Contacting Good Housekeeping Customer Service Center
Good Housekeeping is a magazine and website dedicated to making life easier and more productive in the home. Men and women can find cleaning tips, recipes, weight loss answers and even in-depth conversations on sex. Much of the information published in the magazine is also available online.
Click here to leave a comment about your customer service experience.Contact Info:
Phone Contact Numbers
The Good Housekeeping phone number is for customers who want to report a problem with their magazine subscription or contact customer service about a billing issue.
- Customer Service: 1-800-925-0485 – Single magazine purchases only.
- General Customer Service: 1-800-888-2665
You have to say Good Housekeeping or wait for the automated system to transfer the call to an agent to reach Good Housekeeping customer service. We waited more than eight minutes in all before the agent in the Good Housekeeping department answered our call.
Mailing Address
Good Housekeeping Customer ServicePO Box 6000Harlan, IA 51593
Official Website
You can read just about every story available in the print magazine online at The official website is FREE for all visitors, but you can choose to subscribe to the paper magazine for added articles not published online. You can also request back issues of magazines for a fee.
Customer Service Email
You can contact Good Housekeeping customer service by email at You have to use the subject “Good Housekeeping Customer Service Inquiry” on the email or, according to the customer service page, your email may not be answered. We sent an email along asking about finding the lowest price for a first time customer. What we really wanted was to test out the time it takes to receive an answer and the personal quality of the answer. We’ll give you the heads up when we receive a response.
Our Experience
When we called the customer service phone number for Good Housekeeping we were directed to the single copy ordering system. This is the system that allows customers to order single copies of past issues. We looked through the Good Housekeeping website and the dedicated customer service website several times for a general customer service number to no avail. We found another number on an external website, which did lead us to customer service. Our call was on hold for 5:13 before an agent picked up. When we told the agent we were calling about Good Housekeeping she transferred the call forcing another wait of 2:42.
I sent issues back to GH writing a note on the envelope to stop sending them and to cancel the subscription. The magazines kept coming. I received a payment demand in December 2012 and responded with a letter to their Subscription Services Department in to stop sending the magazine. I now have a “Final Notice” from them demanding payment. I am going to send them an email using the address you have noted above at their “Customer Service” department. We shall see if they finally get the message to stop sending the magazine.
I have received a “final notice” and “delinquent”- my subscription was good until Nov. 2014 – I put note on notice and returned to that effect and here I got another notice saying I owe 13.97. My account # is 0753903483 – I am not going to pay that and want my subscription CANCELLED after the final issue!! I see I am not the only person you are doing this to.
i have the same problem saying i ordered books and didn’t pay i never order any books without paying first i never ordered more books
i love entering contest but yours and the solve media captacha are impossible. i am beginning to wonder if solve media is selecting who get easy (or possible ) phrases. If no one is entering you would get suspicious. I belong to a sweepstake site and many many are complaining, I am not the only one. This is a sample captcha . No i cannot copy it here. If i had a real contact email, I could send you an attachment.
Iv been trying to contact u about my bill thank u rhonda shuler
I am furious at receiving “delinquent” notices. I have never requested this magazine that I didn’t pay for it. I went to the website, logged my account number and cancelled. They have horrible customer service.
I ordered by mistake your magazine, and every phone number I have used to cancel say’s it’s restricted. Whatever that meanes. My e.mail is, so if you send me this magazine it’s on you! It should be as easy to cancel a mistaken order as it is to order! Shame on you!
I did not know entering your contest would result in another order for your magazine. I have a subscription to the magazine, but I was not planning on adding to it at this point . Please cancel the second subscription.
I tried to cancel my subscription to Good Housekeeping online and get my refund for the unmailed issues. The online response they gave me was that my subscription would be cancelled but I am “not eligible for a refund”. In their magazine they always say all refunds will be honored.
I also had this same thing happen with their other magazines, Woman’s Day and Redbook and Country Living.
I have made payment for my subscription but I keep getting mail and e-mail suggesting that I am delinquent in sending my payments. I renewed my present subscription and also the gift one for my daughter-in-law and sent check to you.
This is making me furious and I want it straightened out asap. I am paid up with my subscription through June 2014!
Please get this information to the correct division so I don’t keep receiving “delinquent payment notices!”
Thanks for your time………….Linda M. Hoag, Fargo, ND.
Paid subscription in Feb 2013 for $24.97 for 1 yr. Two months later receive a notice to renew at $12.00 for 2 subscriptions. Called and was told to send it in or throw it away. Have taken Good Housekeeping for years more than 30 yrs and now I am paying double for something that if I had waited could have got for less. Probably will not renew next year. Looks like customer service would have tried to extend the year on my magazine. Their loss. Customer service couldn’t have cared less.
I sent my check for a one year subscription, but as of yet have not received a magazine. It has been 2 months now. Where is my magazine????
I just got a notice today, saying that I owe you for a magazine that I don’t get. I sent you my check # and the account # telling you that I have paid for the magazine.I will not pay you twice for . Please do not send me another notice.You need to check your files before you start to complain about something that is not true. You have been paid once that is all you will get.I do not want you to reinstate the magazine.I will not ever order it again.
I just received your magazine but I was suppose to also receive a free tote with my paid subscription? When will I receive the fowl tote?
Why do you NOT put a phone number on your invoices!!! what if I didn’t have access to a computer….I would continue to get letters stating that I owe you money???…..
I sent a check for 1 year 13 months ago. My supscription has run out and I don’t get any magazines anymore but I am getting collection statements for a year. There is no telephone number on the statement.
Nancy Brown
I just received a credit & collection department notice. I do not want, nor did I ever renew this magazine. There is absolutely no phone number on the statement you sent me. Please, Please cancel my subscription as of now. My mother-in-law ordered your magazine for over 60 years and thought highly of your magazine. I do not like receiving non-payment suspended service. I do not want your service, nor will I recommend it to anyone else. I will not be obligated to pay any further notices. Please do not keep sending these notices or magazines. Thank you!
I received a letter from Good Housekeeping magazine.The letter informed me that my account was in collections. I have been waiting for my current to expire. I have the magazines stacked up because I haven’t read them. I did NOT agree to pay for more.
I am sure you are losing a lot of customers due to kindled nd such. But sending out letters like this one,is not going to help your print magazine’s.
I am very disappointed in your billing. Maybe you need someone new in that department.
Oh, by the way the letter wasn’t signed.
Linda Boyd
I was very disappointed to read your article about “Why not do something BAD and feel good about it?” The suggestions were always things that hurt other people, as you are feeling better. I don’t think you realize the implications these actions have not only for the people you’re encouraging to engage in these activities (gossip; flirt with someone else’s husband; swear; read a racy novel), but also for those in relationship with these people. How would you like a woman much more beautiful than you to flirt with YOUR husband?? Do you put these in context of your own life, or just OUT there in the lives of your readers. All trashy ideas. Why don’t you want people to feel BETTER about themselves as they do something a bit dangerous! How about being TOTALLY HONEST for a day; riding a zip line; discussing openly your weaknesses. I was very disappointed in your article.
I have been getting your magazine for years, even paid for daughters’ for a couple of years; every so often I have winced at some questionable or even crude articles or “reads”. But this is by far THE worst: “Why not do something Bad and feel good about it?” I agree with the previous response by Lynn, all TRASHY ideas.
-Let’s see, a UPS man comes to the door, you suggest a woman flirt w/him while her husband is gone? He may be married, he may be single. REALLY! Just think through some possible outcomes, if you can’t think of one, just read that suggested “erotica” (aka porn). You really want her to turn on someone else’s husband/boyfriend? In some way, destroying marriages must be in the interest of Goodhousekeeping. Answer this, a wife catches her husband flirting and viewing pornography, his answer; “I just read Goodhousekeeping and want to be a better husband.”
Marraige takes trust and commitment, articles like this destroy the very foundations of marriages.
-Not only that, gossip is destructive to every one involved, including the one gossiping.
-How in the world can you encourage “colorful” language? It’s all around us and is disgusting. It used to be that “colorful” language was apologized for when spoken in front of a stranger, but no more; all ages – male or female- use some of the vilest language.
-Please cancel my subscription and I will never recommend this magazine to anyone.
I have tried for an hour to figure out how to pay my bill on line…am now sending you a check, but will never sucscribe to your magazine again. Everyone seems to having trouble with your customer service.
Have tried to pay my bill online (for 2 hours) to no avail! Do not put your info on bill if we cannot get to it! Where is your phone number on the bill! Cannot get ahold of you! What’s the deal!
I hope you guys know that you posting your comments on here isn’t going to get your subscription canceled. The reason why they don’t put their phone number out everywhere is because some people will call and be super rude the whole time to find out they called the wrong number, but continue to complain and be horribly rude. Also the phone number for handling the subscriptions is different than the number for the people that actually write the articles for the magazine. They are in completely different states so complaining about articles won’t do you any good. Freedom of speech, if you don’t like the article then stop reading it, no one needs to hear you complain for ten minutes about something that the customer service rep has absolutely nothing to do with.
It’s called respect people. Learn to be a little more respectful.
I was not subscribing to your magazine I was entering a contest that’s all every time I enter your contest I don’t subscribe and you send me a bill I don’t want the magazine I wrote to customer service your contact nu. And got no response this is my 3rd try! Yours truly M Harding
YOU had a deal where if you ordered Good Housekeeping or Womans Day one of them included with the order –why am I getting 2 different bills? Please send the correct bill.
I have called for sure 3 times maybe 4 requesting they stop sending emails. This has been going on for months. Yep, you guessed it. Another one this morning.
I Have been trying to get you on the phone To stop this magazine
that I Did not order I did Pay for this I have a Credit of $34.11 which I would like back
thank you
Steve Wendland
I mailed a money order for $15.00 for 2 subscriptions
now I get something in the mail saying 2nd notice. can
you help me. I had to send a money order, do you not take
money orders? I paid 15.00
Please note,your advertising people selling some sort of health cream are obviously getting addresses from my personal address book on my computor,and sending me emails from my friends and relatives for the purpose of selling your products, this has to stop,a repeat of this procedure will result in my reporting this to the Federal authorities
I’m cancelling your magazine due to the fact that you are
geared to a younger group of females, since I am a senior citizen, I find you don’t address an older demographics, which
is growing more and more each year!! We need to see fashions that aren’t for women in their 20’s to 40’s. Believe it or not,
we older women are just as interested in age appropriate fashion
as much as our daughters and granddaughters!! Please try to address this matter, till then I’ll just sit back and wait for my issues of AARP. A member of the much aging populous!!
You cashed my check in December
And was to get a tote bAg free.
I see lots of complaints about your
CompAny so I assume I won’t be
Receiving my tote. I now will not
Be renewing this or Woman’s DAy
I received a letter from credit & collections department for non-payment of a subscription renewal. I paid for a one year subscription at the end of of the period and I sent the magazine back with a note that I am cancelling. I have returned 4 magazines with note on the bill I am not wanting your magazine. I reiterate keep your magazine any future editions will be placed in the garbage like other junk mail.
I will not buy anymore from the shelf either, also, do not sell or release my information to other companies.
Trying to get customer service from your company is a NIGHTMARE !!!! Again you have mailed me a bill for your magazine !!!! Really !!!!! This was given to me as a gift and ;yes it has been paid for !!!!! But you continue to send me a bill, with a statement….as I requested !!!!!! I’ve not REQUESTED !!!!!! your magazine !!!!! Lets see if you will respond to this e-mail…….VERY UNHAPPY 🙁 🙁 🙁
Susan Crowder
awaiting for a reply !!!!!!
wonder if I will get one ! ! ! ! !! 🙁
called the number for Good Housekeeping didn’t have any trouble getting through!!
What is your customer number?
sent back all magazines first to 57th st in ny and then to harlan ia i am not paying bill my mom is deceased and every month 2 magazines come and 2 bills one for durethy and one for Dorothy.STOP I am going to complain to BBB your phone stinks If magazine comes again to quaker ave in randolph nj they are going in pail I expect a reply
I receive Good Housekeeping magazine every month. I was mailed the one with the sticky fingers buns on front cover.
Parisian Style Setter:
I loved the articles on the dress designers. Especially Ines De La Fressange. I am going to Europe in few months’ and looking for different ways, to expand my wardrobe.I saved the page with, the picture. It is differently very stylish with the Jacket, shirt and pants.
I happen to have a Axcess by Liz Claiborne, and the Jacket is beige will match perfect with my slacks and white blouse.
With effect from today Tuesday 29th April 2014 Please stop my subscription of Good House-keeping and Woman’s Day Magazine.Thank you very much.
I tried to cancel my subscription to GH Keeping and Woman’s Day expecting a refund – haven’t received it as yet? What is the problem?
so far you’ve sent me three copies of the same issue! this is ridiculous….isn’t anybody actually working anymore??
I received my new June issue today & started reading the story about a suitcase. However I find that pages 138, 139,140, @ 141 are missing from my magazine. What a disappointment! What happened? Shirley Winkss
I am 83 years old and have been reading your magazine as long as I can remember. There are a lot of other women my age who support your magazine yet you never have anything in it about us. It is always “you can be beautiful and stylish at any age” but you never show anyone past 60. We have the money to buy pretty clothes and we would like advice on fashion and make up. I imagine a large part of you subscribers are older women. Why don’t you mention us sometime?
Why I am still getting a bill for renewing my subscription. A check was sent on January 5, 2014 for a 1 year subscription and I am still getting billed. Please correct your records.
I never ordered any magazines and if I keep getting these books I will sue for harrasment. You got that ! !
Bad customer serivce/tried to pay over the phone/very long wait and then the customer service person hung up on me. By the way, I’m mailing in payment today/
Very disappointed in Good Housekeeping. I ordered it through a school fund-raisers in back to back years and never did know how many issues I really had coming or received, but the magazine kept coming and coming. Now I got a notice from their credit/collections department (no personal name attached to contact) threatening me because I hadn’t paid my $10.00 deferred payment, but if I pay it now I can take $3.00 off. hmmmm – sounds like a con-job to me. You go on-line to pay or discontinue and get nowhere. I will never order their magazine again.
I do not wish to be on Automatic Pay! Never did, just because I paid for subscription with card does not mean you were allowed to use again.
My mother requested several months ago for her subscription to Good Housekeeping to be cancelled and to discontinue sending the magazine. She continuously gets the magazine and billings asking her for payment. She has returned the payment request and has requested to cancel this subscription 3 times. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PAYMENT REQUESTS AND FINAL SERVICES NOTICES TO HER. SHE NO LONGER WISHES TO RECEIVE THIS MAGAZINE. DISCONTINUE SENDING THE MAGAZINE.
I have enjoyed Good Housekeeping for many many years. Why do you send a renewal for the magazine when it does not need renewal for well over a year. My subscription expires in August 2015 – yet you want my renewal now??? Please respond.
I always send payment any time I order any subscription was last paid on june ’13 check #536.
I can’t beleive there is not a phone no# that can bereaded to talk to a real person to take care of this problem. In reading the comments I am not alone.
Hands down Goodhousekeeping and probably all other magazines have major billing department problems because I am having problems with 4 other mags. Not sure but does cancelling take care of the subscription renewal?. Look at fine print that is my next step if I can find what I need to find in the right paper work or right person to talk to. I sent an email to Good Housekeeping to stop sending mags and received back one to send back my address. My computer had decided to take a nosedive so I was unable to do that. In this computer world you would think my name would suffice since it is not a common one.
please cancel order of good housekeeping this person has been deceased for over a year and a half please stop sending issues and bills since this magazine was never ordered or never wanted.
I did not authorize you to add another years subscription to Julie A. Peck order #1383720396, after her present order expires at the end of 2014. You sent me a bill this morning. Please remove that order.
CUSTOMER SERVICE/ Subscription Dept.
I sent for a sample copy of Coumtry Living, didn’t like it so I cancelled. They’re still dunning me for the $12 subscription price no matter that I’ve sent 3 notices to cancel – the magazine’s just not my style.
I have been a Good Housekeeping subscription person for years. Your website is impossible to deal with – can’t pay a bill on line – I’m over 70 years old and pay all my bills on line – if you cannot get with the program then I don’t need you in my life – called and cancelled. Good riddance……………….
I received a 2nd notice for a subscription for Laura Belleman
I wish to cancel this subscription
Thank you
I want to cancel the gift subscription for another person. cannot seem to contact anyone, and I do not want to be charged for it.
thank you, dee breuer
I am writing to let you know that after reading GOODHOUSEKEEPING for 65 years,I am requesting that my subscription be refunded and stopped. Your last issue was by far the least interesting or entertaining in all those years. The last page decided me to quit. I really enjoyed the last changes that were made but this ends my reading another issue of similar blithering. My account #GHK0261305080/9#MAY 16. Why did you ruin a good thing?…. Sincerely , Maida VanPelt
I miss Rosey! Why would you let her go? This young thing does not have the experience our Rosey has!!!! Rosey was a breath of fresh air, this new one is not even dry behind the ears. I will not renew this magazine ever again. BRING back Rosey! No,I”m not an fart, how”s 37years young? Thanks for nothing.
Why do you hound people months and months before a subscription has run out? It’s annoying and enough to make me want to cancel my subscription (and my gift subscription)!
I should not have to go online to find a customer service telephone number. It should be in the magazine.
I received a letter for a low price for the subscription, now I have an invoice from their department wanting $12 saying it is due by 10/18/14. I don’t know what that is about it says I ordered it which I did not! Please straighten this our for me and I would appreciate an e-mail very soon regarding this please.
R. P.
I did not want on automatic subscription. I sent bill back with cancel on it. Please take me off the mailing list and the automatic subscription. Thank You.
I have moved and want my Good Housekeeping and Family Circle magazines mailed to my new address. How can I do this?
Don’t worry about not getting the tote bag ,it is only junk. You would not want to use it.
I’m very disappointed with the new look of” Good Housekeeping”, especially the November Issue. I’m reading this magazine for over 30 years and always keep the Nov. & Dec. issue because I used to like them so much. But this is not worth keeping.To much advertising and no more good little stories and good advise is to find. The food section has awful pictures of dishes in there, they are not appetizing looking, nor are they even in focus!!! You don’t know what that dish should be. And yes, I agree with the the fact, that you don’t care about us women over 50!!!
I received a offer from Good Housekeeping. If I subscribe for 12 issues at $7.77 I would get a free Toile Tote Bag. I paid my bill & got my first issue. What happen to the tote bag? I went as far as subscribing for two yrs. Now I am thinking about canceling. The book is really not interesting but I could use the bag. I do not think I will do this again. Thank you for your time. Joanne Gauldin
Do you not realize that there are women OVER 50? There are many of us
EVEN in our 80’s who are interested in becoming hairstyles and
clothes. I realize that everything is geared toward the younger
generation but we do have some dispoable income.
As I said in my note to you this magazine is the worst yet and forgot to add us older gals are not important all geared to the younger people who are not interested in magazines and your ads. Would like to see this editor disappear but guess not a chance and of course you all know best.
Your customer service is in dire need of repair. Your website ( is not user friendly regarding cancellation of gift subscriptions. No direct phone numbers to call for customer service. I think this must be by design. When I finally made contact with a customer service representataive I was disappointed in her demeanor and quality of service based upon the fact that I was cancelling gift subcriptions. I will not be renewing my own subcriptions in the future based upon your quality of service or lack of!! I will see if indeed my gift subscriptions actually are cancelled.
I am trying to find the and no luck finding it, so guess I want be the lucky winner on this!!
I do like Good Housekeeping magazine, always have.They always have good articles,whether for food, good fiction story, or makeup tips. Sure would be nice if you made it easier to find where we can actually sign up for the surveys. For all of those who don’t like Good Housekeeping. I made the mistake of ordering the Living Magazine when my granddaughter was selling magazines for school. Awful, magazine, dont waste your money on this one!
I don’t believe I ordered the GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE and I do not want it anymore.
f you want the copy back that I received, please sent me a self addressed, stamped envelope and I’ll be glad to return it to you.
Thanks and GOODBY.
Can not find Nov Survey, but wanted you to know that I am very disappointed in the new Good Housekeeping. Have read this magazine for over 40 years and now there is not enough in the magazine to want to buy it. Half the magazine is recipes. That is what food magazines are for. Give us more articles on the average person, celebrities are not the average person.
I could not fine the NOVSURVEY link so I’ll comment here. I look forward to your magazine and have read it for over 55 years. There are usually decorative ideas, nice articles and good recipes, but recently I have noticed more and more ads and less and less content. In this issue there is hardly a page that doesn’t face or have an ad on part of it or ads on facing pages. I did find 13 and 16 pages in a row with no advertisements. Advertisements are Not what I subscribe to your magazine for. Has your magazine been taken over by someone else? At least you have not inserted perfume ads to make us sick.
Tried to access your Oct. Survey online, but was unable to locate the site.
I love your magazine with its many recipes with familiar ingredients and enjoy the personal stories of accomplishment after overcoming difficuolt situations. The moms who do what is necessary to be successful for their children are not only obtaining a better lifestyle but they show their kids that they can acc9omplish their dreams if they persist.
I question the selection of books each month as they appear to be high school reading level. If GHK would grade the books by level of difficulty, it would tell the reader more. Can you tell us not only the subject but the reading level of each book?
How about talking about foot health and not just wearing the right shoe. Some fashions for the 70+ woman.
Lastly, the name “Good Housekeeping” is very dated and needs to be changed to a more modern, younger name that will take us into the 22nd century. The name Good Housekeeping is boring and not enticing to younger people who could care less about housekeeping. What about: American Living, The Best of Us, More, All Together, etc. Come on guys, you need to change with the times.
Still great content.
Thanks and no offense meant.
Re: your Thanksgiving issue for 2014..anything would have been better for a cover photo..get with the holidays. I looked forward to an enticing photo on the cover for TG dinner. I threw it in my magazine rack not even realizing it was the Thanksgiving issue. Hope you do better with the Dec. Issue.
since no one can contact you please do not send me any books i did not order i am cancelling
I have already ordered and paid for my subscription and I keep getting invoices saying payment is due! Plaease take care of this for me.
Thank you,
Robin Pierce
I have gone through the same paid for one year subscription received only 2 magazines.called customer services was told my subscription would be extended until February 2015.As of now I have not received anymore magazines. I called again I m told my subscription expired.
Someone needs better customer service training.
I won t be subscribing to this magazine again.
why is the mag. so thin? also, I wish you had more stories and less beauty items.
I have been a subscriber for several yrs. and have really enjoyed reading the mag. but it has lost some of it’s appeal.
Why is the magazine so thin, now?
Also, I wish you had more stories and less beauty items.
I have been a subscriber for yrs. but the mag. has lost some of it’s appeal.
Marjorie Flood
I am trying to rate this issue for a chance to win $5000. I searched “” but I cannot find the site. I see from the comments that I am not the only one having this problem. Please contact me and let me know how I can enter.
I received another bill from you but I have already paid on 10/24 on check #2342, Chase Bank which has already been cashed. I had sent for my daughter Karen Walters to receive the free gift.
I have been trying to log on to the Tell us what you think web site to no avail. I have been a long time customer of Good Housekeeping magazine. Please help me.
I renewed my subscription to Good Housekeeping 9/30 2013. I sent payment in full for one year. My last issue was O(ctober 2014. I did not not renew nor did I receive another issue after the October one, yet I keep receiving these harrasing notices. I have been a good housekeeping subscriber for many years, but I will never subscribe again, because of these underhanded tactics.
LONG TIME SUBSCRIBER, paid bill, now receiving delinquent notices, no phone number available & difficult to contact. What are all these highly inflated prices for Gift Subscriptions? NOT HAPPY!
Writing letters does not help so why take the time and effort to write. I sent a check for a bill which I did not owe but was tired of getting bills that said PAST DUE. I explained all this in a letter and my check has been cashed. Yesterday I got another PAST DUE BILL.
I am now requesting that you cancel my subscription and send refund for the balance due to me. I wonder if you can understand that.!!
The January 2015 issue is the worst issue EVER!!! If I had wanted a fitness issue I would have bought a different type of magazine—THIS IS NOT UP TO GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STANDARDS–This issue is a waste of good paper-shame on you
My original contact with a customer service rep was unsatisfactory. She left me with a very distinct impression that my concern was not valid. Not a chance GH made an error and didn’t pursue info to be helpful. I paid the renewal, included a note expressing my concerns. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a very fine letter from Jayne Garnett, Customer Service Center, with the facts to resolve my concern. There was a gift renewal made to my daughter’s account which both of us were unaware of. THANK YOU, JAYNE. GH gets the GH seal!!!
I have been a subscriber for almost all of my adult life. I am now seventy-six. For the past few years I have had to mark down in my book when I renewed my subscription and for how long.You send a renewal letter six months after I renewed and it just confuses the issue. Now I get a better offer for one year and it comes just after I renew. This is not right. I am very disappointed in you and the magazine business in general. I suppose it is because you are fighting for survival but to get money way ahead of renewal dates and extend the subscription is wrong. What happens if you go out of business and we have three years left of magazines. Of course we won’t be aware of it unless we write it down.
They try to trick you when they send notices. They say you’re subscription is about to run out, when in fact, it’s a notice that unless you contact them, they will put your magazine on automatic renewal and they will keep sending you bills! Very deceitful. Their customer service is useless – they make up crap and try to give you some song and dance. I will NEVER, EVER, EVER get a subscription from them again. Also, I’ve told everyone I know about this. So far, I’ve talked 6 people out of getting the magazine. Ha ha ha!!
I want to cancel my subscription to Good Housekeeping.
I do not want any more magazines from HEARST –
– No Good Housekeeping,
– No Food Network Magazine
– No Oprah Magazine
When you are signing up OR trying to make contact, you are to
Today I received a credit and collections department notice for a subscription that I never re-newed and was informed that my good standing would only be revised to good standing once the payment was received. They are holding my good credit hostage and I fill forced to pay. BUT I WILL BE TELLING EVERYONE I KNOW OF THEIR TACTICS.
Having paid my Good Housekeeping bill in October, I was so furious today to receive a very nasty letter saying that I was delinquent with my payment. I have been put in the delinquent file and my credit standing is very poor. I have called Good Housekeeping today, after writing many times on the bill that I have paid to cancel everything and I NEVER want anything more to do with the magazine.
Account # 445539117 I have asked you NOT to send any more subscription invoices and you ignore it. I DETEST these practices. I DO NOT WANT YOUR
I have been on the computer and cancelled the stupid magazine. I have called the number and it is not a good number!
I read the Comments and got the answer to the question I was going to ask about .
The letter from your Subscription Services Department is sent to everyone , even if their subscription is in good standing . Really !!!
My subscription expires March 2016 . My bank records show I have payed .Your letter empties that I am dishonest and not paying my bill .
Your company is very unprofessional and dishonest !
I will not be renewing my subscription when it expires .
Bulling is NOT very good for a business .
I have been receiving two (2) Goodhousekeeping magazines per month. Please remove Robert Vogel from the mailing list. The GH magazine should come to Suzanne Vogel.
Thank you.
Suzanne Vogel
please cancel my subscription to GOOD HOUSEKEEPING
Dear Sirs,
In your April issue you asked for our thoughts concerning what we like/do not like about your magazine.
I have not been able to log into that website.
So, here is my input. I have been married for 52 years and have been a subscriber to Good Housekeeping most of those years. I miss the short story fiction you used to include. They were a nice respite from my day. And also the human interest stories. I have had other friends also comment that they miss the fiction and short stories which introduced us to so many new authors. Consider my comments. LY
A while back I emailed and you said you would get back to me. I told you I was disappointed in the magazine. The older version had short novels and stories. Now the magazine is much smaller and I can read It in one sitting. I would like to have your feedback. My subscription renewal is due soon and I don’t know if I will do it.
GH April 2015 has to be the best yet. I’ve spent the last nine years researching Climate Change and have written 2 books expounding on the fact that we’ve reached the Point of no return. If everyone had just changed to CFI’s when they were introduced, cut gas consumption, et al this rush to disaster could have been slowed down; but not stopped. I’ll be 89 in April and have lived to witness these changes beginning with my childhood. I just want to say thanks to you for all of your hints at the bottom of the pages, and your outstanding articles on pages 100-103. Leave it to Time and Good Housekeeping to tell it like it is. Thanks again. Jane Milligan
WOW!!! almost 100 comments and most of them negative. Add my comment to the rest. Good Housekeeping Magazine has become like another catalog. Practically all the fashions, both clothing and home decorating, give both the price and where to purchase them. Good Housekeeping Magazine is no longer of any interest to me.
I want my subscription cancelled. Dare I ask for refund on the balance of paid issues? By every ones comments it would be a waste of time.
I have just received my second copy of the Easter issue of GH–last month it was 3 copies of the same issue. What is wrong with your subscription department that they can’t figure out a renewal order properly?
Your magazine is a joke anymore, there isn’t enough to it that I will renew!!! It use to be a good magazine!
why don’t you answer my emails. I do not like the newer version of GH. It is not a good as before. It seems you are addressing a younger audience, no novellas.
Thank you
Got through the automated part easily, spoke with a live person that was very courteous and helpful. Way more pleasant experience than with most other customer service groups.
I had no trouble getting through the automated part and was connected to a very courteous and helpful person who was able to discontinue the automatic renewal without a problem.
After many years, I didn’t re- order Good Housekeeping magazine. I received a credit and collections dept. notice. Not a happy person. I owe you zilch!! Not a penny!! Correct this problem. I would appreciate a response to this.
Please note: I just entered the $25’000 home makeover, please cancil my free tril order, I am alredy a suscriber to your magazine, please just enter me into the contest only.
Thank you!
Janice Smith
Redmond Or.
Hi, I never ordered this magazine. please cancel me and take me off the list.I am not interested. i dont want anymore sent to me I only got one and i am not paying for it Thank you please take care of this
I just entered for a $25’000 home improvement contest, I already have your magazine, do not need a new subscription please just inter me into the contest only.
Thank You,
Janice Smith
Redmond Or.
I received two of your February Catalogs and One of your March catalogs For which I placed no orders. If any money is taken from our account or we are billed for these and or any other magazines, I will share with my attorney and the public your fraudulent actions and will go foreword with a lawsuit. Since I have the internet at my disposal I have no need for any Magazines. This is my first and Final Warning. I do not tolerate Scams.
I was very disappointed with the Good Housekeeping magazine I purchased today (May 2015). I was looking forward to sitting down with a cup of coffee and enjoying the magazine. However, it was page after page after page of advertising and very few articles to keep me interested. I know you need the advertising to offset your costs, but, this was just too, too much. Once again, I was very disappointed and will no longer purchase the magazine. I am sorry to see you go.
Barbara J. Kropf
I saw so many negative reviews about problems canceling a Good HouseKeeping subscription that I wanted to contribute something positive. The phone number for General Customer assistance worked fine for me and I was able to cancel my automatic renewal easily. All I had to do was indicate the magazine name, give my subscription number, which is on the address label, and I was connected to a very nice human. I have no problems with the content of GH magazine…..just don’t have time to read it!.
Like many who have commented here I think the magazine is not anything like the magazine of the past. I have been a subscriber for over 30 years (my Mom over 60). Where are the human interest stories, short stories, etc. The “new” format putting similar topics together is horrible and leaves me skipping entire portions of a magazine I used to read cover to cover. Also…the April 2015 issue completely ignored the Passover holiday…not all of us celebrate Easter so calling it an Easter issue (as someone commented above) is disrespectful to many subscribers. I also find that the current magazine has very little that is of interest to older readers. Since this new editor “Jane” has taken over the content has gone downhill. I have sent numerous emails and even called the corporate office with no response. Disgraceful!! I will have to think long and hard about renewing this magazine I used to look forward to every month.
I canceled the subscription in Sept 2014 now I am receiving a bill demanding payment. Not the way to do business. I have tried to call and talk with a rep with no luck getting through. Again not the way to do business. Please cancel my subscription!!!!
been trying to get on line at with promo code xcs258 to order and get the rate to 5.00and get the tote bag and seven day anti-aging meal plan for 88% deal cant get it orderd
I JUST sent in my renewal for Good Housekeeping for $29.97 Check #3331 – dated May 30, 2015
Today, May 26, 2015 I received a bill for renewal for $15.00
Please explain this discrepancy….
Thank You…
Moreover on woman or color over fifty years of age I love your magazine not much on women or color nor the fifty and over singles nor adorable thins I have read the magazine for over thirty years love it but sometimes won’t get it just looking. At the cover
I wish to cancel my SUBSCRIPTION TO GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. You continue to send bills and it says EXP OCT 16. I have never received any FREE TOTE BAGS EITHER. PLEASE CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION
I am finally getting around to letting you know of the new format after reading the latest edition. I have subscribed to Good Housekeeping for many years but am so disappointed in the new magazine. It does not have the depth of old, is full of ads, caters to the young, has few stories of interest, and is basically a magazine I will not subscribe to after my subscription runs out. I am sure the lack of depth is because of the cost to produce just as newspapers are facing. However, to get readership, the written word has to catch the eye and take more than 5 minutes to read. Those of us who are over 60 have the time to read, but we need what is relevant to us and that is not pages of make-up suggestions, clothes that are long out of our realm, etc.
It has been a good run for the past 40 years though. Good luck.
I signed up for Woman’s Day and Good Housekeeping. Both have been sporadic at best I subscribed in March and so far I have gotten one Good Housekeeping Magazine. The Woman’s Day has sent three, but after three phone calls. Very dissatisfied with this subscription. After seeing the reviews below I am now concerned I will be billed for renewals when I can’t even get my current subscription!
I want to STOP receiving the Good Housekeeping e-mails with tips and information in them Cannot locate a website to do so! I am getting very tired of the e-mails and would never again subscribe to Good Housekeeping just because I am so annoyed!
I paid my subscription on June 6 and check has already gone thru the bank. Why am getting another notice with discount. Please explain this to me. Thank you
I have been a customer for a long time but noticed magazine is a lot smaller now and does not have enough stories as it did in the past. There is too much emphasis on prepared meals, need more real life stories. I get better deals from the other magazines that have my subscriptions. Redbook alone offered me for 2 years at $10.00 which I took. I also get a good deal from People which I have subscription for 9 yrs now. So cancel my subscription.
I received an e-mail from Woman’s Day about entering a contest to win a fabulous vacation. I filled out the form and was immediately told I had subscribed to Good Housekeeping magazine. No mention was made of such beforehand. I was already getting GH, but I will assure you I will never subscribe to get that magazine again. I sent letter to customer service telling them that I did not subscribe and did not want it. Do you think they paid any attention to that. No, I received a copy on that unwanted subscription today.
I just subscribed to your magazine. I am now beginning to regret it. I tried to enter your survey to tell you what I thought of july issue and I
serached for it for 25 minutes. with no luck finding it. My
women who read this magazine really spend $160. for a clutch(page16).or do they monogram their clothes ? or wear Ivanka flats for $125. or pay $300 to $550 for a carryon suitcase? I think I don’t think this is the
magazine for the average woman.. or maybe just for those who wish they
could live like this?
add on to previous comments.. If I wanted to try to win something like that Lido leather bag… how would i go about entering ..???
My August issue looked like a reject. From the binding, it was all wrinkled and I had a hard time opening the pages, they would hardly lay flat to read the page, Then a good portion of the pages had not been trimmed, so they stuck out of the magazine like a bookmarker. Really felt like I got a “throw-away” issue.
It’s 8/15/15 and have not received my September issue yet. This seems to be an ongoing problem.
After subscribing for almost 50 years, I am going to let my subscription run out in May 2016. Very disappointed in new format. Magazine is 1/2 the size it used to be. No more novel excerpts/short stories. Now geared toward young, yuppie people still raising children. Too much advertising. Clothes/accessories shown are not for average women; i.e., $150 skirts; $450 handbags. From other reviews I see, you’re going to be losing business from the “older generation”.
I received my Good Housekeeping magazine today and I ended up throwing it in the trash. Half of it was upside down! If I receive another one like this, I will discontinue my subscription!
We need to get together and take some action about this magazine. I am sending letters to the publisher.
I never ordered this magazine, had trouble with you in the past and will NEVER order this magazine because of your
unbusiness like ways.
Editor. I will write everyone named in the front of the magazine. I’ve done it before and it worked.
Everyone who has this same complaint, lets all write the editor and others named in the magazine.
My check for $8 was cashed on 7-10-15 for Good Housekeeping and Womans Day magazines. I have already written to the service center, have received an old July/August of Womans Day and no Good Housekeeping issues! Do I need to contact the BBB?
Carola Grabowski
I just read your article about “Living large in a small space” where you showed those lumber moving carts as a coffee table. I have about 40 of them for sale all in various states of repair. I don’t know how I would get this information to people who might like to purchase one, seeing now that they read your article and may want one. Any suggestions? I live in New York State.
Why in the world would you post all these notes from very unhappy customers or former customers? Especially without follow-ups from Good Housekeeping about how you are working to remedy these situations? I just finished a postal letter to GH, but reading all these, in search of a postal address, I am extremely discouraged about the chance or anything being done about my problem/complaint. Maybe this contributes to the decline of print media. Very sad.
I won’t even bother calling your customer service center after reading all the derogatory comments. I don’t have that kind of time or patience to go thru all those steps. I ordered your magazine and was supposed to get a free tote bag which I have never received! Big surprise there! I paid for my subscription at the time I sent in my order and it was promptly cashed but to this date have not received the tote. PLEASE SEND ME THE TOTE BAG YOU OWE ME.
We are currently receiving two copies of your magazine. My wife believes that when we sent in mailer to extended this subscription for another year, someone put it in as a new request.
Could someone look into this and let us know the outcome.
Thank you.
There is a mix-up in my renewal of magazines. I’m now getting two (2) Good Housekeeping magazines each month. I have copies of my cancelled checks where I renewed GH & another where I renewed Better Homes & Gardens. Please straighten this out immediately as I paid for 2 different magazines. The 2nd one I’m receiving is under my nickname of Toni Aldridge but the original one is in my given name of Mary Aldridge #GHK1465997318/2#
Toni Aldridge has the GHK0246856041/5# Address 6553 Henschen Cir – Westerville, Oh 43082 Phone (614-394-8700) Appreciate your quick response. Thank you
I have not received my September issue and I am not the only one in this zip code area. What happened and will I receive a September issue please? Also,
I do not understand why you had to change a good magazine. I have been a subscriber for nearly 50 years. No longer do you have short stories, the magazine does not have the length content it used to have, and it is geared towards younger women, not all generations.
Please remit to me the September 2015 issue which I did not receive. Thank you
I paid for a gift subscription renewal and still get notices for non payment. I have the canceled check. When I tried to call customer service all I got was a bunch of commercials.
I got the same crap from this company I DID NOT renew anything with this magazine or any other magazine stop sending me invoices or I am going to sue the company
Stop sending me invoices I DID NOT subscribe or renew anything if you don’t stop I am going to sue the company
You went into my checking acct and unauthorized debt for a subscription that does not expire unti Nov 15…I want that transaction back into my acct immediately. If I was going to renew I can promise you I will do it myself.
I have not been able to do the OCTSURVEY. DOESN’T SHOW
Article on stain remover. Over 20 years ago I thought I had ruined 12 satin napkins and matching placements. They were stained with grease from a company dinner; I washed them, staines were not noticeable at all until after I dried them with drier sheets. Checked in an old Heloise book and it said to treat them with a vegetable oil based liquid soap. I had Murphy Oil Soap. Tested to see if it would work. Bingo sure did. I keep a bottle and have removed oil stains even after I missed noticing them before washing and drying. It’s cheap and works. Thanks to original HELOISE.
I just submitted my comments and it disappeared!! Have tried this site before but been unable to do so . Why do you ask for comments and then do not want to hear us out??
I have been a subscriber to your magazine for many years in Ill., Mich., and Ariz. — wherever I live. I stick with it because of the quality of the contents which do not aim to titillate the younger readers and ignore/ insult the old, but dependable, readers. I can leave it lying on the coffee table when grandkids and great-grandkids are coming to visit. The articles are timely, informative, entertaining, useful, and varied Thanks for many years of good magazine reading!
I am a long time customer (GHK0256977992) and keep getting a rate of $19.97 for one year. I cannot find a rate for 3 years. My last subscription was $20 for 3 years. I am looking for a better rate than what is being sent to me.
Rose Smith
I tried to contact you via icy survey.good… but was unable to get in? I was going to comment on the fall blazer on Octobers magazine p. 42. I loved the beautiful blazer but was aghast at the $595.00 price from Nordstroms?!?! Are you nuts? Who can afford this? Or, better yet show your readers a “better deal” at a reasonable price that your readers can afford!!!!
I keep getting invoice bills from you. I did not reorder the magazine and I am now being harrassed. Please take me off your list or I am going to take this to the post office. I have tried to get in touch with you many times before this but had a hard time finding where to make any complaints.
i am getting invoices and letters saying i have not paid for a subscription. i did not renew subscription and do not want any more letters about mybill being unpaid. could not fine a number to call and can not talk to anyone about this, please take me off your list.
I am a long time subscriber to Good Housekeeping. In the last few months I have’nt been receiving my magazine on a regular basis and it is becoming extremely aggrevating. What do I need to do at this point? I’m seriously considering purchasing off the rack and cancelling my subscription.
I am receiving two copies of GoodHousekeeping. One in my name and one in my husband’s, R. W. Please stop this one and please “no bills” because mine is good until 1917.
I am still getting renewal notices and I sent an e-mail stating that I was not going to renew. Thank you for canceling my subscription. Marna Nolte
I do NOT wish to renew my subscription. I have received a subscription invoice and I would like to cancel this subscription. THANKS for you help in this matter.
Could not find a way to cancel anywhere just renewals and gift subscriptions, shouldn’t it be easier to cancel if one wishes to?
First of all I love GH mag. I have been getting it off and on forty years. Unfortunately I have very little time in my schedule to do what I need to and I had to cancel my subscription. The agent I spoke to was very understanding and kind. She canceled my subscription without making me feel bad. I really appreciate that and I wish I had remembered her name to give her the credit. I will be giving GH
as gifts in the future.
I responded to promotion – 1 year subscription plus FREE TOTE , by mailing check, 9/21/15 .
As of 10/11/15 , I have received NO Mag . No TOTE !
This offer expires 10/16/15 . I have tried to resolve this situation with Good Housekeeping Customer Service , To no avail .
Is this a “SCAM ” that needs to be brought to the attention of Legal Authorities ?
Only GH knows ! so far !
Please post comment above . I have entered my name & email address as requested
My original comment was :” awaiting moderation” I am repeating it .
I responded to promotion > 1 yr G H and FREE TOTE , with check , 9/21/15 .
As of 10 /11/15 , I have NOT received Magazine Nor TOTE. I have been trying to resolve this matter with G H Customer Service to no avail .
I am a recent subscriber. I received my first issue (August, 2015) which was seriously damaged. The September issue never arrived. I did, however, receive the Oct. issue. I keep encountering roadblocks when I try to report a damaged issue and a missing issue. I do hope you can help by sending the two issues that need to be replaced or sent. Thank you.
I am receiving two magazines each month…one #BXBCCLU #GHK1101763728/5# 6606 P895
the other #BXBCCLU # GHK1191763728/5#
6663 P305
Please correct this error and update my account.
Please stop e-mail to bill me for subscription I am not a user.subscriber……
I was going to enter the $5,000 Novsurvey and guess what? Google search could not find that email address so I couldn’t give you any feedback about the Nov. issue. After reading the above comments about your customer service, this doesn’t surprise me. And, Good Housekeeping has always been one of my favorite magazines. May have to rethink this!
On March 20, 2015 I sent my check in for a one year’s subscription to Good Housekeeping.
Today I received a card stating that my subscription would be renewed. I do not wish to renew and would appreciate your advising the proper department about this. Thank you.
Love this Publication. I get this all the time. November Issue is full of great ideas. and heart felt stories. The photo’s give a vast look into exactly what is being brought to our attention, or subject matter that you want the audience to view. The recipes are my favorite next to the shots of trends of now and trends on the rise. The one thing that does bother me was My inability to navigate the NOVSURVEY.GOODHOUSEKEEPING.COM I found that as much as I searched and wished to enter this survey I was directed “subject matter not found” . I still wish to enter but do to limited time and lack of computer skills my attempts I guess will be forgone. Fantastic Publication (I mean my hard copy I get in the mail)!!! Not so great computer site. Please remember I am 47 years young and was raised with computers however, do to the fact I do not revolve my world around this connection, I do have a weakness regarding knowledge of navigating around the web. Perhaps this is something you could address in a future issue, I am sure many SAHM (stay at home Moms) would find it interesting, simple steps that could educate us and help SAHM with our everyday jobs of running our homes and directing our families, without having to go take a course we don’t have time for or that conflicts with our families schedules. We all make choices and I am a proud SAHM (my family is my world) but information that helps me is a blessing as much to me as it is to a Women in the corporate world running 5 companies. That You! Sincerely!
I am very upset–i ordered your magazine for my mother in law last year and used my debit card to pay for it. Now, you have fraudulently used my debit card information and renewed the subscription. I did NOT order your magazine and do not want it!!
Debra Jullette 904 Greenbriar Ln, DEfiance, OH 43512
the magazine was sent to Mary Keppel 6105W 400N Wabash, IN 46992
I have been trying to log on to “tell us what you think!” CANNOT FIND SITE
November survey.pg14 not found online.
Magazine in financial trouble?
Magazine survive but will not. Totally Geared for Democrats. No foundation.
GOOD HOUSE PINK should never acknowledge gays, drag queens,
immortal behavior. Politics and their children. To put light on YOUR political choices.
if you want to survive.
Use Morals, Made In America products. Total waste of my MONEY, subscription, time, and INSULT TO ANY DEC ENT AMERICAN.
Only Joan Luden.
pet page.
TO support sin .on my dime.
I received a notice that I was delinquent on the magazine bill. I never ordered a subscription that would require payment and when I called customer service, both numbers were disconnected! Please cancel any correspondence and mailings.
This is a scam…i don’t want it.!
I was disappointed to not find the site because I (as a subscriber) wanted to tell you how great this November issue is. I’m sorry I don’t get to take the survey.
The November, 2015 issue of Good Housekeeping was one of my all time favorites. I so enjoyed all of the historical trivia at the bottom of the pages, as well as the “Then” and “Now” information. It was very interesting (and I drove my husband nuts with all of the “did you know…” trivia I was reading to him.
My Mother was a magazine critic for several years, so I grew up with lots of magazines in the house. I have continued reading lots of magazines, some cover-to-cover as with this issue. Usually I pass them on, but this issue I am keeping. I enjoyed the affordable fashion section, and will be trying some of the recipes. The beauty tips were good as usual. “The Change Makers” article was well done and encouraging. I have been a long time subscriber of Good Housekeeping as it is one of my very favorites. The only suggestion I would offer to make the magazine just a tad better, would be to offer more articles about or targeting women over 60, especially encouraging articles or human interest stories about what life is like for women over 60…the challenges, the joys, the perspectives on life, etc. I am a very active 73 year old RN, artist, grandmother. I have won sailing races, taken flying lessons, etc. These types of articles might take away some of the dread of aging, and show that vitality can be a big part of life up into the 80’s. Congratulations on one of your best efforts as seen in the November, 2015 issue. Thank you.
I want to enter the reader survey for November, but could not find the site.
Somehow, I got signed up for a new subscription to Good Housekeeping, but I already receive the magazine. Please cancel new order # 1354407015.
Thank you!
I’m trying to write a NOVSURVEY but cannot find proper location. I have a GH seal of approval baby! In early 1950’s you did an article to help couples having diffiulty concieving. That’s how long I have been enjoying Good Housekeeping. I have just turned 88 and would like to suggest you include a new special section for seniors, as we are all living longer. Foods easy to prepare. Things to simplify housekeeping like swifer mops, no more lifting heavy buckets of water. Laundry cubes etc. Many thanks for all you do.
I also am waiting for FREE tote bag. Isn’t anyone home there? They really have some serious problems with the subscription end. Maybe they should hire high school kids and get rid of their ever so smart yuppies.
please cancel my subscription, asap. It is a good subscription but right now I can not afford it. Thank you for you great service. please answer me with the subscription cancellation.
Patria Silvagnoli.
I entered a contest offered a free copy of good housekeeping. I did not order a subscription yet I received a notice for payment to be made. Pls correct this. I will not pay for something I don’t want or asked for
I want to comment on the Nov. issue but the web site you have in the issue does not come up. I have comments good and bad. My biggest complaint is your commending Marilyn Mosby for the action taken on the Freddie Gray case. She violated many rules for a state’s attorney by immediately assuming the officer was guilty. She did not wait for the autopsy which is usually the case. She overstepped her authority and many blasted her for it. I am not a racist but I feel she is because she was convicting a white person before the case was even reviewed. She is despicable and you are crazy to honor her. I almost cancelled my subscription because of this poor taste. PS. Chelsea Clinton is also not so admirable. With her $600,000 plus salary from The Foundation I wonder how much money actually support charities. I heard it was .15 cents out of every dollar. What was done with funds in Haiti through the Clinton Foundation was also not what it was claimed to be.
Where is the website I cannot find it.
I can never get on your monthly surveys or any of the sweepstakes in your magazine???????????????????
Want to comment on the November issue of Good Housekeeping, but thew survey contact info not available on your web site. Many other items are and plenty of promotions, but I want to tell you how I like the November issue.
I have been receiving notices that I owe $21.50 for a year renewal fee. I paid $12.00 on 9/7/2014 for a 2 year subscription. I still have a year left. I went online and you can get a 2 year subscription for $15.00 or 1 year for $8.00 So what’s with the $21.50 fee? I feel like they are harassing me with these notices and threatening me if I don’t pay. How do you get them to stop sending these notices?
I enjoyed your Nov. issue. Very imformative and loved the information on other years gone by.
I miss having s short story every month to read. Also don’t think you should have included a story on
Celeste Clinton, She had done nothing. Have received your magazine for YEARS.
I did not receive the November issue of GoodHousekeeping. I do hope you can send it to me soon.
I recently complained to you about the inclusion of Marilyn Mosby in your spot light on women. (November 2015) I have yet to hear from you??? I am offended that you would glorify a woman who has only added to the racial divide our country is suffering. She is a public official who passed judgement in a very public way and way beyond her authority. She should have been fired and certainly should not be allowed to stay on the case. Shame on Good Housekeeping for including her. I will not be renewing my subscription.
I have been trying for 4 long months to cancel my subscription.
I used slow mail, email and phone (disconnects you after waiting 5 minutes on hold)…so frustrating!!!!
I am still receiving the magazine slong with a final notice bill EVERY MONTH.
What does a person have to do to stop this subscription???????
My subscription to Good Housekeeping runs thru November, 2016.
Please quit sending me OVERDUE notices thru both U.S. mail and email. I have not requested that my subscription be continued after the expiration date of November, 2016.
Please acknowledge this request.
Helen Cox
I couldn’t locate “novsurvey. The November issue is interesting with all the historical information. It would be helpful to keep the font size larger and have more contrast between the text and the background. I had difficulty reading some of the items, particularly white letters against a pastel orange background.
Thank you.
I completed the fields. What’s the problem?
I have tried repeatedly to cancel my subscription, I even wrote on my payment invoice to please cancel my subscription yet I keep getting billed? My check cleared but the invoices kept coming! Don’t start a subscription it takes an act of congress to stop it!!!
Thank you for your articles on breast cancer, however there are a lot of different cancers we can get. In 2004, I was diagnosed with non-hodgens B-cell lymphoma. It was in my lungs and a tumor was wrapped around a nerve. Eventually it went to my brain and I was put on Hospice. My husband put me on the “Hallelujah” diet. After several months, I was getting better, got off Hospice and got better until my cancer was gone. My Doctor said that I was a mystery and a miracle. Our local newspaper took my picture and wrote about my recovery. They even interviewed my Doctor. I have the article if you would like to see it. Thank you for your magazine that gives us information about illnesses. I’m glad to be alive. Shirley Hiebert
Please cancel my subscription to Good Housekeeping
Thank you
I have subscribed to Good Housekeeping for decades and love the magazine, however, I do not see the reason for instance in the September issue for some of the pages being one way and then you have to turn the book around to read the other pages. I hate this. When I read part of the magazine and go to pick it up again, I never know which way is up. It is irritating to say the least.
Also, I wish when numbering pages, they would number all pages, including ads
Tried to pay on line but can’t find the right site — need to enter an Acct. No. so I can renew.
I thought I had already paid.
I have not received my last 2 issues, really miss them!! I wonder if they were forwarded to our Yuma, Az. address? We can”t go this year as my husband with Alzheimers had 2 strokes.. Please send them to 671 NW Heath St. Dallas, Oregon 97338. Thankyou.
Dear Customer Service:
At this time, I am very unhappy and disappointed about the extremely nasty billing notices from Good Housekeeping. For a number of years I have purchased subscriptions for my wife and daughter. In past years, there were a number of friendly notices, which allowed for billing and payment in January. This year, the tone is very unfriendly, the cost is prohibitive, with no special offers. The latest notice says the gift subscriptions have been cancelled. The magazine labels indicate that the subscriptions do not run out until “JAN17”, which I interpret as January of 2017. In addition, the cost is $49.94 for two subscriptions for one year – I note that they could be purchased online for $8.00 per year each. Your latest dunning notice states “YOU MUST PAY $49.94 NOW.” I absolutely do not have to pay for a voluntary purchase that I have not even ordered yet! As a result of this unfriendly and nasty customer service, I will not be renewing these subscriptions, regardless of whenever the subscriptions run out.
Many times I have tried to enter the $5,000 contest, “Just tell us what you think,” and have never been able to find it. After reading comments from other readers, I see that I am not the only one. Why would you run a contest month after month that people can’t find? I find other contests that I do not want to enter, but not that one. The November 2015 issue was no exception. One time awhile back, I typed my thoughts and mailed them to Good Housekeeping, but never got a response to my letter.
In the November issue, a lot of type was too small for me to read without TWO magnifying glasses, especially the items from earlier years at the bottom of pages. Please keep in mind that many of your faithful readers are getting older and cannot read such small type. It would have been better to have fewer items from the past, but in type large enough to read with just one pair of reading glasses.
Years ago, my favorite parts of Good Housekeeping were the Letters to the Editor, which has been dropped, and the questions and answers columns, especially the etiquette column.. I liked the fact that my favorite things were near the front, easy to read, and the longer articles came later. A few years ago, this changed and one has to hunt through many advertisements for these columns. Now in the December issue the Peggy and Lizzie questions are sprinkled throughout the magazine, sometimes at the bottom of pages.
My subscription is paid through March 2016; however, I have received a notice thanking me for participating in the Continuous Service Program. I don’t remember ever signing up for that. After reading the horror stories that readers wrote about trying to cancel, or renewing and then receiving two issues at once instead of the renewal being added to their subscriptions, I am afraid to renew now for March 2016. Why would an older person want to renew in Nov. 2015 for a subscription until March 2017?
Also, your notice states that one can cancel at any time by writing Cancel on the invoice and returning it. I had a horrible experience when I tried to cancel one of your sister magazines. I wrote Cancel on the invoices and returned them many times, each time including a copy of the previous invoices with cancel and the dates they were sent. I continued to receive threatening notices. I could not find a phone number in the magazine, but finally found a phone number on-line and called. The person I talked with said she would cancel it, but she also said something sent in writing on an invoice isn’t usually read!!! I will never take that magazine again, and am afraid to renew Good Housekeeping this early, for fear I will start getting two copies and it will not be added to the end of my current subscription.
In spite of my horrible experience with one of your sister magazines, I was surprised to read the many negative comments from readers who had trouble trying to cancel Good Housekeeping. I have held Good Housekeeping to a higher standard than that.
Carolyn G.
This is not the first time I have not been able to enter your monthly sweepstakes!!
After reading all reviews i also was scammed. I am reporting all to better business bureau. Maybe then you’ll get the messages
I am attempting to enter the November Survey.Good Housekeeping the Win $5,000. sweepstakes contest advertised every month in the Good Housekeeping magazine. The internet search reveals other contests, such as, a makeover, a trip, a household makeover, etc., but does not offer the option for the monthly entry option for $5,000. What is up with that???? Why is it so difficult to locate the right web address when I enter it as the magazine suggests. I am a subscribing member of Good Housekeeping Magazine already and do not need to renew my subscription at this time. Please give the reason why we cannot find the correct site in the search and give the correct way to enter the contest as advertised each month.
Thank you for your assistance.
Suzanne Marquardt
Wow, I just read all the comments from other subscribers above about the failure to find the monthly $5,000. sweepstakes advertised in your magazine. Many subscribers report the same problem and say that they never receive a reply from your parent company Heast Communications, Inc.. This is very disappointing to be offered a chance to win a prize of $5,000 by entering each month until December 31, 2015. It should not be that difficult to find the web address given in the ad each month to enter for a chance to win the prize. Please hear our pleas for an answer to this problem, otherwise it would seem to be false advertising. I will also file a complaint with Hearst Communications about this situation. Let’s solve this problem once and for all.
I have tried unsuccessfully to cancel you for the year 2014. With threat of collection agency, I paid the $10.00. However, you continue to send me the magazine. I don’t read magazines anymore – for the past 2 – 3 years. Please stop sending me your magazine. I send the subscription back to you saying to stop and it continues. I will have to contact the Consumer Protection and BBB if you do not stop. This does not mean that your magazine is not to my taste, rather, I just do not read magazines anymore. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.
On page 99 of the December 2015 edition it says to enter for a chance to win $5000 , take a survey at DECSURVEY.GOODHOUSEKEEPING.COM and I’ve tried to find it and can’t! After reading the above comments, it seems to be a problem for many people. I’ve wasted about an hour trying to find the correct survey. PLEASE send me the correct website that is needed.
I only wanted the complimentary issue. I am not interested in a full subscription to the magazine. The 12 days, 37 chances to win was what sent me to the complimentary site.
Your prompt reply is greatly appreciated.
Cindy Westfall
in the dec. issue, ghk had a page with lots of gifts that you could win. i clicked on one and it was to order a subscription, which i did not want. i got the magazine for free. i called to tell them that it was a mistake and i didn’t want the mag., but the girl said they didn’t have it yet, even though i had an email asking me to pay for the subscription. she said to check back later and hung up on me. i sure wouldn’t order anything from them after that treatment
My subscription was good until November, 2015. In October I emailed GHK to cancel my subscription. I am still getting nasty overdue notices for future issues. Please! After being a customer for over 50 years, I expect more from you. You obviously weren’t interested in the reason for the cancellation.
I tried to enter your sweepstakes and didn’t know what I was doing I accidentally did it wrong. I DO Not want a new subscription. Please don’t send or bill me.
I think I bought two gift subscriptions but have not received a notification about it. I put it on my Visa bill so haven’t seen it yet thought it has been over a month ago. Please let me know whether you have my order. Thank you.
Wilma Noe
Cancelled my order 3 mo ago received a nasty del. notice, saying I still owed them 19.97 today.. When I called in 3 mo. ago to cancel my order, the woman I talked to, told me not to cancel on the phone, when the renewal comes just don’t renew and this will automatically cancel your order. I then instructed her that is not the policy and that is not how it works. She almost hung up on me. I told her do not hang up and take my cancellation over the phone, because the last renewal I tried that and had to pay for another years subscription. I was then informed by the woman today that was just an oversight, and to disregard.
Thanks A Parrish
there are 209 complaints on your good housekeeping service contact
I was trying to cancel my subscription at the end of the current subscription that ends April 2016. After I got to the cancel subscription I could not find the option to cancel at the end of my current subscription. I would like to receive the magazine until the current subscription expires in April 2016 that I have already paid for. I had trouble trying to use the website to cancel at the time I wanted.
A complete lack of service!!! I need to change the address for my Goodhousekeeping magazine subscription. I tried several times, but got a message that page can’t be found.
I want to change my address to my new address and the method, I was told to use did not work.
I need to change be change the address for my GoodHousekeeping Magazine subscription, since I moved.
Apparently changing the address on my GoodHousekeeping subscription is not possible, therefore I wish to cancel the subscription and get a refund.
Hi my name is Kathy and i wasn’t sure who to contact about this subject…..My husband i went to a estate sale and i had purchased a plastic container full of all kinds of cards. Well in this box with all the cards was a card from good housekeeping that is blank inside and it was published in
September of 1936 the cost was 25 cents. The card is in exceptional shape and with the envelope. The front of the card has a little boy, he is changing his shoes from his school shoes, to his football cleets and has a football helmet setting beside him. So my question to you is would you be interested in getting this card back into the company for memorbilua, and if so how much would you offer me for the card. Please contact me at my home phone…..636*332*4995 or my cell phone is ….636*357*8204….In the mean time im waiting for a answer from you i will be trying to find out what the worth of it is…..THANK YOU I WILL BE A WAITING YOUR CALL
Again I end up with 2 subscriptions. Forgot I have an automatic renewal, plus was sent a renewal in the mail. Don’t understand why this keeps happening.
a continuous subscription should not receive renewals and should get the discounted price at the time of renewal. Please combine the following subscriptions. #GHK0275932168/3# expires FEB16 and #GHK1482715966/4# expires OCT16. Thank for taking care of this problem, it happened last year as well.
Account Number = 02 3016 6373 Current Subscription Paid to: Jan 2017
I received a Payment Due Invoice for Good Housekeeping Magazine dated 11/26/2015 with a Due Date of 12/26/2015. Since I am paid until 01/2017,I am not paying the aforementioned Invoice a year before my current subscription expires. I enjoy the magazine so you can re-invoice me in Nov 2016; I will gladly renew and pay for the subscription at that time (if the rate is still acceptable). Please respond to this comment.
What is the deal? Here it is 4 days past Christmas and I just received the Dec. issue of Good Housekeeping magazine. Kind of a mute point to get it after the holiday. Love the magazine but wish you had less makeup ads and more fashion, real life things the common people can relate to. Thanks
I have not paid for Good Housekeeping magazine because I don’t want it. I have not received and issue in months so stop harassing me for payment.
Tina Gorniak
This is the last time I’m going to remind you that I cancelled my subscription to GHK before my subscription ran out. Please stop sending me overdue notices.
This is unacceptable! You have lost a customer.
Your Nov. 2015 magazine had a delicious recipe for Double Chocolate bundt cake. When I made it, I noticed at the bottom of the page different years that something notable happened. The year 2004 you choose the first ever same-sex pair to be legally married. For centuries marriage has been acknowledged as one woman and one man in every culture. 2004 was the year that was destroyed. I am sorry you choose to celebrate it.
I and my family have been GH customers for many years. Over the past few years we have been less than satisfied with the content, etc. so decided to let this subscription lapse. I just received an invoice wondering where my payment was and the note had a very condescending and insulting statement “your good standing with us is at risk”. REALLY???? This further made my decision not to renew MUCH easier. I am not going to renew.
Hi, everyone I am just joining in on this discussion and I don’t know if this post is still open but I am really disappointed with my experience with Good Housekeeping recently! I enter the giveaways everyday and I “Finally” won a giveaway; it was the “November Beauty Loot Sweepstakes!” Well I received the notification that I won and I replied the Very Same Day with my mailing info & phone number but I have yet to receive my prize! I have sent many emails to the same address that they first notified me with but Nobody will email me back? I even messaged them on Facebook with no reply either! I was So Excited to have won but I do not believe I will ever receive my prize! Has anyone else had this happen to them? I know it’s a little off topic but I just wanted to find out if this happens on a regular basis? Well thanks for giving us an outlet to vent on, Lol! I hope everyone has a Blessed Day! Take Care! – Jana
I am a long time Good Housekeeping magazine customer and received a bill to renew my subscription in the mail today. The invoice states it is for a l year subscription renewal of $29.97. Seems like a rather high rate. Please let me know what you can do for me.
Your website really stinks! All I wanted to do was to change my mother’s address to mine since I am now taking care of her mail and finances, but I can’t find how to do it. There is just too much junk and too many other companies butting in on this site to make it easy to do the simplest thing. Why not just get down to brass tacks and make your site simple to use and not junk it all up with needless ads and links! It is difficult to maneuver and VERY tacky.
I did not order the Good Housekeeping! I am being billed for 10.93, please cancel. thanks
please cancel Good Housekeeping.
I ordered the Good Housekeeping magazine on Nov. 30, 2015.
In January I received the February 2016 magazine.
Yesterday Feb. 1st I received the December magazine with decorating ideas and Christmas cookies.
I am very disappointed that I cannot get the right magazine at the right time.
Marianne Elofson
I did not subscribe nor order the 13 ISSUES of Good Housekeeping Magazine
for $7.97 . I received an invoice this month and just surprised about this order.
Please do not continue to send any order or statement to me since I did not order any GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINES. Thank you.
Please help me ….. I keep getting invoices from your Company for my Good Housekeeping subscription. I sent in a check for $ 15.00 dated Nov. 30th 2015 for a 2 year renewal …… but the invoices keep coming saying my subscription is ending !!! Can you fix this please ? My cell phone # is 1-540- 798- 2326 Thanks.
I DO NOT want to renew my subscription!! From posted comments I will be lucky if you take this request! So PLEASE quit sending me notices that I will be automatically renewed! I am NOT interested.
I just got a hold of Customer service to cancel this Good Housekeeping Magazine. I did not ever order this magazine nor do I want it. This lady told me at Customer service that she would take care of this matter. I do not want this magazine at all.
Thank you Please do not send me anymore nor bill me for something that I never ordered nor do I want.
Beverly Edwards
I have enjoyed the magazine but at this time I do not want to renew my subscription to Good Housekeeping.
On 2/13/16 I received an email from good housekeeping. It stated I owed $7.97. If not paid, my service would be discontinued. For the record, on 10/21/15 Ellen Mallas sent a check For $15.97 for a year renewal of subscription. This check was processed by B of A on 10/28/15. We owe you nothing. Please correct your records.
Ellen Mallas
Please correct.
I want to unsubscribe to Good Housekeeping and Woman’s Day.
I want to unsubscribe to Good Housekeeping and Woman’s Day magazines.
I want to unsubscribe from Good Housekeeping and Woman;s Day magazines.
I want the automatic continuous service charges cancelled. I DO NOT want the Continuous Service program to renew my subscription automatically.
would like to cancel subscription of the Good Housekeeping magazine.
it was sent to me thru HSN as I purchased the Joy Mangano mop. Due to
circumstances of returning the mop, I’m not eligible to receive the magazine,
so I ask that you cancel the subscription.
Thank you, Arlene Olsen,
cancel renewal subscription 9402 bartley ave Santa fe springs, ca 90670 #GHK1463700912/5#
Due to failing eyesight I am not renewing my subscription. I’ve tried 22 times, via mail, to get that across. So far, it hasn’t worked!
Acct#GHK1353742867/4# Please STOP sending renewal notices.
Please do not automatically renew my subscription. I do not want to renew. Do not bill me for a renewal.
To whom this may concern! I just made a good housekeeping renewal payment to you back in December before Christmas. Now I have a memo from you saying that I did not make a payment yet. I made the payment using my Shopko Visa Credit Card. Could please check into this and let me know. Furthermore I have not received my magazine yet either. Thanks Sarah Jacobsen
ii received a card thanking me for my subscription order-i nver subscribed to your magazine-dont send me magazines or any bills–i read all the coments about your cust. service its just terrible.
just got a really demanding invoice – did NOT want the subscription and asked that it not be automatically renewed.
There is no way for me to contact your company and ask my question. I repeatedly receive subscription renewal notices saying our subscription expires in 2017. The account summary online confirms this, yet I’m expected to pay immediately or we won’t receive any more issues. I cannot contact you to ask about the discrepancy. Your Customer service department should not be allowed to operate under that name.
I received a letter with my magazine today that I was participating in the Continuous Service Program. I purposely wrote a check for the last several years so that this would NOT happen. Please cancel my subscription IMMEDIATELY. After reading all these letters to Good Housekeeping I think the magazine should be renamed BAD Housekeeping. My account number is 10 1898 3898. If my subscription is not canceled and I continue to get billed, I will contact The Better Business Bureau and also the Attorney General’s office in my state. I am sure that this practice, which according to the many letters above has exsisted for some time, violates some law. If not it is just a shady business.
Why is that I did not receive my magazines once I moved, but you send me a bill to subscribe again. How could you not find the address before? No, I do not wish to extend the subscription, if the girl living in my old house enjoys it so much, let her pay for it herself!!!!
I was shocked to see that I got charged $36 for a Good Housekeeping subscription. On the bank statement it posted a phone number 855-226-0429 and I called it was automated it gave several options and one was to cancel and stated I would have my money back within 2-3 days. It also had an option to continue a subscription at a small rate but wanted to get through the $36 cancellation fee. My account is all messed up now because of this charge that I did not authorized on 3/14. Please help and tell me how this happened without my permission.
I am unable to change my credit card expiration date and my subscription will soon be due for renewal. I tried to do this online but continued to receive system error messages.
How do I make this change?
I want to cancel my subscription which expires July 2016. My subscription # is GHK1097484628/5. After reading the long list of comments from dissatisfied consumers I sincerely hope that I do not have the same results.
About a month ago I sent an email requesting my 97 year old mothers subscription be cancelled per her request. I received an email back saying it would be. Again today and one or two other times we received more notices. This last one states that her subscription will continue each year unless we ask it to be stop. Please do not send any more rate adjustments or bills or subscription.
the cancellation question from last time is (KMM88397453V2)
case id is 28828215
Please follow up and stop this from continuing.
Elizabeth Ward
I have NEVER Ordered this magazine! I am trying to live on a fixed income, similar to poverty level. I have no use or nee for this magazine. Even though I never respond you continue to send them. I’m sure this is a very expensive thing for you to do considering the that I am not the only “customer” (I am not nor have I ever been your customer) that is being treated to your magazine. I have sent the bill back several times with a written request. CANCEL THIS SUBSCRIPTION! And still the magazines continue to arrive. I will continue to except the magazine as a FREE gift. As a former postal employee I know for a fact magazines are not returned to sender, so one way or another it is a FREE GIFT.
I thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, if not, my next step will be Better Business Bureau.
Sincerely, Sherry Milligan
Need mailing address for a subscription. Have coupon for $7.77 expiring soon. Lost your envelope. Thank you.
Please cancel my subscription at this time. I will not participate in any automatic
renewal of magazines. I have been assigned the account # 09 6138 4534.
No further payments will be made.
I can not renew my subscription at this time.
I did not renew for that reason.
Please cancel my subscription.
I wish to remain in GOOD standing.
Sincerely, J A Wheeler
I do not wish to receive your magazine. I have received two issues and did not order this. Dickinson, Texas. Please cancel immediately.
I have tried to stop you from wasting my time and yours. I can not afford to receive Good Housing Keeping any longer. I live on social security and work at Walmart to pay for insurance. Also the fee has gone from $7.97 in 2010, almost doubled $15.97 in 2012, $19.97 in 2013. I think the last bill was for $29.97. Not in my fixed budget.
I received your free magazine because I purchase a Joy Mangano Mop w/HSN …please cancel your free service /no longer at that address /I purchase magazines at the stores/cancel this free service/from all the bad comments/I wish not to subscribe anyway
Cancel my subscription now.Keep any remaining magazines if any.My assigned account #70 5788 081. I Don’t do business with shady businesses.
I received a notice saying my subscription would AUTOMATICALLY renew, I DO NOT want it automatically renewed. You may send me an offer to renew along with your lowest price offer when my subscription runs out and I will then consider renewing it.
I received 4 copies of Good Housekeeping today. I just need one. Please correct this error. Thank you.
I am sending you a notice that I no longer want to subscribe to your magazine. Once you subscribe it is EXTREMELY hard to UNSUBSCRIBE. I NO LONGE WISH TO RECEIVE YOUR MAGAZINE
I have been charged for good housekeeping magazine and I did not order. You have caused my bank account to bounce, I need the $18.00 refunded ASAP. It was charged to debt card ending in1226, refund ASAP!!!!! Thank you
Dear Sir/Madam,
I just received a notice in the mail that my unpaid account has come to your attention and that I have FAILED TO RESPOND to your numerous requests for payment. Also, that I needed to SETTLE MY OBLIGATION with your company. I have no OBLIGATION to continue taking your magazine. I had decided to let my subscription lapse because I don’t have time to read it. However, since receiving your DEMAND that I continue to purchase your magazine, I seriously doubt that I ever will again. (A little hint: You get much better results with a friendly offer than with a rude demand.)
Most sincerely,
Linda S Sawyer
On March 21, I sent a check #6241, in the amount of $14 which entitled me to a 2 yr. subscription to Woman’s Day and a 1 yr. subscription to Good Housekeeping. I have already received two Women’s Day magazines but have yet to receive any Good House Keeping Magazines.
Please advise. Thank you
I feel the above memo is self explanatory.
I did not renew my subscription. I’ve returned magazines asking for renewal. Stop sending the magazines and you better not send a bill
Your magazine only is for the younger crowd…..does not have anything that appeals to the 80 something group besides ALL the advertisements for medicine.
The clothes, home furnishings and recipes (too many odd ingredients) are not anything like we are interested in at all.
Many seniors cannot eat certain foods….do not decorate in the style you always show and do not wear the type of clothes shown…
Thank you for reading my comments….
I do not want your magazines..and I do not want any more do I have to go to the top supervisor to get this information clear and taken clear of?..
Please cancel this subscription
Please cancel subscription
Please cancel my subscription.
I cancelled this subscription, they’re sending me a statement saying I owe them for a renewal. I informed good housekeeping in a letter as they requested that I did not want to renew yet receiving notice of payment. This is very frustrating when they don’t even have a pone # to in communicate with them, is this how they keep their business going. Forcing people to pay for magazine that they already cancelled.
About 6 or 7 years ago Good Housekeeping magazines began arriving at our family’s business location addressed to my mother. She has often read this magazine and the others over the years so no one thought anything about it. The magazines would come month after month after month and each time my dad would take them home to my mom and no one thought any more about it. No bill for the magazines EVER arrived. Finally one day, she asked my dad if he paid for them, no he didn’t. She asked me (her daughter) if I paid for them, no I didn’t. I bet for 5 years magazines continued to arrive. After several years, every so often after a while a “bill” would arrive that would try to get her to renew the subscription. However there was no bill that needed to be paid for past magazines or for any collections. My mother never paid for any subscriptions and no one at the office ever did, we just tossed them. However, magazines of either Good Housekeeping or Women’s Day still arrived month after month after month., FOR YEARS. FINALLY….after at least 5 years or so, and about 20 or so of those “invitations” to renew arrived and tossed, the magazines ceased. Now after reading the MASSIVE number of complete and total incompetence that seems to exist in a billing department of this publication, I don’t see HOW they make any money, at least on subscriptions. Oh, and as far as the contest or sweepstakes online, there is a trick to them. I learned this YEARS ago. You have to read the fine print and if you do NOT want a subscription when you enter the drawing you almost always have to go to a different link. It says it, but its ALWAYS made extremely small so people miss it, they do it on purpose but as it is there they can’t be charged with any illegal act. However, it is a dirty trick. Many people will just give up and pay the amount since in the overall realm of the world its usually not all that big of an amount. So for anyone who likes to enter to try and win any of the prizes (which I don’t know if anyone ever does, you never hear about it) and NOT buy a subscription, stop, look, and click on the link (or sometimes you have to uncheck something) to remove the request to subscribe. Good luck to many of you. I’m just curious what city is this “call” center is located in where all of these customer service or billing questions go? Is it even here in the US? We Americans should rise up and HOWL about how many jobs have been shipped overseas with customer service. I have refused to purchase or deal with certain companies because of this. It’s time everyone does the same thing. I had one woman in India who didn’t even know what the word “plural” meant. Good luck to some of you, it sounds as if you’re going to need it.
Renewed my wife’s subscription. Now getting two magazines.
I know you want to make money, but what you are doing is illegal and subject to prosecution.
Your so called call center is conveniently closed, of course.
I am not receiving my magazines…I received only one issue
P’d off! I have returned every copy of your magazine sent to my address and now get a ‘RENEWAL) letter…. My postal worker is up on this and if you send me anything else I have not requested I will keep it with NO CHARGE!!!! Furthermore if I should ever receive a bill I will sew you!!! and thats all I got to say about that!!!!
Copy kept!!!
I do not want your magazine. Stop sending me copies of it. I never filled out any information to receive this magazine.
I did not subscribe to good housekeeping magazine and would like to be removed from the mailing lists I do not want to receive any more publications.
As I have told you before, you do not have the right to automatically renew–DON’T EVER DO IT–I MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS. CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW!!!!!!
You debited my account for $35 and the charge was NEVER authorized. I called today and after your agent hung up on me twice the next agent told me it would be 1 to 2 billing cycles before my money was refunded. THAT is unacceptable. I NEVER AUTHORIZED THE CHARGE! I want my money deposited back into my account immediately. I will contact the Better Business Bureau if you do not deposit the $35 THIS WEEK!!!
Your website is inaccessible. Error message says site is experiencing system failures. I have been trying for weeks to tell you to cancel me from the automatic renewal. Please finish out my subscription but DO NOT RENEW. My subscription ends 11/17/16. After this date please cancel completely. All future billings for renewal will be ignored.
I think your Management needs to do a complete overhaul of your subscription department. They are inefficient and careless. Your website does not work either. Very difficult to find where to contact customer service. I guess I just got lucky.
I had received a bill for your magazine for $15.97 for a year, but I do not want to get the magazine. Please cancel this subscription. Thank You
Good Housekeeping:
I just received your “IMPORTANT SUBSCRIBER NOTICE.” Without divulging the cost, your message included, in part: “…as a part of our Continuous Service Program, your subscription will automatically renew unless you tell us to stop.”
According to the label on our magazine, our current subscription expires DEC16, four (4) months from now. However, according to our Account Order Summary I just pulled up, our Expire Date in Dec2017. We are confused.
We have enjoyed your Good Housekeeping magazine; however, we no longer wish to subscribe to Good Housekeeping and are telling you to stop…as you requested…effective at the end of our current subscription, be it December 2016 or December 2017. Please acknowledge that you have received this request and when our current subscription ends. Thank you very much. Robert C. Rice
Please do not renew my subscription. I need it cancelled
I ordered 1year subscription for $10.00 and paid and should be good until June, and I received a notice on my phone twice saying I owe ten. I never received anything by mail to re-order. I have been told that sometimes magazines will keep sending and bill you I don’t do anything on my home phone or on line. At this time I don’t want to renew.
I am receiving two copies of the magazine. Can something be done?
Please note that I will not pay $34.97 to renew my Good Housekeeping subscription. The price is 3x as much as I have been paying for a long time.
I don’t want this magazine. Please stop sending it.
Hello, I just filled out an application for one of your contests and at the end it said you will be sending a copy of your magazine to my address, I do not want it to be sent to my address so if you could take me off of that list that would be great. If my contest application is deleted because of that that is okay.
please CANCEL subscription. I have made previous requests to do so.
I called this morning to complain about an email I had gotten thanking me for my new subscription and asking for payment for it…I never ordered it. The women I talked to was rude…kept telling me to calm down…I was not upset but by the end I was…She kept insitting I must of ordered it at a site…I did not..I used to be a subscriber years ago and even bought off the shelf…but you do not treat people the way I was treated this morning…and yes I might still have purchased it in the future but now no money is leaving my pocket for it.
I did not order this magazine. I see I’m not the only one being forced to pay for something they didn’t order. Is this how you stay in business? CANCEL CANCEL !!
I just renewed my subscription to good housekeeping and it said I could get 3 magazines for 3 months for free. It said my card would bring billed over $300.00 please help.
I received a bill in the mail for $15.97 for magazines that I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED OR ORDERED!!!, therefore I WILL NOT BE PAYING THIS AMOUNT Nice try though.
I saw a sectional sofa in September 2017 magazine on page 110 dark gray.
could you please tell me the manufacturer and where I can purchase it.
thank you
I just cancelled my subscription. Invoice for 1 yr at $ 21.97 just arrived. Online as new customer, I could order 2 YEARS FOR about $15!!!! Not fair!! I’ve never paid more that 10-12 per year. !!!!!!! And I HATE auto subscriptions!!
Please cancel my good housekeeping now 10/27/2017 Thank you
I have attempted to CANCEL this subscription for 2 years. I keep getting notices, ie: final notice to pay for subscription. I sent that notice back with Cancel written all over it. Last time I actually spoke to someone is CS and the magazine stopped coming but as of last month it started up again.
I have returned all of their notices to say CANCEL,my Mother whose subscription it was has passed away last February.
We do NOT want to receive this magazine. I will not pay any more on behalf of my Mother’s estate.
IAs of 4/1/2018, please cancel my subscription for good housekeeping!
I received your important subscriber notice. There is not direct phone number and your official website does not have any option for canceling subscription.
Please let me know if this problem has been corrected. It is 11/25 and I didn’t cancel yet u was emailed that my subscription was cancelled. I pd for the gift subscription along with my subscription renewal. Thank you
When I signed up it stated that “You can cancel your subscriptions or automatic continuous service charges at any time by writing “cancel” on your invoice and returning it in the envelope we provide”. I have cancelled my subscription 3 or 4 times & I keep receiving invoices and an email from them wanting a payment. I will never subscribe to this magazine again.
HORRIBLE! I cannot get a hold of anyone to cancel my subscription. This is absurd.
HORRIBLE! I have been trying to contact someone to cancel my subscription with no result. This is absurd.
It seems even Good Housekeeping, the leader in consumer advocacy and education has succumb to the tech age. Its generic website is now just like every other Google style website. ONE LONG home page that takes forever to load and has zero organization. So disappointed that the giants of good business have sold their souls to AdSense and AdChoice platforms.
I do not like this continuous service program. You make it very difficult to cancel a subscription. Please cancel my subscription
Your customer service email address kept telling me there was an error in sending, so I’m going to write this here. I had recently, 2 or 3 months ago called and asked for the GH magazine not to be sent to me anymore as I did not order / subscribe to it. I do not like / want it. This is the third time I’ve asked for this to stop and if it doesn’t, I’m going to consider it harassment. At that point, I will go above to whomever I need to to report it. Stop sending me the magazine NOW !!!
Im looking to find out where I can purchase the entry seating and hooks you have shown on page 56 in your December 2017 issue. Cannot find the buying information in the back of the magazine. Please advise. Thank you.
Subscription Offers, Renewal Offers and now a Rate Adjustment offer all to my mother who has been deceased for several years. In the past I contacted Hearst Magazine with complaints regarding statements demanding money. Offers are meant to misrepresent, confuse and harrass previous customers. Filing a complaint with the Attorney General. Telephone numbers are never given, websites aren’t found or work to cancel subscription not asked for but automatically renewed and clicking on the email address does not allow you to send the e-mail.
Automatic subscriptions are a crooks way to get more money. Why should a customer have to cancel something never requested. File complaints with the Attorney General and this will stop. Take the time to end the harrassment. Websites and emails given are difficult to find and don’t offer an easy way to cancel.
I cancelled this order & I just received a magazine for March 2018. I have corresponded with Good Housekeeping & was told by email my order was cancelled. I do not want nor like Good Housekeeping. It has nothing of interest for me. It states very plainly that the order can be cancelled at any time upon request. I am not only requesting, I am telling you I DO NOT WANT or LIKE this magazine. Please stop harassing me!
one word no service got magazine in mail did not order it called service waited 15 minutes on phone with no answer not paying bill that I did not order
there is none
i did not order your freaking magazine and yet you keep billing me “past due ” notices!!!!! STOP!!! i have sent them back return to sender!!!!!!! QUIT SCAMMING MY NAME AND EMAIL!!!!
I have called three times and still have not received my February issue (nor my March issue). This was automatically renewed in January and our credit card was charged. We also get HGTV and Country Living and so far have not had an issue with those magazines.
I would like to cancel Good Housekeeping and get a full refund. I would like a reply to this email.
Thank you.
Fern Lackemacher
I did not reorder Good Housekeeping or ever order O, the Oprah I do not want them. Please quit sending Invoices for payment. I notified you in August of 2017, by mail, that I did not want your magazine. Please check and correct your records.
Connie Howie
I need to speak to a customer service rep and your menu does not allow that. I just want to inquire about my subscription before I decide to renew. How do I do that? I was sent a bill for $15.97 but have no intention of paying it because I normally pay $5.99 for a year. I need your response before I renew.
I wish to cancel my subscription. I am not in favor of automatic renewal and don’t wish to continue as our library carrys the magazine for free.
Why am I billed now when my address on Good Housekeeping says it
expires May 2019?
Acct #0639250778
NEED Assistance. Why am I receiving Better Homes & Garden instead of Good Housekeeping?????????? I never subscribed to Better Homes & Gardens!
I continue to get invoices for a subscription that does not expire until July 2019. It is March 19, 2018 today. If I get one more notice to renew you can kiss my ass goodbye as a Good Housekeeping customer. I’ve had enough. Future notices will be trashed and I will let my subscription run out.
I like to cancel my subscription permit. thank you
Please do not send me another notice about my subscription. I’ve wasted three stamp to you saying I did not wish to renew.
I do not want to receive another Good Housekeeping magazine. I never ordered it. I don’t know why I received one. I don’t want any magazines
please stop the subscription mailings for account # 1118203890
I have canceled my subscription to Good Housekeeping several times and i keep receiving Notices. Please, Please unsubscribe me!!!!!
I renewed my subscription to Good Housekeeping in April for the price of $12 for a year. In today’s mail (5/12) I received an offer of $7.77 for a year. Or it can be ordered on Amazon for $6. I believe I am due a refund on the price difference. I have been a subscriber for a number of years.
I keep getting a renewal notice by 6/2018.
But my magazine says it is to be renewed on 5/2019. Why is my payment due now?
I lost the address that I need in order to pay my bill. Why can’t it state “Billing Address” on the invoice?
Please email me back with this address.
Thank you,
I am unable to send an e amil please give me the email address. I need to buy the dresser on page 52 of the May 2018 issue. I am desperate. CB2 website does not list it.
I don’t understand how you sent me a bill. I did not subscribe to your magazine. I am not paying for this magazine when I don’t even read magazines. Please contact me.
I had the nicest Customer Service lady helping me today. The GHK website was down for several days while I tried to change my address. I only waited on the phone for about 30 seconds. KELLY was very professional and had my 3 magazines finished in less than one minute. WAY TO GO GHK you need more customer service people like KELLY.. By the way I truly enjoy my magazines.
I wish to cancel my subscription.
I paid my bill in Nov. 2017, and I still keep getting renewal notices, saying my subscription will be canceled if not paid. It also included a free gift subscription. From my canceled checks I should have this paid up until Jan 2020. I don’t understand, why I keep getting these notices…I will let my subscription expire, and pass the word to family and friends that your company is a scam..
I have not been able to stop the subscription
I must have accidentally subscribed to your magazine earlier today. I do NOT want to subscribe. Please cancel. This is the info in the email from you.
We have received your print subscription order.
Date: 06/24/2018
Term: 1-year
Amount: $7.97
Ordered by:Dianne Lane
Delivery Address:
Dianne Lane
LAGRANGE, GA 30240-6320
I look at my checkbook and saw you took money out of my account.I want to cancel my order and I want my money back. Thank you. Denise Clever
I did not order this magazine but you took money out of my account.please put it back and cancel order.
I subscribed to a special offer for 2 years of WOMAN’S DAY and GOOD HOUSEKEEPING for $10.00. I have received only the June 2018 issue of Woman’s Day. I paid through my credit card which appeared on my last statement. I spoke to “Kelsey” on 5/29/2018, and she assured me she would take care of it. Below are the numbers/code on my invoice.
Please uphold your end of this deal.
Just spoke with Courtney @ GHK magazine, they billed my credit card for $19.97 for a new 2018 subscription, that I cancelled last year December of 2017. I have disputing the transaction, and thanks to my bank, the Thieves @ GHK have been knocked down!!! What ever happened to the Good Housekeeping we knew and loved. Now they are just a scandalous company. Good Riddance!!!
I tried several times to go on the website, “” unsuccessfully. I want to cancel two gift subscriptions and I want a confirmation that it will be done. I am sending the invoice I received in the mail noting the cancellation. My account number is 0255901068. The gift subscription numbers are GHK13856263104 and GHK16148857112. Please confirm the cancelled gift subscriptions.
I cannot get through on your customer service phone line. I do not want to participate in the Continuous Service Program for the gift subscriptions on my record. Please cancel them. My account is #0242648970. Please do not keep sending me bills. Thank you.
I do not owe for a subscription – I have not asked for a subscription! Do not email me again about paying invoice.
Please cancel my subscription to Good Housekeeping. I can no longer afford to take it. I am on a fixed income in my 80’s.
Cancel my magazine subscription
I am cancelling this mag. too many ad’s and not enough good stories
Cancel my good Housekeeping subscription
Please cancel subscription for account #0847031317
Re: Acct# 1595308857 I sent in the last renewal bill with CANCEL written on it in big letters ….
Now I have a new bill ….. STOP THIS and make sure the Acct is CANCELED?
Mrs. William L. Brubaker
Please cancel my subscription ASAP
Account # GHK1131433177/2
I have been trying for 2 days to cancel my subscription to Good Housekeeping and for a refund. No success!!! Number at top of mag is0918817594
I have been trying to log om to my account (Account #GHK0231112178/7#) for the last hour and cannot get through. I am inquiring about a notice I received in today’s mail regarding “No Lapse Alert – Expiration Notice.” I do NOT want to renew my subscription to Good Housekeeping Magazine and especially do NOT want the Continuous Service Program.
I paid to renew so stop sending final notices or you can take this magazine and do you know what with it.
I do not want to renew my current subscription. Account number 1108426006
I see many negative comments and agree with them all. Your magazines go straight to the recycle bag-they are nothing but catalogs. almost every page has something to sell. I long for the old magazines we used to get, but they are no more. I don’t ever want to see one of them again.
Dear Sir or Madam. Need to change mailing address. II have moved from 570 Becklee Dr. to 2417 Ken james Court Napoleon, Ohio 43545 Sincerely Marilyn Schueler
I attempted renew my subscription and it took more advertisements to buy after I entered my payment info this is alarming
I wanted just renew good housekeeping
If I receive a magazines I didn’t order and not good housekeeping I will be upset work on your website if wan to keep customers
I hope to hear a response so I clarify my order
Your site will not allow me to cancel my subscription. I receive an error message after jumping through all the hoops to get the cancellation notice to go through. Then when clicking on another email address, it does nothing.
I want to CANCEL my subscription…account #0924767619
My wife is experiencing similar issue with GH… she was GIVEN a FREE subscription to use for a friend and they are now billing her for the subscription. These people are terrible at Customer Service and we are not paying!
I have not received “Good Housekeeping” or “Womans Day” both of which I ordered at the sametime. Your great about sending e-mails but no magazines. Either refund my money or send the magazines (I would prefer the magazines).
Thank You
Sheila Blount
We both love your magazine… but the type is so small, can it be made larger? It is so hard to read. Thank you.
Big scam. Never ordered this magazine. Getting billed for it and have sent bill back with CANCEL written in bold. Keeps coming. This site isn’t even affiliated with GH.
In August of 2017 I renewed my subscription with Good Housekeeping assuming it would be August 2018 when my subscription would end. I continue to receive an increased bill each month. I sent a note last month with the statement stating I did not want to renew my subscription. This month my bill was increased from $10.00 to $24.05. I no longer wish to receive Good Housekeeping Magazine.
For several years, I got Goodhousekeeping online-free. Now I don’t get it, and all I see is they want you to buy the magazine. What happened to my online, free Goodhousekeeping e-mails?
On August 21 I sent in order for Good Housekeeping & Woman’s Day combination and to this date I have not received Woman’s Day. I have received two issues of Good Housekeeping. This was a combination subscription offer
rec’d magazine GH…along with notice of credit …I put return on cover & DO NOT EVER send me a magazine….sick of it all….next time I rec.anything I will forward to the attorney generals office in NC…this is fraud…plus u make it close to impossible to contact customer service….if I wasn’t so angry I would have given up….
To the food editer
On page 132 of the Nov GHK magazine your roast turkey recipe states to discard the giblets. Why would you do that? they can be ground up into the dressing or baked in the turkey. Such a waste.
Please cancel my subscription. I no longer want to receive the magazine.
November 10, 2018
Looking at your email, requesting $7.37 for 13 weeks of GH magazine. I never ordered your magazines for myself since I do not have the time to read them.
Checking with my daughter she reads and paid for her magazine but I never received or ordered them so therefore I see no reason to cancel.
Kindly cancel my account…..I never received your magazines…. I am seldom at my address in Illinois moved to Arizona.
Should have done this at beginning of subscription. I am thoroughly disappointed with GH – used to be gold standard for women’s magazines. Now 1/3 size – half advertisements – features sketchy and mostly of little interest, fashions not great, decorating and gift ideas yuky! Get a recipe or two, maybe a few tips and right to recycling. I have saved previous years’ issues which are far better. This year’s Holiday issue terrible. Not renewing – have subscribed to better publications. A GH reader for almost 50 years! The only thing “good” is GH Seal – and I believe that is biased.
How do I report a problem with article/editorial in Good Housekeeping December 2018? Page 24. “Teeth Whitening”. This “tried+ tested” article is lacking one important fact, ingredients in the products “tried & tested” shown/listed. The reason being I am highly allergic to all types of mint. I feel this additional fact should have been included when researched, tested, results printed. I have subscribed to Good Housekeeping Magazine for over 50 years. A lot has changed, some not for the better, less articles/information for readers my age, 76+.
I no longer want continuous service for Good House Keeping, Woman’s Day or any other magazines. Please cancel all as of my subscription dates to for Good Housekeeping and Woman’s Day to run out etc. I know longer am able to read clearly due to bad eye sight (Diabetis). I have my book with label on it and it runs out Jan.19.las well as Woman’s Day etc. I can send all covers of magazines for proof but trust you will live up your promise of cancelation at anytime.
I will ignore any other requests for new magazines. I WILL CONSIDER ANY MORE MAGAZINES AS HARASSMENT BEYOND JAN.19 UNLESS IT’S A REFUND.
I am receiving 2 Good Housekeeping magazines at 1706 Dixon Road in Rosalia, WA 99170. The last name is Widman. Please send only one magazine to this address and extend the subscription for one of the issues that is left.
I received a statement for a bill for Good Housekeeping. I do not want this magazine and it was sent to me via email and when i clicked on it, it ordered the magazine. Please do not send me this. My account number is 0710949488.
I received notification from Good Housekeeping and an invoice for this magazine that I did NOT order. Do NOT send me any publications of Good Housekeeping. Shame on you. Fraudulent way to promote your magazine.
I need help investigating the source of the 3 beautiful floral prints in the Nov. 2017 GH issue, page 34. I am interested in where I might purchase the prints. Can you help me?
Thank you very much.
Re: Acct. No. 0443033469. Today I received an invoice for a 1-year subscription to Good Housekeeping. I reviewed my Account Summary which shows my subscription is paid up to the February 2020 issue. PLEASE REMOVE MY NAME FROM THE CONTINUOUS SERVICE PROGRAM AND DO NOT SEND ME ANY MORE INVOICES UNTIL MY CURRENT SUBSCRIPTION IS ABOUT TO EXPIRE. If I continue to receive these invoices I will cancel my subscription, and you will have one less customer to annoy. Thank you.
i never ask to be a member for the second time here in Good Housekeeping magazine,they just keep on sendfing you this is a scaM AND FRAUD????? AND I DONT GET AN ANSWER ON THE 800 PHONE numbers??????and they keep on charging you???????
I received an invoice this weekend stating that I owe you $34.97. I did not renew your magazine so I don’t think I owe you anything.
Please quit sending your magazine. The address is 3 Kasota Court, Missoula,Montana 59803. Tia Fluri doesn’t live here.
I am a fairly new subscriber to your magazine; up until this month’s issue, I enjoyed the articles, etc. I have to say, I was more than a bit surprised to see Michelle Obama on the cover along with pages of interview questions. I have nothing against Mrs. Obama, but where is our First Lady, Melania Trump? She is beautiful, intelligent and classy. I would LOVE to know more about her. We had 8 yrs of Michelle and if I want more, I’ll buy her book.
I received a final issue notice today with the January 2019 issue. I sent my payment to renew my subscription on November 19, 2018. Please check
your records. Thank you, Janine Isaac
Please check your records, I renewed on 11/19/18
Way to ruin the first issue of the new year. She is one hard looking guy. Nastier than ever.
I have been a customer of Good Housekeeping since 1960. Have always loved the magazine, however, am ready to cancel my subscription. You have always had profiles on every First Lady, but not on Melania Trump. Why not? I hope you realize that half of the country is Conservative and I am really getting tired of seeing Michelle Obama on every magazine cover.
As a subscriber for many years of Good Housekeeping I want you to know of my disappointment in the choosing of a past first lady as your cover. I feel that our present First Lady is most deserving of your cover. I personally feel that it is a disgrace to America that there is NOT ONE article in any magazine since elected by the people of The USA. And I will further say yes I seen your small mention of FLUSA further in magazine but would have made your magazine better if articles had been reversed.
December issue contains exclusive offer two nights stay at Amberley castle from £233pp. On telephoning the hotel I was told £233 for one night stay. Who is correct?
I am appalled our First Lady has not appeared on your cover, of course Michell has appeared. I am cancelling my subscription. This is an insult to our beautiful First Lady, shame on you.
I keep getting invoices to pay $10 to Good Housekeeping. On January 25th, 2017, I sent a check for $8.00 to Good Housekeeping. That is all I agreed to. I am NOT interested in receiving any more copies of Good Housekeeping. All invoices you send, I will throw away.
Janet Butterweck
8899 Kings Highway
East Greenville, PA 18041
Worst customer service ever, behind ATT. Every number listed is disconnected or CONSTANTLY busy, with commercial loops that insist you punch in for a “free trial”. You have fallen so far and I’ve been a customer for YEARS. You owe me a credit and I can not get through to explain. Please contact me at 314-293-9920. You put an unauthorized charge on my credit card and I am about to report you for fraud. You owe me $7.97 for a cancelled subscription.
I just received my new subscription to Good Housekeeping and you sent an issue of the OCTOBER magazine. This is just not acceptable. My subscription should begin with January!
Here are some #s from the label.
I will look forward to an immediate respone. I have subscribed to this magazine for many years. It sure isn’t what it used to be.
This is the response I received when I tried to pay my bill:
We are currently experiencing system issues. Please use your back button to try again or if that doesn’t work send us an email explaining your issue to
So I am notifying you. I tried to pay with my VISA. What do I do now?
Thank you,
Geri B.
I was VERY disappointed to see Michelle Obama on yet ANOTHER magazine cover. I haven’t seen Melania Trump on one. Is she black listed?
Although I like your magazine and it’s the only one I receive I will NOT be renewing my subscription when this one runs out.
Gee… Michelle Obama on the front cover…WHY????? She is history ,thank God. When is Melania Trump going to get asked to grace your cover? I bet NEVER!!! You are just as biased and hate-filled as every other media outlet. I will never buy anything related to Good Housekeeping ever again. Shame on you!!!!!
I keep getting a bill and I didn’t order no magazines. I only signed up for a contest to win a trip. I feel this was a trick to try to get me to buy magazines. I didn’t sign up for no magazines. How do I disregard this bill I keep getting?
I keep getting a renewal for my Good Housekeeping magazine. I do not want to renew this magazine at this time. It is very disheartening to see Michele Obama on your cover. I think whoever is in charge of that department needs to rethink the purpose of the cover.
I am a subscriber to Good Housekeeping magazine. the article in January magazine. Page 21.Inspiration for your style & home. going Green. Love your
idea of using FAKE plants and layering inside a shelf unit. I am retired and worked for a wholesaler of fake flowers , trees and plants. So I like the ones that where chosen to show. Only tell your photography group Alix Campbell needed to leave out the model next time.
she is blocking the Succulent plant, & Fiddle -leaf fig.
Why use Pottery Barn to purchase them. When you have also Michael’s craft store, and Hobby Lobby. where the prices are more reasonable.
Thank you.
Who’s brilliant idea was it to put Michelle Obama on the recent cover of your magazine. It was an insult to every woman who heard her state “she was not proud to be an American”. They left the White House with more money than they dreamed of and now you’re plugging her book! Why not have all the first ladies on the cover? They did more for our country as patriotic Americans.
I missed the February 2019 issue and called to have it sent–this date of February21,2019 and all the recording would do is extend my subscription. I no longer want to continue but simply request the missing issue–you must have a few issues lying around somewhere! If I had seen the customers other comments above I would never have taken this mag. Just send the **&&^% issue and be more customer friendly instead of making us wait 10plus minutes to talk to someone!
I do not want a subscription. Your on line offers say NO PURCHASE NECESSARY for your offer of winning a trip. DO NOT SEND ME A MAGAZINE!
Do not care for it at all. I do not like Hearst. Always bait and switch. Fraudulent. Do not ever send bills again. I do not read magazines. Have sent back via mail you insist on harasinng.
I feel I have been tricked into subscribing and want to speak to someone but your customer service number rings busy constantly. HOW DO I UNSUBSCRIBE?
419 complaints really???? please cancel my subscriber.i will not pay any i have been trying to cancel for months
I have been sending my invoices back with a big Cancel on them!I DO NOT want this magazine at this time!STOP SENDING ME BILLS!
Disappointed in the renewal process of my subscription. Invoice was for $5,however, when processing on line using the information on the invoice, I was charged $9.97. Called and was connected the customer service in the Philippines. This was disappointing and it took 3 calls to try and rectify-in the end I cancelled the subscription. I wanted to add my Women’s Day to the overpayment as they had the same account no but this did not happen. Good Housekeeping was a American magazine so should use a US based service center, not Philippines. My mom would have been disappointed. I will miss the magazine. I do not support nor appreciated talking with an office in the Philippines for a US based magazine.
Account 1579327816 Barbara Winnington Please cancel this subscription. I do not want any more magazines. Please credit my account just got a bill for 19.97 and do not want these magazines and I called and canceled but still getting bills. Please email me that you have canceled and my balance is zero.