorites list. Help and contact do not work. Why? Yes, I disabled AdBlocker, still nothing. Why have you disabled contact and help pages?
TV listing website failing miserably. Continually loses my Favorites List. The help page and contact information are disabled on your website. Nothing works right. Why? and don’t tell me to disable AdBlocker, I already did that.
Didn’t get a magazine Again this week!!
when is my TV Guide to be renewed
what it’s going on? Asked a simple question
i would like cancel subscription tv guide
When i renewed my subscription it was 11.82 per mo. 4 months .got amy account today it was 13.75 is this the one i subscribed for or ls this a nother one. iam confused. jerry painter
Please DO NOT send anymore invoices to TV GUIDE. THank you! We DO NOT wish to subscribe anymore.
Recently subscribed to TV Guide. Received first guide. Today, some “lady” calls me to see how subscription was going. Then tells me “I am a preferred customer and they will cut the rates for next year.” I tell her “I just paid for a year,” and she hangs up on me. I DO NOT like solicitations, rude people, and unsolicited phone calls. If this continues, TV Guide will lose me a customer. TV Guide best get control of their advertising and solicitors.
acct #358715993 name august h moreno did not recive newest tv guide it would be starting date of 8/6/18
My subscription expired on May 28 2018 but I am still receiving your magazine.. So could you please remove me from you mailing list. My address is 43102 Albrecht Rd. Elyria Ohio 44035. Thank you Carol Caris
My subscription expired in May 2018 but I am still receiving your TVGuide. This is costing you money because I never renewed my subscription. Thank You Carol Caris 43102 Albrecht Rd. Elyria Ohio 44035.. PS. You might need this number #TVMO362412942/1#.
Never get a response and when I try to call get magazine discount center which I hate to deal with!!! Cant understand and they NEVER HELP ME!! If I don’t get a response I will def. not order again!!!
My check for my subscription renewal and gift subscript has cleared, but a month later i got a reminder notice that i didnt renew.
I have two subscriptions coming to my household. I put one subscription on hold about one month ago. Since that point in time I have stopped receiving any publication. I have waited on line for over 30 minutes on several occasions and never spoke to a human. Can anyone help me?????
I can’t even find a contact number or email! I’m missing this two week period magazine, again! This is the 2nd time in two months! Can you tell I’m about to jump out my window?????
not good customer service. hard to find a phone number or talked to a live person
I have been trying to cancel subscription but cant get a live person
I would not buy this magazine
I called a month ago to find out why my tv guide was not being delivered to my new address. I was told the post office did not forward magazines so my subscription was stopped. I was never notified by you that that had happened. I gave the rep my new address and waited and waited for the tv guide. I waited a month! I called again today and was told the rep had put in the wrong zip code. I was then told I would not get my PAID FOR IN ADVANCE tv guide for another 3 weeks! This is just inexcusable. Since the rep didn’t take my new zip I am going to give it to you.01013. I am thoroughly disgusted with the unprofessional way your company is run regarding subscriptions! My sub.# is TVM0703962274/8#
On September 25, 2018 I renewed my subscription to TV Guide. With my renewal came a gift of a Wine Tote Bag with a paid renewal. When I renewed my subscription on September 25, 2018 I included my check #5993 in the amount of $25.00. Said payment was to include 52 weeks renewal of TV Guide, 4 additional weeks free and a Wine Tote Bag absolutely FREE with my paid subscription. My check cleared my bank quite sometime ago but I have yet to receive my free Wine Tote Bag. Why is this?
I have received no notification from TV Guide regarding the status of my gift. I trust this message may serve to initiate some action on your part to correct this matter.
I wanted to gift my wife this Christmas with the Tote Bag. Guess that is out of the question at this point.
I anxiously await your answer to my disappointing relationship with TV Guide promises.
I am frustrated,
John W. Kirschner Account # 0430830331
I have not received my TV guide magazine for the last couple of months and I am inquiring as to why that might be. I do not think my subscription has expired. The mail service where I live is not good and someone else may be getting my magazine and not getting it to me.
Please advise as to what may be the issue.
I have tried “unsuccessfully” to call & order a TV guide – after waiting 10 minutes on hold 3 times in 2 days- I wonder if it’s worth it!
I keep trying to call but all I get is a busy signal. I reordered TV guide for 3 yrs in 4-20-19. The back if my TV guide has it expiring in December 2019. I keep getting renewel notices but I have already done that. Also my check was cashed.
Thank yiu
Your contact form is BRAIN DEAD. Fields say they must “not be blank” when they are NOT BLNK!
I did not receive my TV Guide For this week and next week !!!!
My TV guide subscription has been arriving one week late since mid-December. My subscription runs to May 9, 2024. Should I cancel my subscription and start over? Nancy Farnan