Contact New York Times Customer Service

Contacting New York Times Customer Service Center

The New York Times is a print and digital publication based in New York City. The paper is available in US, Global and Chinese editions. Like most print newspapers today, there is an online digital site with free and paid access.

to leave a comment about your customer service experience.

Contact Info:

Phone Contact Numbers

In the digital age, phone numbers are quickly being replaced with online forms and email addresses. We were able to find a few important customer service phone numbers, but not as many as we expected from a huge publication like the New York Times.

  • Customer Service (Home Delivery): 1-800-698-4637
  • Customer Service (International Herald): 1-212-556-7194
  • Comments, Suggestions and Error Reports: 1-888-698-6397
  • Public Editor: 1-212-556-7652
  • Advertise with the Times: 1-800-238-4637
  • Celebration Announcements: 1-212-556-7325
  • Corporate Programs: 1-800-753-7795
  • College and University Programs: 1-866-776-3698

Mailing Address

If you need to contact the New York Times customer service department, you can send your letter to:

New York TimesCustomer Service Department620 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10018

Letters to the editor can also be sent to this address as long as they are addressed to the ATTN: Letters to the Editor in place of Customer Service Department. All letters to the editor should be 150 words or less. The address and telephone number of the writer must accompany all letters. The New York Times will edit some letters before publication.

Official Website

The main website for the New York Times newspaper is This website is the digital portal for readers and the page where subscribers and register for and log in to their online account. Much of the news and information published in the print paper is available on the official website, but some is reserved for digital and print subscribers only.

Customer Service Email

Customer service emails are available for some of the most important departments and people in the New York Times family.

Letters to the editor are accepted at You can also fax your letters to 1-212-556-3622.

Our Experience

When we called the New York Times we were happy to find out that we could have the paper delivered to our home by mail. The automated system is designed to keep callers in the system without ever talking to a customer service representative. If you are calling for home delivery customer service press 1 (0 does not bypass the system). You will be given additional options. You can press 0 twice to bypass the options. We were on hold for less than 10 seconds before our call was answered.

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31 Comments on “Contact New York Times Customer Service
  1. I am overseas, and need to change my debit card number for you to bill me for my digital subscription.

    Could you send me a link so I can do that?


  2. In the last month, I have not received my Sunday Times three times. Yesterday, I called the Times, requesting redelivery. This morning I received the Sunday Times from October 4! I would like to speak directly to the carrier, but the Times professes not to have a phone number for the carrier. I love my Times, but I’ve pretty much reached my wit’s end. The carrier is either incompetent or indifferent.

    Robert W. Ross

    • RE: Acct 855021077.
      03APR16 Issue of The NY Times was rcvd incomplete.
      The sections rcvd were Arts & Leisure, Travel, Book Review and
      The Times magazine.
      Please credit my account and I would like to know if you a phone number
      that I can contact my delivery person? Thanks.

      George M. Cousens

  3. On the NYT invoice for home delivery, it says “For Customer Care, call 7 days a week.” When I did that, the message said “The office is now closed.”
    The customer care site offers no way to ask and answer my question:
    We are home delivery subscribers, 7 days a week. How can I get access to the NYT on my phone?

  4. Cancelled paper,now I received bill for140.00,when my daughter called and complained for me they were rude and said they never received a phone call. O course the name on account is wrong address is wrong.Not sure who the cancelled but it wasn’t mine. Never again would I order news paper.

  5. I just received an email that my account was overdue although I had paid it two days ago. The payment was delayed because it took three phone calls to get someone who could process the payment (one person told me the system wasn’t working!). Of course 3 phone calls is nothing compared to the 14 I had to make before my change of address request was properly processed. What is going on in your office, these should not be complicated transactions!!!!

  6. I have been incorrectly billed and am waiting for a “billing person”to call me to correct errors!I have also written a detailed explanation of errors with no response.This has been going on since 12/8/15,account number899698385.Is anyone home there!!!

  7. I have received incomplete copies of my NYTimes subscription on 2 occasions
    in the last two weeks. My Sunday, Sept 10 paper did NOT include the Sunday Styles or the Sunday Review Sections. The paper delivered to me this morning.
    Monday, Sept. 18, consisted of only the SUNDAY, Sept. 17 News section and the
    SUNDAY, Sept. 17 Sports Section. Please give your prompt attention to correcting these serious delivery problems.

  8. On two occasions in the last two weeks, there have been delivered to me two
    incorrect copies of my NY Times subscription. On Sunday, Sept. 10 the
    Sunday Styles Section and the Sunday Review Section were missing. Today,
    Monday, Sept. 17, I received only the SUNDAY News Section and the SUNDAY
    Sports Section. Nothing else. Please give prompt attention to correcting these
    serious delivery problems. I am paying $1,000 per year to receive the NY Times.

  9. Your bill says to go to But when I type that in I get pages which have no customer care help for a missed delivery. Your bill needs to be clearer about what to do. I finally called the 800 number and hopefully will get a redelivery.

  10. For a month you have been sending me several notices a week that my acct is past due. You have my credit card info, WHY am I receiving these notices? I actually went online and ended up paying you $174, with an additional fee for “processing” but I still get the notices. You just might be not worth the trouble….


  12. Emma Fitzsimmons,
    How F’n dumb can these people be? They complain about rampant crime in their neighborhood, and then police try to do something about it through a “sting operation”, and they P & M about the tactics. OK, let them continue to be blown away by gangs and miscreants. Stupid is as Stupid does.

  13. I called last week to report non-receipt of my paper. I’m supposed to get the paper Thursday-Sunday.
    I received Sundays paper on 9/02. I also received papers Monday and Tuesday which is not in my agreement. Please tell the delivery service to only deliver papers Thursday-Sunday.

  14. Attn; Everyone at The New York Times.
    As you may know, our country has sees approx. 73,000 wildland fires in one year costing the country approx. 7,000,000 acres of federal, tribal, state, private, land. We also lose some 2,600 in those fires. We can’t stop the fires but now we can control and use them better then we have. We have the technology and the materials to design and build vehicles that can help us. I have designed a vtol that will address all of those concerns. Imagine an air Bourne firefighting team hovering above the houses pumping fire fighting ordnance onto an oncoming forest fire and stopping it, sparing entire communities. Or being caught on the 50th floor when the 20th is on fire. One of these types of vehicles can safely sit outside that bldg., breach the wall, extend a ramp, bring the rescued onboard, land, and do it again. Tomorrows land management and firefighting must be done from the air. Please understand that I am very serious about saving lives. This is not a joke or a scam. Nor does it involve space age exotic materials and an outrageous cost. This is not at all farfetched, it is very much within our reach. Please help me do this. If you cannot help please direct to someone who can. Thank you for your time and God Bless. Contact me at Ph. 610-894-4581
    Phillip R. Tarboro
    1763 West Broad St.
    Bethlehem Pa. 18018

  15. It’s 830 AM and no Saturday paper.
    Not the first time either
    Get me someone who can deliver the morning paper in the morning

  16. I still am not receiving my daily New Times i my email box for two weeks. I have called twice and the first time they said they fixed the problem but they did not. The second time they did not have an answer.

  17. I was reading your article about the house owned by Dr. Lackey and Mr. King and noticed a grammar error. While I am nitpicking about this error frequently made by most, it should not be an error made by a journalist of the New York Times. Please know I am concerned about all who lost their homes in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael. The error made in the article is this: further west. I was a court reporter for 21 years. My training taught me “further” in time (it takes a long time to buy a fur) and “farther” in distance. So the word to be used should be “farther” west. Thank you for the interesting article. I also questioned why some houses withstood hurricane force winds.

  18. Account No. 906716691: When I arrived home and began reading the Sunday Times (10/21), I found it lacked inclusion of Arts & Leisure, Book Review and NY Times Magazine. These are 3 parts of the Sunday Times that I particularly enjoy. I understand this is a mistake on the part of Elmira delivery service and it is too late to receive these sections. I believe more thorough delivery service should be implemented.

  19. Account Number 906716691: today’s delivery of the Sunday Times did not include Arts & Leisure, Book Review or NY Times Magazine. These are 3 of my favorite sections and I am irritated by the sloppiness of the Elmira delivery service. I am paying for the Sunday Times COMPLETE.
    What can be done????

  20. New York Times is no longer a reputable news source. Reputable news reporters are supposed to be unbiased and report on the facts – not what they think. Shame, Shame on New York Times. They are a disgrace to the profession. Why should anyone believe what you say when you don’t even confirm what you write before printing it????

  21. this is the second day in a row we have not received our paper as long time customers we are about to xxl our home delivery

  22. I opened my NY Times this a.m., and there at the top was an ad for impotence. Really. Is the Times so desperately poor that you have to subscribe to that trash to fill your coffers?
    The Times is often referred to as The Gray Lady. Don’t diminish her.
    Mrs. Marley Crane

  23. My subscription was cancelled in October, 2018. The amount of $26.42 was paid for service period 9/16/18-10/13/18. However, I have just received a bill for $16.22 for the same period but the billing date is 11/25/18 ! I tried calling your Customer Service #, with no results. Please advise. There is something wrong with your accounting dept. !!

  24. on 4/13/18 I received an email from your department from Rachel S.

    I am a digital subscriber to the NYT and I couldn’t print out articles I wanted to save or send to my children.

    I was told to copy the URL etc. That worked until now that it does’t.

    I tried finding a telephone number but it seems you have to work for NASA to find it.
    I want someone intelligent to tell me how to copy the articles again and fast.

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