Contacting Bank of America Credit Card Customer Service Center
Contacting Bank of America Credit Card Customer Service Center
The Bank of America Credit Card is one of the financial services available from Bank of America. The company is a multinational financial institution with more than 50 million customers and 5,000 locations around the world. In the event you want to voice concerns or ask questions, contact the customer service department by email, traditional mail, by phone or through social media.
Click here to leave a comment about your customer service experience.Contact Info:
Phone Contact Numbers
The customer service department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Customer Service: 1-800-732-9194
- International Customer Service: 1-757-677-4701
- Credit Card Activation: 1-800-276-9939
- TTY: 1-800-222-7365
Mailing Address
Bank of AmericaCredit Card PaymentsP.O. Box 15019Wilmington, DE 19850-5019
Bank or AmericaExpress Overnight ServicePayment Services900 Samoset DriveDE5-023-03-02Newark, DE 19713-6000
Bank of AmericaGeneral QuestionsP.O. Box 53132Phoenix, AZ 85027-3132
Bank of AmericaApplication Status InquiresBank of AmericaP.O. Box 2493Norfolk, VA 23501-2493
Bank of AmericaCredit Card QuestionsP.O. Box 982234El Paso, TX 79998-2234
Official Website
Customers visiting the official Bank of America Credit Card website can review the various types of credit cards and learn about the various types of credit. You can sign into your existing account or create a new account. After signing into your account, you can manage your account. . If you need additional questions answered, we suggest visiting the Bank of America Credit Card FAQs.
Social Media
In the event you cannot connect with the customer service department through email, traditional mail or by phone, we recommend utilizing social media. Throughout the social media pages, there are several conversations where customer concerns were addressed in a timely manner. The average response time to customer concerns was less than four (4) hours.
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Google+:
- YouTube:
- LinkedIn:
Customer Service Email
In order to send a message to the customer service department will need to sign into your existing account. If you are not a current customer, you can contact the customer service through Live Chat.
Our Experience
When you contact the customer service department by phone, you will need to input the last four (4) digits of your account number. If you do not have the available information, you will be connected to the next available customer service agent. We waited on hold for more than five (5) minutes before the agent answered the call. After the representative answered the call, we asked several questions relating to bill payment services for customers experiencing financial hardships. The agent explained the available programs and ended the call. Aside from the wait, the overall experience was fantastic. What are your thoughts pertaining to the levels of customer service? We would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
Re: Account ending in 1-4009
The statement dated 8/28/15 shows a payment by me (W D Hunt) of $728.26 but does not show a payment by P J Hunt (Check #3714 dated 8/17/15 in the amount of $1,104.70. Checking with her bank this check has not cleared. Since the payment sent by mail included both checks, I am puzzled by why her check payment was not processed.
W. D. Hunt
My card could not get funds from a bank machine and I used the correct password. I informed Visa that I would be traveling to Japan until October 22
like you to see this email i recieved shortly after being aproved for a credit card i hope you get this attachment
What I would like to know is BOAC withdrawing loans to companies who manufacture
military style guns .
if so I disagree as one of your customers. if you do this then I may be looking for another card company. as a company you do not represent all the people I am sure.