Contacting Reliant Customer Service Center
Reliant is an energy company serving Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, South Texas, West Texas and Sharyland. The Reliant customer service department offers one main phone line for all customers, but there are other means of contacting the company for account problems, concerns, billing and other customer needs.
Click here to leave a comment about your customer service experience.Contact Info:
Phone Contact Numbers
- Customer Service (24/7): 1-866-222-7100 or 1-713-207-7777
- Small/Medium Business: 1-866-660-4900
Small/medium business customer service is available from 7 AM to 7 PM Monday to Friday.
- Large Business: 1-888-315-1558
Large business customer service is open from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM Monday to Friday.
There are also a few other phone numbers listed for Reliant Energy, including:
- Houston Area (New Service): 1-713-207-7777
- All Other Areas (New Service): 1-877-524-5231
- Transfer Service: 1-866-222-7100
- Corporate Office: 1-713-497-3000
Mailing Address
Reliant Energy Holdings, Inc.
1201 Fannin St.
Houston, TX 77002
Reliant Energy Retail Services, LLC
1000 Main St.
Houston, TX 77002
Reliant General Correspondence
P.O. Box 3765
Houston, TX 77253
Reliant Energy Retail Services (Overnight)
Dept 650475
888 S. Greenville Ave.
Ste. 200
Richardson, TX 75081
Official Website
The official website for Reliant Energy is The main site is the place where you can access your account, no matter where you live or what division of Reliant Energy provides your service.
Reliant customer service is also available on social sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Customer Service Email
If you want to email Reliant customer service you can visit the contact form There is also an email address associated with the Energy Savings program:
Our Experience
Reliant customer service offers an automated system that does not recognize pressing 0 to speed up the call. You can press 2 for account questions, 3 to move service and 4 for new service. If you press none of the options your call will be placed on hold for a customer service agent. There was a minimal wait time until our call was answered by Miguel. We asked Miguel if there was a deposit required for new service. He told us that deposits are required for some accounts and that the amount of the deposit would be determined when the application was made for new service.
Horrible, I am a new customer had the service 2 months and cannot reach them. I recieve my bill in the mail one day AFTER the bill is due and there is no phone number printed on my bill actually reaches anyone at Reliant. One number is for recieving a free cruise, the other number is Tagart Direct and they sell computers. This is a company that obviously does not believe in Transparency or intergity in the way they conduct business.
I am shocked to hold the bill in my hands and realize that the numbers they give me says they are available 24/7, says this in writing, and it gives 2 phone numbers to call for questions or Comments
neither number is Reliant. They are falsely advertising right here on paper.
Please can you give me your fax number I cannot find it on line I need to fax some documents to you ,
Thanks lea barr
I think this company stinks. They want address phone deposit and all else personal to me just to start new service. I did not provide this information and the rep got p. o.’ed. And from what I just read (above) I’ll never deal with this outfit.
A door to door scamsman came by my house last week. Said his company has been monitoring my usage and told me how much I was paying compared to what they could offer. Also told me that he knew my contract was up with my provider. Told him I was interested and went inside to get my provider info. When I got back I told him I was not interested and he said it was too late that he has already called in and swapped my provider and the only way I could cancel was to accept a phone call to get a confirmation number to cancel within 3 days. Was told it was no big deal that I would get a contract within a week and nothing would happen for two weeks. Called in 2 days later to cancel since business was closed on Sundays. Rep on phone said everything was taken care of and she would contact my provider to assure there would be not problem. 3 hours later my electricity was cut off completely. Dont use this company and be aware of their scams. And they sent me a bill. Filed 2 complaints but have not heard anything back.
Hello Reliant Energy. Been a client of yours 20+ years. I was at a festival in Texas this weekend and saw your booth with reps. Very professional and nice. They told me to contact you on how my company can bid for your Apparel for your employees. Can you help?
Thank you.