Contact Jeep Customer Service

Contacting Jeep Customer Service Center

Jeep is an automobile company operating in the United States, Mexico and Canada. When we first searched for contact information we were immediately sent to the 24 hour Towing Service provided by Jeep. While this information is important for Jeep owners, we are looking for a bit more information than the number for a towing department.

to leave a comment about your customer service experience.

Contact Info

Contact information for Jeep customer service is available, but finding the right contact person can be a struggle of sorts. On the Jeep contact page there is a list of questions or statements. Based on the one you click, you are taken to a different bit of information.

Phone Contact Numbers

The Jeep customer service department is open from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Monday to Friday and 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Saturday and Sunday. All hours are EST. Towing is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • 24 Hour Towing: 1-800-521-2779
  • Customer Assistance: 1-877-426-5337

Mailing Address

Chrysler Group Customer Care
P.O. Box 21-8004
Auburn Hills, MI 48321-8004

Official Website

The Jeep official website is all about the automobile company. You can access the official website at If you’re interested in learning more about the Jeep company or the current available models you’ll have no trouble accessing that information. Customer service, however, is not as predominant. Located at the far bottom of the front page is a small link that reads Contact Us. That is the only reference on the front page to customer service contact information.

Jeep is a socially forward company with pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

Customer Service Email

No customer service email is listed on the Jeep customer service website, but there is a contact form. Customers can use this form to directly communicate with customer service, but what about questions customers want to send without heading to the official website to find this form? We asked the customer service department, via the contact form, for a customer service email that Jeep owners can use for questions. When we hear back from Jeep, we’ll tell you the details.

Our Experience

We called the Jeep customer service center. The call was answered by an automated system that asked us to make an option among several departments. Customer service requires holding and making no choices at all. The call was answered in less than one minute by Carl, a Jeep customer service representative. We asked Carl for the address of the nearest Jeep service center and he took a bit of information from us about our location and he found the nearest address within minutes. The agent was extremely engaged in our call and answered our question quickly.

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5 Comments on “Contact Jeep Customer Service
  1. Via Crusis para Servicio

    El Dia 3 de septiembre visite su taller de servicio Jeep para una cita ya que no sabia que habian

    cambiado de nombre y no lo consequia en la guia. Cuando lleque estuve esperando mas de media hora de

    que alquien me atendiera me pasaban por el lado ni los buenos dias me daban y preguntar si me estaban

    atendiendo al cabo de un buen rato esperando como un huerfano alquien se apiado ya que tuve que

    preguntar quien podia atenderme un empleado me llevo con Jannette Sifonte. Le explique que buscaba

    una cita y me refierio a una empleada que daba cita y que en varias ocasiones me paso por el lado sin

    saludar y ni preguntar si me estaban atendiendo, me dieron la cita para el dia 6 de septiembre. Di toda la

    informacion de lo que aquejaba al vehiculo Grand Cherokee 2006. Espere hasta el dia 10 de septiembre y

    comence a llamar para saber el estatus del mencionado vehiculo pero todos mis intentos tanto llamando

    por el celular 640-8559 luego dejando mensajes de texto pero todo fue en vano… al dia

    siquiente Jannette me llamo disculpandose de que estaba libre ese dia me estuvo raro ya que en

    companias en la que he trabajado en la cual se provee un celular al empleado se deja en la compania

    en manos del departamento y se le informa de los trabajos que se tiene pendiente para que alquien los

    continue y no se pierda el hilo de lo que se hace… me informo que me llamaria durante el dia sobre

    progreso del chequeo del carro pero eso nunca ocurrio… se me llamo miercoles para decirme que el

    problema reportado con el caldan, el tecnico necesitaba abrirlo para diagnosticar y que el trabajo

    iba a costar 360.00 para saber que tenia esa pieza y que los 88.00 no cubrian eso me llamo para

    pedir autorizacion a ver si yo me responsabilidaba por el cargo de ese trabajo. Yo le dije que no ya

    que no iba a pagar una cantidad asi para diagnostico ya que ningun taller me hacia un trabajo asi a ese

    precio para diagnosticar algo asi. Luego el viernes 14 de septiembre se me volvio a llamar para

    informarme que el trabajo a hacer en el vehiculo pasaba de los 7,000.00 me recomendo que lo mejor

    que puedo hacer es dar el vehiculo en trading y que me podian consequir un buen precio, en el vehiculo.

    Informe que el sabdo 15 de septiembre iria para alla a hablar personalmente sobre el carro y me menciono

    que no habia problema. LLame el 15 para que enviaran el shuttle para ir al taller pero se me informo que

    el shuttle no trabaja los sabados y asi que informe que entonces pasaria por alla el lunes 17.

    El lunes 17 durante la manana llame al 640-8559 el celular me enviaba al contestador rapido

    asumi que estaba apagado y envie mensajes de texto mas tarde me acorde de la situacion anterior de

    que estaba libre asi que decidi probar suerte con el 787-753-3000 la cual pedi a la recepcionista que me

    pasara con alquien que atienda en el taller los cual en innumerables ocasiones me pasaba a diferentes

    oficina pero no habia nadie alli para atenderme… me disculpe con la recepcionista por estar llamando

    en tantas ocasiones decidi tratar suerte con el gerente pero corri igual suerte no habia nadie para

    atenderme. Volvi a molestar a la recepcionista le esplique que nadie me podia atender y que necesita

    solo un shuttle para que me recogieran y entonces ella tuvo la gentileza de pasarme con la persona

    encargada de recoger a los clientes.

    Ya al medio dia despues de un rato me encuentro con un empleado que me informa que espere

    en la sala de espera en lo que buscaba mi vehiculo… despues de un rato veo que no llega asi que

    vuelvo al area de recibo y a esperar de nuevo que alquien aparesca aparece el empleado con una hoja

    para pagar lo ojee pero no tenia informacion de cotizacion pense que me lo daban en caja… fui a pagar

    y cuando me di cuenta que no me daban nada adicional pregunte que si los 88.00 era solo esos

    papeles sin ninguna informacion adicional….le comente si ella pagaria dinero por hoja sin informacion.

    me sugirio que fuera a la persona que me dio los papeles y le preguntara le hice el mismo comentario

    con su mirada atonita fue a ver que encontraba volvio con unos papeles que asumo es lo que llenan los

    mecanicos con precio escritos a mano, volvio a trabajar para preparar una cotizacion mas o menos mientras

    yo leia la oja que me dieron todo lo que se reporto decia CNA REPARACION/DIAGNOSTICO NO

    AUTORIZADO cuando lo unico que no autorice fur lo del axle rear para abrirlo y con eso asumieron

    ello sin discutir precios conmigo a ver que mas se podia hacer. Me entrego la persona la cotizacion

    Yamil Langa que gracias por tu tiempo hizo lo que pudo y me entrego una cotizacion. Le mencione que

    para no irme con las manos vacias habia un problema con las luces de adentro que no prendian al abrir

    las puertas, se tomo las molestia de chequear el problema de ensenarme donde es que se controlaban

    y gracias a el ya tengo luz dentro del vehiculo de lo contrario me hubiera ido igual que cuando lleve

    el carro a chequear y con 88.00 dolares menos me senti cuando a uno lo asaltan sin recibir NADA A CAMBIO.

    De esa forma se le quita a uno las gana de volver ya que cuando estaba triangle jeep el servicio

    era de excelencia nunca tuve una queja con ellos. Les sugiero que le quiten los celulares a los empleados

    y les den telefonos inalambricos conectados a los telefonos de sus respectivas oficinas asi la comunicacion

    no se pierde. Y mantener comunicacion con los companeros de los trabajos que se quedan pediente.

    Mi gente las cotizaciones no se discuten por telefono y en personas se buscan alternativas de lo que se puede

    arreglar no se me dio oportunidad de pensar en nada, da la impresion que el unico interes es quedarse con los

    88.00 y no dar un servicio a lo cual estaba acostumbrado a recibir antes de auto group. adjunto les envio una

    copia de lo que me dieron y luego una copia de la cotizacion….evaluen si estuvo bien. Tan pronto consiga

    la direccion de servicio al cliente de Estados Unidos de Jeep les hare llegar una copia del mismo.



    customer 7879981315

  2. Dear Sir/Madam,


    I would like to share with you my very unpleasant experience with Chrysler Egypt.


    I am the unfortunate owner of a Jeep Wrangler (DA4BJ3AG2D4002656, 36867 km)since November 2013, bought brand new. After the very first 6 months (approximately 15000 kilometers) I started noticing a squealing noise in the rear wheels of the car every time I used the brakes, to which I reacted immediately by going to the official Chrysler dealer and service provider in Egypt (Ezz El Arab). The issue was diagnosed as “loose” parts, which they mentioned was tightened, but unfortunately did not solve the noise as I immediately discovered one day after. I returned to Ezz el Arab again at the nearest opportunity then again about a month later with absolutely no improvement every time.

    I was told statements like “this is a standard defect in Jeep”, “this is because of dust”…etc. and several other excuses to which I was really astonished of the incompetence of the service center to say the least.


    After several failed attempts I filed a complaint in the main “Ezz El Arab” service center in Abu Rawash, to which I was asked to bring the car one more time.


    After a week of inspection, I was told that they have identified the root cause as worn rear axels, requiring change of both the axels within guarantee.


    This was very strange especially, that my use of the car would be described as very light city driving with Zero off-roading and Zero accidents.


    The following day, I was told again that it was actually the rear left axel that was defective, and that they would only change that part, but still within guarantee.


    After 10 days with the car held at the service center, they finally told me that they will change the axel within the guarantee and have send a report to Chrysler with all the videos and measurements proving the defect and mentioning that the car does not show any signs of abnormal use or accidents. Attached is the email sent by Ezz El Arab to Chrysler with the investigation report and mentioned findings.


    To my shock, it took 2 days after that to physically change the part, after which, and again to my shock, I was informed that Chrysler has refused to cover the cost of the repair, under the claim that this is an unusual one and I would have to cover at least the cost of the part, while they would relief me of the repair cost and provide a 5% discount out of compassion and belief that Chrysler’s decision was not fair!


    During the debate, the main message that I was being given, was “this is not Ezz El Arab’s problem, this is Chrysler’s and that I have to take it with the latter”…


    All my attempts to explain the concept of customer service, or the responsibility of the main dealer and service provider towards customers failed miserably and were responded to by statements like “you will not teach us what to do with our job” & “too bad you don’t like, but it’s ok, we will not please all customers”, all mentioned by the head maintenance Engineer, Mr. Sayed.!


    My level of appall and frustration is unprecedented and I never ever imagined that I would have to deal with such incompetence and lack of understanding of the basics of customer service at a global auto manufacturer like Chrysler.


    Out of the small, but eroding, left confidence that this is not the standard or acceptable way for Chrysler to deal with its customers directly or through their main dealers, I write this to you, requesting immediate intervention to quickly remedy the current situation, knowing that my car is still at Ezz El Arab and I refuse to receive it until this situation is resolved.


    I appreciate your time and hope that I would not have to escalate this further through the official channels.


  3. Jeeps SUCK! I am going to post on all social media! My 2016 Jeep Cherokee has been in the service department five times for the same issue (case # 33844068) and they can not fix it. Now Jeep corporate says this does not warrant lemon law. When I am driving on the highway the car has trouble getting into gear then sometimes shuts off! I guess JEEP can careless about someone safety and do not care if I get killed! This is ridiculous


  5. Jeep should have made the Jeepster years ago….I think it one of the coolest vehicles out there and has been for years…In wanted to post a pic but the site won’t let me….

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