Contacting Caremark Customer Service Center
Caremark is in the business off health and wellbeing. The company, also known as CVS/Caremark or CVS, is in business to serve the health care needs of millions of customers. Caremark has more than 7,000 retail locations as well as the 600 MinuteClinics and PBM services. With such a broad range of services and such a large customer base, customer service is critical for business.
Click here to leave a comment about your customer service experience.Contact Info:
When customers want to communicate with the customer service department, there are options. Customers can communicate by phone, email or traditional mail.
Phone Contact Numbers
The customer service hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Customer Service (benefits): 1-800-552-8159
- Customer Service (online accounts): 1-877-460-7766
Mailing Address
In the event the customer service hotline is not available, customer can send correspondence by mail here:
CVS Caremark
P.O. Box 6590
Lee’s Summit, MO 64064-6590
Official Website
The official Caremark website allows customer to ensure their health and prescription benefits work for them and not the other way around. Customers have the ability to order prescriptions, receive information concerning benefits and plans, find discounts on current prescriptions, learn about medications and even ask a licensed pharmacist questions.
Customer Service Email
Customers can send an email to the customer service department, even if they are not registered on the website. There are two categories to choose from, general questions and concerns and prescription benefits. The email address here!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gnC3NzC-8gw1AfMzMXA08zH4NQQ7dgIwN_U6B8pFm8o3tYaKCBs7mZgaeziYGnUViYu6-HiaGBuxkB3X4e-bmp-gW5EeUA6oa7pQ!!/dl3/d3/L0lDU0lKSmdrS0NsRUpDZ3BSQ2dwUkNTQS9ZSVVJQUFJSUlJTU1JS0VFQUFDR09HT0NHSUJKRkpGQkpORE5EQk5ISUVBTExBISEvNEMxYjlXX05yMGdERVNaSUpSREVTWk1KUWlreVVTakVSSV9BLzdfQjg3NzhLUjFVTDY2RDBJNkwwVTFGUzIwNDYvMG1LX241OTkyMDAwMy9pYm0uaW52LzIwODA5ODkwMzMwNC9zcGZfc3RydXRzQWN0aW9uLyEyZkRldGVybWluZVN0YXJ0UGFnZS5kbyEzZlF1ZXN0aW9uVHlwZT1Ob25CZW5lZml0UXVlc3Rpb24vc3BmX0FjdGlvbk5hbWUvc3BmX0FjdGlvbkxpc3RlbmVy/ only requires a minimal amount of personal information. The company recommends using your cardholder or participant identification in order to expedite the correspondence.
If customers want a faster response, you can contact Caremark using the Facebook page or the Twitter page. We sent an email to the company regarding signing up for benefits through the site and the required identification needed. We are still awaiting a response.
Our Experience
When the health and wellbeing of customers is on the line, we expect a company to have the best customer service of any industry. Caremark indeed has one of the best customer service departments we have encountered. When we called the customer service hotline, the automated system separated the calls into registered members and non-members. This is ideal for customers wanting to receive information prior to making a decision. The wait time was less than 90 seconds and then we were speaking with a representative.
We decided to test the agent and asked questions about all of the applicable benefit plans. Without a hitch, the representative answered all of our questions. Our experience was definitely one for the books. When you had questions or concerns, did you receive the level of customer service you deserved? Share your thoughts with us.
I am writing this letter on behalf of one of your employees named CRYSTAL CAIN. First let me say that she did not ask me to submit this writing, and that I am doing so totally on my own volition. Today I called CVS Caremark after having issues with the City of Chicago concerning my insurance. I retired on May 15,2014 and my health insurance was changed over. I have yet to receive my medical card, which makes it troublesome to get my medications. I had the pleasure of speaking with Ms. Crystal Cain, who took the time to explain the procedures for getting my medications, and also making sure that my Pharmacist was inform of my insurance and prescriptions needed. Ms. Cain was highly knowledgeable of all the procedures and very informative in explaining them to me. I must admit, I hate waiting and am very impatient when holding on the phone with customer service. However, she was so pleasant and kind in her handling my call, that I had no problem waiting for her. Ms. Cain actually made me fill that my issues were her issues and that she was going to fix it for me, and this she did with a very sweet spirit. I am thankful for all that she did in this hour long conversation, and I commend her on her expertise in doing so.
Retired Police Officer
Howard A. Lindsey